Another Boost for Battery Storage Sites
Louise Sutton
Managing Director - Chartered Surveyor, Real Estate. Solution Driven I Create Value I Unlocking development potential.
This time, from the Secretary of State, who has granted planning permission for a 50 megawatt solar scheme and battery storage facility on a 60 hectare site in Mid Devon. In reaching her decision, the Secretary of State agreed with the Inspector and afforded “significant weight” to the production of electricity. This outweighed the “very limited weight” given to the landscape and visual impacts of the proposed scheme.?
Is this signalling better news for renewable energy and battery storage? Amidst the mixed messages from government in recent times, we’ve spotted another couple of positive decisions.
In South Staffordshire, an Inspector has granted planning permission for a new 50 MW facility on land adjacent to an existing substation in Wolverhampton. She was satisfied that “very special circumstances” exist to justify development in the Green Belt (decision letter hyperlink).
Similarly in Selby, an Inspector was convinced that a 320 MW facility would deliver “very substantial benefits” that “clearly outweigh” any potential harm to the Green Belt (decision letter hyperlink).
So what can we take from this? The energy message is hitting home. Battery storage is being supported at the highest levels of decision making, on greenfield and even, Green Belt sites. This trend will need to continue if the UK is to meet its target of net zero.
Do you have a site that may be suitable for power storage or are you looking for this kind of site? Speak to our specialists at BTS.