Another aspirational pathway
Rebecca White
A third sector expert, I facilitate participative workshops & support on all aspects of strategy, sustainability & impact. Drawing on my CEO experience, I include ALL voices - boards, teams & beneficiaries. Trustee.
Another fantastic pathway to aspire to from Anna Whalan at CLG. Time moves on so quickly we never got round to implementing the last one! If only that was the reason it didn't happen. On the face of it this pathway is so obvious and so simple. And yet our structures and local politics make is so hard and seemingly unachievable. At Your Own Place we're a preventative service, but that doesn't mean there won't always be people requiring high quality support at the crisis end of the homelessness spectrum. We want to get down stream on this pathway and into schools and re-visit the outdated notion of getting a one-bedroom council flat at 18. To ensure professionals give the right advice and manage the right expectations among young homeless people we need to provide visible new solutions with better outcomes and realistic pathways.