Another Academic Year Comes to an End
At this time of the year I like to reflect on the amazing successes that have come from the College and its students. 2016/17 has been another exciting, challenging, successful and busy year. We had confirmation just a couple of weeks ago that our National Achievement Rates for all ages (85.7%) and apprenticeships (78.4%) are top of the table for Greater Manchester GFE Colleges.
Often we know what a great job we do, but for it to be acknowledged within the sector is very special and important. This year, Salford City College and its students have won or been shortlisted for many awards:
Educate North – FE College of the Year, Educate North – External Relations Team of the Year, AoC – Adult Apprentice of the Year, AoC – Shortlisted – Assessor of the Year, Shortlisted – Salford Business Awards – Employer of the Year, BTEC IT and Computing Student of the Year 2017, BTEC Science Student of the Year 2017, Health Education England’s National Widening Participation Awards - Partnership & Collaboration Award
There have been a number of great events including our Annual Awards Evening, Annual Review, Ambassadors Meal, Inter-School Competitions and we end the year on a high with Music in the Quays. An evening of superb musical performances whilst overlooking Salford Quays is certainly an evening not to be missed. The Annual Awards is a highlight for me personally and hearing the achievements that students make whilst with us is perhaps the most rewarding part of the job. I was personally delighted that our Student of the Year was Yaz Mir. As well as being dedicated to her studies, Yaz started a cookery enrichment class for other students and taught them each Wednesday afternoon. The curry and smoothies were amazing!
We have seen amazing new facilities at each of our centres. Saf Arfan (Vice Principal) and his dedicated team have done a superb job. Our students have a Digital Learning Zone at each centre, new cafes and social areas, new art studios and new animal enclosures - well a new zoo really! You can see some of the great facilities on our new DVD.
Salford City College is made of fantastic staff. We have said goodbye to John Spindler our CEO/Principal of two years and I personally thank him for his support, he has been a great leader. Other staff have left to new ventures and I wish them all every success. Of course I am looking forward to enrolment already!