Another 5 Uncomplicated Things You Can Do To Generate More New Business
Larry Easto
I Help Self-Employed Professionals Market & Grow Their Service Businesses | Marketing Coach | Author of 30+ Books & Online Video Courses | Sharing Practical Strategies for Authentic Business Growth |
With this list, we will reach and pass, the halfway point of the list of 25 things to start doing to generate more new business.
By way of quick review, here are the past 10 things to start.
·??????Open Your Mind To Change
·??????Become More Mindful
·??????Listen More Than You Talk
·??????Gather As Much Accurate Relevant, Information As Possible
·??????Share Helpful Information
·??????Under-promise and Over-deliver
·??????Use Storytelling To Help Educate Your Audience
·??????Customize Third Party Solutions
·??????Reach out To Strangers Strategically & Effectively
Today’s 5 uncomplicated things to do:
15. Keep In Touch
Think of the quote attributed Homer,
out of sight out of mind.
In other words … if people do not see something or someone for a period of time, they stop thinking about that something or someone.
From a marketing perspective, this means when your network contacts and clients don’t see you, they stop thinking about.??And more often than not, this means fewer referrals and less new business.
Keeping in touch with contacts and client helps these people remember how great you are at serving and satisfying clients.?
It’s also all those little…and not so little... things you do to keep your name top of mind in your area of expertise.
Like reaching out to strangers, keeping in touch is is one of the four best authentic marketing strategies for service professionals.
14. Do What You Do Best, Delegate The Rest
Popular with efficiency experts and management consultants alike, this piece of advice is as relevant to the task of generating new business as it is to managing any kind of organization, larger or small.
However, as is the case with all gems of wisdom, it’s easier said than done.
Take for example, the instruction to delegate the rest.
Just how exactly does a one-person business go about delegating anything?
For starters, it means considering the act of delegation to include assigning responsibility for completing a specific task to someone outside the one-person business.
Applying that broader meaning here are five possible delegation techniques:
1.??????Barter: you and some else swap services with no money exchanged.?For example, you look after my bookkeeping and I will look after your advertising
2.??????Internship: in exchange for a someone else performing routine tasks, you help that person learn more about your area of expertise
3.??????Joint Venture: as part of the venture, why not build in a mutually beneficial barter element?
4.??????Referral:?ideal for offering more service options to clients, referral could also lead to barter and/or joint venture relationships.
5.??????Subcontracting: ?this common approach to hiring someone for a specific task or function can now be expanded beyond your immediate geographic area.?And not only that, you can get good quality, low cost help through websites, like Fiverr and Upwork. Also, several online agencies can match you with a virtual assistant to whom you can delegate much of your routine work.
Having opened the door to potential delegation opportunities, anything else come to mind for you?
In terms of doing what you do best, why not leverage your strengths?
13. Listen Carefully
Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.
Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood. As a result, communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated.
If there is one communication skill you should aim to master, then listening is it. …
This is not surprising when you consider that good listening skills can lead to better customer satisfaction, greater productivity with fewer mistakes, and increased sharing of information that in turn can lead to more creative and innovative work.
Many successful leaders and entrepreneurs credit their success to effective listening skills. Richard Branson frequently quotes listening as one of the main factors behind the success of Virgin.
Source: Skills You Need
12. Deliver Memorable Client Experiences
When you are good at what you do, it looks easy to do your work. And the better you become, the more routine your work appears.
While this may improve your efficiency, it also raises the very real risk of clients undervaluing your work.
To minimize, if not totally eliminate this risk, shift your clients' attention from your efficiency to the value that they receive from your service.
The value that service professionals deliver to clients is help in making the transformation from where they are to where they want to be.
By shifting the attention to the value that clients receive, you will maintain a strong client focus for your service.
Invariably, a strong client focus leads to improved quality service and increased client satisfaction, each of which helps generate more repeat and referral business.
To increase clients' awareness of the value they are receiving, recognize the progress they are making in their individual transformations.
11. Showcase Your Best Self
Regardless of your experience in marketing, you probably recognize that marketing services is so much more than just advertising and selling.
Strategically, it’s about identifying and attracting ideal clients so that you can serve and satisfy them.?Ideally your services will satisfy clients enough that they will return for repeat business and also refer others to you.
One of your most effective tools for attracting new clients is to showcase your best stuff.
In effect, your personal brand distinguishes you from the competition.?This process includes identifying and leveraging your best stuff to help clients and referral sources understand the benefits that your distinctiveness delivers.
Your personal brand doesn’t just tell your audience how good you are, it helps them understand why your best stuff is the right stuff for them.
This article is the third in a series of five that will offer 25 suggestions for things to start doing in order to generate more new business.
This series of articles is the second element of a three-part process to help service professionals like you generate more new business.
The first element was a series of five articles that offered 25 suggestions for things to stop doing in order to generate more new business.
The third element is a free 7-day marketing training program in which you will learn new skills and concepts to help generate more of the new business that you want and deserve.