The anointing on our lives should increase
Christopher Jesudason
Advisor - Marketing at VOC Port Authority ( One of the Major and busiest Harbour !
The anointing on our lives should increase
In Ezekiel 7:9 we see a title of the Lord that many do not want to hear "Lord who Strikes" means one who punishes with judgment. In the 8th chapter of Ezekiel, the Lord showed Ezekiel the idol worship in the temple that caused Him to leave Judah.
God showed Ezekiel the secret sins that were going on among God's people. God will give words to a true prophet to reveal secret sins among His people that others do not know about.
In 1 Corinthians 14:24,25 we read about a congregation. In it When people speak prophetically a stranger comes in and sees the secrets of his heart revealed to him. He falls down and confesses that God is in that assembly. Every church should be like that. We should all aspire to prophesy like that.
People worshiped idols and women cried out to the goddess Tammuz. That is, they were doing the unholy hooliganism that happens among the gentiles. Much of this idolatry is not explained to outsiders. Those who appear so pure on the outside are so impure on the inside. "This is supposed to be my temple. See what is happening inside" said the Lord.
As many Christians turn to the east to pray on this day, they also turn to the east to worship the sun (Ezekiel 8:16). Ezekiel 9:3 Because of all this sin in the house of God, the glory of God slowly began to depart from there.
If the freshness and fire are gone, there must be a reason for it. Many preachers who had the anointing 20 years ago have now lost it. As we age, the anointing on our lives should increase. But it falls short for most of the preachers I have seen in India.
This is usually because they are chasing money or otherwise compromising or trying to please people. God may be calling many of you to serve Him. But be faithful and do not let the glory depart from your ministry.
Ezekiel 9:4 Here is a word that we can apply to the church today. "Walk among the church, and put a mark on the foreheads of those who mourn and groan because of the sins committed in the church". Just like that, if God sent an angel on this day and told them to grieve because the name of Jesus is being dishonored in the church and put a weight on their foreheads, how many would receive that weight? That holy name is being dishonored in most of the Churches in our country.
This is happening in the churches of every denomination. Do we care about that? God puts weight on those who matter, "Kill all those who do not have my weight" says the Lord here. Even on this day all those who do not care about God's name will die spiritually. "Hallowed be thy name" The Lord taught us in the first prayer. God can use you to accomplish His purposes if you care about that name.
As the messenger began to kill the people, 70 elders were killed first. The elders who are supposed to be the leaders of God's people are the least important. To whom much is given, more is demanded. So when judgment begins, it always begins with the Church leaders. Because the leaders failed, the glory of God was departed. The same is happening today.
Zac Poonen