For another article that I'm being quoted in in -UPJOURNEY a major online lifestyle and success magazine and portal stateside...
Tracy Lamourie
Lamourie Media, Executive Producer and Intl Award Winning Cannes accredited Publicist - Featured : Rolling Stone, NBC TV, CBC, Huff Post & over 250 TV, radio, podcast & panel appearances
For another article that I'm being quoted in in -UPJOURNEY a major online lifestyle and success magazine and portal stateside, the reporter writing an article on CONFIDENCE and ARROGANCE asked me how to tell the difference between the two in celebrities and other successful people. I gave a short answer, she just asked met to expand it to a longer more detailed response for the article she is writing, so I sent this :
"As someone who works with powerful, accomplished, award-winning people across industries and around the world I have seen a lot of truly inspiring confidence -- and, unfortunately - some truly disturbing arrogance. People often mistake confidence and arrogance, but they are not actually the same at all. Those who have the unpleasant experience of an encounter with a truly arrogant person will very quickly recognise the difference. Here are the telltale signs that will help you tell one from the other - whether the behaviour in question is that of a client, an employer, or a co- worker in the business world, a friend or family member in your personal life - or even your own.
Arrogance is the purview of the small person trying to seem large, the mouse trying to roar like a lion, often to make up for unexpressed insecurities. It is sadly obvious, ego driven and often comes from a deep need to be acknowledged, or an anger at not being the centre of attention. The arrogant will often fly into what can only be described as a rage if their authority is questioned - it is a character flaw and a weakness.
Confidence, by contrast, is knowing you have the skills and ability to do something as well or better than anyone else can, and not being shy to put yourself out there and tell others what you can do. It's a strength - truly the basis for success in anything you want to do - the first step to accomplishment. "