Anomalous Mental Phenomenon – Classical Criminology – 4
Creative Intelligence

Anomalous Mental Phenomenon – Classical Criminology – 4 Creative Intelligence

Anomalous Mental Phenomenon – Classical Criminology – 4

Creative Intelligence - by Randy Gonzalez

???? To initiate the direction, the creative inference within suggests the necessity for the fascinating realms of pseudoscience. And that includes the "social studies arena", which refers primarily to academia. Aside from all the arrogance of pretentious "social scientists", all are pseudoscience until real science submits the evidentiary substantiation. No negativity is offered in the use of "pseudo" in this application. On the contrary, such an adventure explores human existence and invokes the central message of creativity. For that which is unknown, the specificity of data-driven sufficiency, which is accepted by the scientific community, remains highly relevant to real science, or for some, the "hard sciences", astrophysics, biology, chemistry, and physics are offered as examples. For the more sensitive among us, the "soft sciences" (seriously?), or the areas of metaphysics, there are the dominant philosophies of criminology, psychology, sociology, and theology. In these areas of ideology, caution is always warranted.

???? With criminology in particular, the standard issue definition from one encyclopedic source cites the alleged scientific study of crime and delinquency. Additionally, such studies supposedly include prevention, correction, causes, etc. Immediately, an observation ensues. What is meant by "scientific study"? There is serious debate about that assertion. Nonetheless, take "crimen" (accusation) and connect it to "logia" (reason), and you have "crimen-logia", or eventually criminology. Is that an accusation of reason? At any rate, many want to claim that it is a scientific endeavor. Like the other academic suspects mentioned earlier, it is not science. Instead, it is a metaphysical adventure where philosophical viewpoints are explored. With criminology and numerous schools of thought, perspectives are diverse.

???? Criminologists at least have very divergent backgrounds, and the philosophies take from other pseudoscience adventures. Further, practitioner criminologists (e.g., law enforcement) and theoretical criminologists exist. As to the former, they operate in the real world of human interaction. Regarding the latter, they typically have no field experience and relate issues based on what others have done. Sometimes, they are referred to as non-practitioners, which often presents challenges for real-world practitioners. Questions come up. For the pseudosciences, does this mean the application of scientific methodology? Do criminologists (who are they?) think they are scientists of some sort? For some, as herein, practitioners of criminological studies are preferred as references to those who have worked in reality.

???? There are no scientists except those from those involved in hard-core sciences and the medical field. If calling the social studies realm "science" makes one feel better about himself or herself, then maybe that is okay. Perhaps such notions help a person in the eventual process of self-evolution because they feel good and promote the illusion of science. Yet, it is not authentic, and serious introspection should be ensured. Maybe therapy and a more profound assessment of personal viewpoint are warranted. That ought to trigger an immediate review of what a person believes. Such exertion requires a deep and dark analysis of oneself. Again, how much real science has a metaphysician experienced? In the forensic sciences of practical scientific application, this means lots of scientific application. Otherwise, it is all a matter of speculative inquiry. Opinion, rumor, and gossip are the lowest forms of evidentiary discovery.

???? In the aftermath of a horrific incident, such becomes fascinating when pundits and politicians summon the local collegiate "psychologist". With a straight face, well-choreographed body language, and emotion, the "psychic" is asked to speculate on the "motive". Let us see what their credentials are. But wait, it gets better; some "diagnostic" templates will be hastily hatched. Plus, the fortune teller will have the moment in the spotlight. Many put great value on the speculations of others regardless of whether or not science is involved. Opinion is simply someone's expression of a portion of their belief system. Meanwhile, back at ground zero, the laborious effort of thinking critically in a profoundly analytic manner challenges bare-knuckled reality. In an article in a nature publication, a skeptical inquirer reviews the concept of becoming resilient in a strange world of earthly existence. Critical analysis requires exceptional diligence.

???? Insisting upon existing on a planet of unpredictability is the alien from another galaxy trying to figure out naturalistic complexity. However, the life form finds that he or she was originally of earthly origin, and the horrors unfold. This is a reference to the multidimensional aspects of creative intelligence. Part is becoming a well-differentiated, non-anxious presence in the discerning process of self-evolution. A visitor for a brief time, the landscape is deceptive, as dangers hide everywhere. Real and imagined, chaos, randomness, and dangers lurk across a diverse spectrum of human interactivity. Scams, schemes, and swindles leer salaciously in the shadows. Silent and noisy forms roam with dangerous intentions and surprising manifestations. Yet, some will prevail and transform with mature ascendency. Others, or most everyone else, will falter and succumb to a zombie-like existence, conforming to herded complicity. For the few, perhaps call them warriors of a special kind, their mindset becomes bulletproof.

???? Creative intelligence is a metaphor for all the manifestations that contribute to the purposeful transformation of oneself. To use the phrase is to embrace a maze of psychobiological intricacies within each person's individuality. No one is the same or has a similar mission. It is highly introspective in one aspect and potently amative in yet another. And the fragmentations of the psyche are extraordinary. Bringing those into an alliance for the unique maturation of the individual is an extraordinary adventure. To rise above the degrading morass of commonality in contrived consensus, where consumerism is more important than conscience, requires a daring dive into the darkness. Such self-willed impetus requires courage and discipline to prevail. The cowardly among us will not accept the adventure and go on the trek. For most of the populace, the quest barely extends beyond the "glory days" of grade school.

???? With no well-defined transition, coming-of-age point of departure, or rites of passage, juvenile narcissism feels good beyond the playground. Peter Pan embraces the antics of immature perspectives to never change. Older stay child-like for most, as the adult child refuses to grow up, but at the same instant in time, forsakes the child's creativity. Grasping incompetently at the shreds of fading time, the child in the adult body produces nothing beyond that of an infant. For the sparks of creativity that become blazing bonfires of raging innovation, the kindling smolders, fades, and burns out. Idiocy abounds, and stupidity confounds, but the comedy of the foolishness devolves into a carnival of dying sounds. Tediously boring, sleep-inducing, and mentally stagnant, the lack of creativity permeates mainstream society. So invasive is the "never grow up" regurgitation that one template fits everything. The tire is round and keeps getting reinvented.

???? Reality TV is unreality and follows the same formula over and over again. Movies and other genres follow in hot pursuit to ensure that redundancy is consistent. Nearly every aspect of culture repeats what happened in another timeline. Nothing changes, with perhaps a few alterations here and there to make it all look good. For ghosts, goblins, and gremlins, the amative persistence is salacious in the intent of primordial stagnation. Why not be different? There lies the challenge of being awakened by a self-ignition of an idea. Deception is all too convenient for those who masquerade by continually scapegoating external forces as the blame. Getting beyond the initial point in the thrust of internal instigation is getting deep inside individuality. Yet, many prefer the warm comfort of weakness. Moving beyond purposeful provocation, performing what exorcism is needed for the excuses emerges into the next progression. A contrivance, a work, a thought is in its potentiality. Profound introspection is always needed.

???? In that struggle to bring about the next move, the conflict ensues between what is part male and what is part female. A duality confronts the reality of psychic motivational factors. Creativity vies between the two until such a point that the union is consummated. As a wholeness, the competency derives impetus from the ability to self-evolve. One psychic researcher (a medical doctor turned psychiatrist) at the dawn of the 20th century remarked favorably about the child-like antics of a famous 15th-century painter. Also, an inventor, the artist was described as a highly creative personality who had not lost a child's creativity. Caution peeks around the corner at the mere utterance of something akin to being like a youngster. Certainly, it is one thing to act like a self-absorbed adolescent with profound narcissistic tendencies. By contrast, it is quite another sense of the meaning not to forget the imaginatively creative potential of formative transformation. Refusing to grow up and mature by one's force of will is dangerously selfish.

???? However, that symbolic reference to earlier stages is relevant for seeking higher realms of psycho-physical-spiritual transformation. Those who choose not to change and remain committed to contrived consensus can make their own choices. Determining the nature of personal creativity is part of an individualized mission. It is the essence of the quest. Persistent labor demands much introspective attentiveness for the creatively intellectual process to unfold. Solitude helps in progress. Herding into the fleecing of the flock distracts from individual relevance. In a modern context and the not-so-hallowed halls of higher ed, examples abound regarding the psychodynamic floggings of contrived consensus. Alleged "peer review" is a good example. Yet, many other references can be found in mainstream society and the bloated gluttony of consumptive consumerism. Incessant appeals to “authority” can be dangerous.

???? And, in the continuation of that point, the business world and political institutions are no exceptions to the notions of manufactured consent. Mass marketing, for instance, is another example, as advertising takes on the aura of a "snake oil" salesman where big tech plays a role. Comfort, ease, consumption, but not so much in the individuation of creativity. Like other examples, technology reflects the subtlety of the "Frankenstein monster". Every pretentious creator attempting to create a duplicate of himself or herself often fails. Technology aids and abets the fomenting fruition of those deadly "monsters from the Id". A thought springs forward into the forefront of consciousness, and then what? Where does it go from there? What does it become? Most often, as historians and philosophers note, the creative process stops there. The idea does not transform into the purposeful stages of development.

???? Something stifles the progression. From an online "academy of philosophy", adherents proselytize the efficacy of power in the creative process. Examples showcase those seemingly strange antics of now-famous artists, inventors, and political thinkers. An immediate reaction to these allegedly creative personalities might be one of wonderment as to their eccentricities. Appearing uncanny and unconventional, creative people go against the normative constraints of conventional fixation. Like the creative process, inventiveness unfolds from an inner drive to unleash the selectivity of psychic forces. Behind the initial stages of ideation, as synapsis fire neural energies, a specter of doubt leers menacingly. In echoes from the depth of darkness, resistance creeps close. A debate ensues by which psychological warfare devolves. Voice stirs the challenges from divergent partitions. Creative potential is under attack. Energies of thought radiate throughout the complexity of the cerebral conduits.

???? A philosophical perspective paints a portrait of anxious moments that cloudy the otherwise illuminating probability of imaginative innovation. Most stop themselves at the first sign of resistance and fail to move forward in the transformative processes. As to that, artistic personalities learn that opposition will always be a ghostly presence over time. Opposing forces attempt to fill the inner realms of psychic contemplation. On the outside, looking around the landscape of social interactivity, the other forces are lying in wait. Snares of one sort or another devise various ways and means to interfere with positive progression. Critics are everywhere in every venue. From arts and entertainment to business enterprises and political institutions, detractors perpetuate divisiveness whenever possible. Such actions are premeditated, intentional, and with malice aforethought for their purposeful selfishness. To ponder that, there are no excuses, alibis, or scapegoating acts of cowardice.

???? Bravery supersedes fearful anxiety, jealousy, and hypocrisy in others. Ingenuity accepts that others will project their dysfunctions and shortcomings on others who behave in resourceful ways. As some researchers have pointed out, those prone to explore their creativity tend to move outside superficially contrived constraints. They resist the "norms" artificially manufactured to control the herd. Creative personalities prefer "chaos" to "order" in a philosophical context. That is meant in a metaphorical aspect and is incumbent upon the circumstances involved. One writer from the past century suggested that creativity involves the "chaos" within, which stimulates inventiveness. For the artistic soul (or scientist), there is the necessity to be captured in a realm of complete absorption. From a historical admonition, embrace the dark side.

???? An artist, of one seduction or another, expounds upon his or her proclivities in various ways and means. Boldness surfaces from the same shadowy confines of the inner realm to compete with the other voices of gloom and doom. One researcher, with a Freudian slant but contemporary progressiveness, asserts the warning that stupid people will interfere with the creative process. Unlike the youngling of formative antiquity, in their particular bent, that existential flare of inventiveness yearns to ejaculate its primal gush. As alluded to earlier, some argue that we "war with ourselves" to thwart the relative euphoria that springs from the eternal nature of inspiration. Despite self-doubt, a few will fight back and wrestle salaciously with their doubting selves. It is enough to do that, yet also deal with those who jealously sabotage from surrounding externalities. Most will quit. Others will whine, complain, and moan about their amative shortcomings. A prevailing onslaught comes from the impotence of those in opposition.

???? An example of the importance of such anti-creative forces in mainstream culture is the power of the "psychics" in collusion with corporatists and politicians.? Of course, not all such entities are evil, but many are because they are human. An entire commercialized industry of the "psychological industrial medical pharmaceutical" complex (PIMP) contrives the power, manipulation, and control of social fabrication. In many ways, those who are more eccentric than others but pursue the freedom of their creativity become "diagnosed" with contrived affliction. Those terrifying specters inside, fomenting the chaos of pre-creativity, come to the surface in fascinating expressions. Acting out in different manifestations, others see that as a form of deviant behavior. For most of the mainstream, who are more inclined to be obedient and subservient, conformity must be enforced. Templated confines that profanely oppress prescribed behaviors upon the few constrain any deviation from fictional norms.

????? Entering this stage play come the "PIMP' forces. Visionary antics require intense absorption in the act of creativity for an extended period, which circumvents mass consensus for those less inclined.? Censorship is but one example. Political correctness is another. For example, those in politics or bureaucratic systems want things simple, consistent, and contained in a controlled context. However, it is the wild, eccentric, and so on that any good leader wants to have around. That is because the divergence changes the balance of the "way we have always done it". Most organizations do not want either transparency or thinking outside the box. While the magical notions of creativity may come from such mystically bizarre sources, sameness is the consistency of redundant replication. Or, better yet, regurgitations of the same old stuff.

???? Climbing into a time machine and flashing back to a different timeline, the power of creativity can be represented in an ancient example. As an allegory for the present day, a feudal culture between the 12th and 19th centuries evolved a tiered approach to social organization. In contrast to European cultural transitions, the Japanese system expressed a more divergent typology. A differentiation of ability and competency to be productive unfolded of the four-tiered system.? Compared to the West, where the working class was stationed at the bottom, Samurai culture approached things differently. Merchants, the moneymaking class, those who do not produce but sell commodities, were relegated to the lowest levels of the social order. Taking that representation into the 21st century, could that have applicable replication? A fascinating range of speculation ensues. Back in the earlier centuries, philosophical ideations placed significant emphasis on the conceptual framework of creativity. As such, artisans were placed higher in the social strata. Emphasis on originality in innovation was respected.

???? Artists, farmers, fisheries, etc., were considered more important to the communal interactivity than the merchants. People who were creative, innovative, and artistic took higher status. That is fascinating and strikes a stark contrast to modern American society. Mass marketing and the pursuit of profit by any means poses an interesting analysis of the worship of consumer culture. Of the most reverence and highest prestige, the samurai held that position. The warrior class was greatly respected. While shopkeepers of various sorts, the "business class", held the lowest respect, warriors were treated very differently. A momentary pondering traverses to the current realm, where American policing appears under attack. Parables and symbolism can be fun. No system is perfect because people are involved. More often than not, people will choose their interests over those of others. Naturally, no storytelling is foolproof, and several variables and exceptions are absent. Thorough scrutiny invites wiser expectations.

???? The point relates to the essentiality of creatively enhancing one's intellectual capacity beyond one's incestuous relationship with one's cell phone. As opposed to frequent "phone-gases", creativity expresses the potency of bio-sexuality across a multidimensional realm. Embracing the darkness, going to deeper places of haunting revelations, and indulging the fantasies stir the tempest of productive eccentricity. Yet, most will retreat rather than engage. Cowardice precludes the progression of divergent inspiration. Eventually, visionary ideation emerges in a variety of skill sets. Skillfulness is only a part of it, as "mindset", or a way of thinking beyond the normal framework, becomes the transcendent quality of existence.


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