PLZ halp pick ya'll's Team4treest love tryst


continuing from part 1: END TIMES: "The Hopi Blue Kachina of Doom" as a part of #IlluminatiArt decoding

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Given the Hopi (and Aztec/mayan on 'delayEDitor') had a similar Apacolyptic(hippo-craptasticOath) stories with different characters acting as both the darkest of dark and lightest of the light, as do ALL religions they setup, meant as training wheels, that changed as we changed. NOT required to get to the other (other?side..:::: powerplooper..mpftsaight

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Cosmic Creator, the greatest possible GOoD is ONLY love, and as that loves us ALL, ALL the time, in ALL the ways. Forever and Ever and nothing can change that./°.°/..added time

Light/Truth/Belonging/Togetherness is ALL there truly is. Everything that's finite COUNTerOrz(matter/space/time) doesn't show up in contrast^compare to millions..billions of years here^now×how?-/°\±/^\ charge differnti

and doesn't exist -can't exist -in a place of eternities/infinities where our true 'forever home' is(underweared gnomes IDE(IZ

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We are here as literal children in walking the path of GOoD, all relatively new childlike, this is the reason the DIA murals use children, and the odd holocaust quote

we come here to learn lessons in timeless love/truth/togetherness. to experience more of it, at ever higher levels

we start out as noobie/blind/naive/childlike...a bit fuzzy

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coming from a place of eternal peace/love, who got bored of that chose separation again again again, not quite realizing what were had done. More is ALLways better right? Just ask Icarus..

As truly children of GOoD (not teens, not adults) who come from an environment ONLY made of love/peace/truth we've never know or operated in places made out of the opposite

Thus this place as a soul school made ONLY out of dark/light, love/fear, truth/untruth to learn from

Then we step into space & time astrally, which gets us Pain/Evil & Pleasure/Good, but not much to see or push back on...and lots of darkness and chaos no order

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Then to learn took on increasingly physical 3d form, finite constraints of time/space, life & death.

Matter starts to matter, physics become guides and protectors of movement.

We get a face and a place in time & space

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who exists at a superposition of genetics/memetics/culture/technology/family bloodlines intersecting with others threads in a tapestry of life.

We then realized we are thin skinned, cold, fragile and need food/shelter, protection create constructs like society/civilization, science and technologies meant to transcend the pain of before truly Progress so we have less real issues/pain not create more of them.

Each step further that process, forget all we were before, so we can focus on this present game level, each darker, similar how we like to go to dark theaters to see a movie we really lose ourselves in... e.g.:

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a soul watching a movie of a body of a body in a movie theater, ignoring the movie theater to take a selfie of someone they wish to be seen as, vs the friends right next to her.

Distracted from the movie by a text or game or message rather than just being present to the movie, friends, one night out a week that they can get together, the months of anticipation for this sequel to come out, etc.

As this is a team sport, and all are co-creating the movie they are participating/present in, it's so engrossing ... we forget the exit..and forget there was ever an have to rediscover it.,

The Exit is heavy ...we can only open it together, thus together IS better and the ONLY way out.

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even though it’s always there, just dark/out of sight, we are blind to that greater love and need to learn to see it, and BE it we don’t yet know it...yet,

thus the transient (double edged love/loss in material & social relationships) here are the playgrounds, for us to try things out and see what resonates and not.

but being here IS choosing living in darkness...that only exists in our true self as long as we choose it

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This is the checkerboard Icarus Arc path of enlightment, that show in some of the disturbing satanist artwork

First we have to face then defeat the monsters (who may be us), unwind the dark path to get back to us.

This is us as start here, a child of the greatest GOoD incarnated, looking for forever love aka fairytale

"lived..happily ever after"
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in all the wrong places and faces...

pan back we see deeper truth: we fall in love with monsters, and darkness surrounding us grows...

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So inside the machine, looks the opposite of what it is: "The Path" materialistic, massive, bright, light, warm & fuzzy, happy,& comfortable, virile/sexy/hedonistic, fun

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that are the extensions of our need and greed for things outside ourself to complete ourself

thus it really gets it's claws around us and into us.

fake it till you make it..fake, if only material

like Icarus..lighter and lighter... higher and better right?

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but it in Oppositelandia, things aren't as they fact the inverse/opposite.

which made out of shadows/bubbles/illusion it's the darkest possible path:

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and at the end darkest monsterous fate

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and truest form revealed is even darker still...we are are the monsters

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every generation with less love, more dependency on the 'progress' away from serving a great/er/est GOoD

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it's earlier version...

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more monstrous as time goes by, to eventually consume us, as we have done today in so many ways as we covered in part 1.

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yet Icarus ...we strangely love it all, despite it's perversion/monstrous nature :**[

hard for the aware to watch :*(

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thus the peacock closes it's wings of "watchers"/eyes

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but not it's eyes as guiding our loving for the greatest possible good (not always what we want)

which is why the Illuminati as evil overlords have made this world so we don't get confused

it's not our home, never was, just a place to learn light from dark, the lessons in love/truth/togetherness that takes out out of the labyrinth

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back to our true self

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and back to our forever hOME

Free will being what it is, only we (the child) can choose the path back into ourselves towards light/truth/love, back to a balanced material/spiritual approach, and then aim for the greatest possible GOoD on ever increasing timescales (that works for ALL for ALL time in ALL ways)

this IS a team sport, ONLY by working together and reintegrate in LOVE for greatest good, truth/unity bringing "heaven on earth", sometimes needing some assistance from actual heaven to help get us not stuck in another Eden/or Hedon.

There is a saying

???"Empathy is watching a person drowning from the shore, armless, legless, unable to help"
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So too do the Illuminati "watchers" participate directly in our free will choices are armless, unable to do anything by force, and can thus only construct a world of light and dark for us to figure things out ourselfs

To make it crystal clear how bad this world is, everything is misinformation, and fakery

money, education, religion, society, to act as a lure for those who like fake, and to be more than they need

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all things too good to be true

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Which serve double duty, they then can attract others to them who do act in the world,

thus the frequent messes we make of our world, stock market crashes, dark ages, world wars etc.

In our 2K years of best known history, the various incarnations of the Annunaki 'gods' played the higher god-like levels of these Light/Dark characters (and fully loved /acted as such..picking up a substantial karmic debt) on behalf of our Cosmic Creator and higher selfs keep to learn what love is, as in Heaven/etc there's no pain to learn from.

Learning what love is once it's been forgotten is as hard as being blind being taught to see. So we needed dramatic pure examples beyond our limited capabilities.

We are social creatures, pack animals that work best in pecking orders that work for all.

It started out with heavenly old guy fathers, them playing powerful Greek gods and us as toy soldiers.

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As we grew up and rebelled (yet again) for something closer to us even if it was better than us.

needing something kinder, thus Judaism

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that while better than chaos and make up your own deity-de-jour, still too prone to mindless rituals needed something more human

so split it up into material kings

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actual material kings posing as spiritual kings

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and spiritual (unreachable kings)

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Who despite being partly non-human 24 chromosomes vs 46

needed to be visibly present as near us to care about us, and not eat us

but better than us (food drink healing on demand, walking on water, flying etc), and despite that vastly better, love us enough to die for us, even if we were like Barabbas worthy of death,

to teach us all the highest form of altruistic selfless love, operating the opposite of our default pacman nature. It's not always about running from fears or endless consumption

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Many pacmen get even more mindless, it becomes inverted and perverted like Pacman=eats=>dots :=INVERTED=> flies=eat=>crap

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Satan is their fictional creation, that most Satanists follow for material gain, acting as the ideal wolf for wolves in the sheeple flock who would blindly accept most anything (thus Obama getting away with damn near everything)., and in life review will have to experience that as the receiver felt (an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth)

Satan was a lure, like a fly trap, to attract the darkest most evil and use their greed for greater good (in this end times spiritual game ‘final’ consideration)

The vile and horrid satanic arts, acting as sort of a prison once you commit the act you can’t easily leave.

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But this kept the flies mostly out of the the things we give thanks for ...until recently, too much fake short sighted shit instead of real

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This constant conflict (good vs evil) kept us from "stalling out" in our free will games, getting stuck forever in a Eden 2.0, Hedon 2.0 in Minecraft

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or fake news/friends/money/etc. It's why nothing works for very long "cursed earth"

At a higher level, this TRULY EVIL might fulfill a higher "karmic check balancing" purpose only visible from spiritual multi-life view:

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say been previous generations of satanists, getting sacrificed as a taste of ” what goes around, comes around" backflow: tormented becomes the tormentor, hungry the to fat, hunter the hunted


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But now we live in opposite land, Oppositelandia where everything is the opposite of what it seems

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when these are considered the path forward:

These people are entirely focused on ending the earth as it is, and they are loved for it

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or the opposite equally unrealistic belief that we can go back to the life of the past aka MAGA, like permanently living in the peaceful prosperous 80's,

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kinda like the Amish just picking a different date, 1990's or so.

and increasingly worse completely insane one that we wouldn't live to see

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nobody is paying attention to even where they are driving, in normal life..

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Living in the purely in the material world .we may have GPS but that tech cannot replace us, can't tell us who we are or if we are going where we really want,...but wherever/nowhere... we can get there record time.

which usually damages things that cannot be replaced

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This amazing tech progress is too an soap bubble illusion, that hasn't been around very long (1970)

with infrastructure and paraditms like cars & peak oil nearing permanent dead ends: GAME OVER

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along with those, soo too are much of our bodies and lifes, friends, families and societies:

Just as American's are now Amer-I-can'ts. USD is less than worthless

equally surrounded by endless addictive equally empty distractions, instead of paying attention

we are increasingly zombies, addicted to digital devices, that more often than not control us instead of us controlling them...and don't make us truly happy

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it's not clear to me what we are living for, when so many are lost and so unhappy to need all of this continual distractions from misery

in the "spiritual" world it's equally zombified, and destructive instead of constructive as it now more than ever needs/needed to be

Rather than love of self, fellow man, and the greater and greatest GOoD

Mindless loveless Faithless faiths and empty rituals ..where everybody is asleep, or just going through the motions, often ONLY joining for material and warm fuzzy reasons, good place to nap...crappy tasting snacks, drinking blood proxy? are we wolves or sheep or vampires reenacting lost?

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definitely not GOoD, serving the greater GOoD and greatest GOoD as it's ONLY true purpose.

As many no longer really cares about self or fellow man, but does still love tech/big government, big religion to do the thinking for them

So too are those role models of Satan/Jesus running dry, and have served their purpose, as does their associated time for something different

This was mentioned in the bible, the old and new testaments are the "2 witnesses" to the plot arc in the bible

???"and when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast (Obama) that ascending out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them."

Thus the Catholic Pope (satanic) is already starting to push for a one world

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as seen in the recent Superbowl ads, like this Toyota Ads

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evidence this is a global agenda, far beyond any country or charismatic leader to solve


ditto. We are more connected than ever and more disconnected and escapist than ever

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there are so many violations of the golden rule, sanity, reality, togetherness checks, it's a complete tear in the fabric of what a social species means.

BEFORE: PersonA :) vs PersonB :) & PersonC :) ==> ALL GOoD

AFTER: PersonA :( vs PersonB :D & PersonC >:-/ ==> NOT GOOD at ALL

swap places, periodically, randomly, repeatedly to see where things end up.

who would trade places with who by choice, by force, if random? if someone did get hurt would they be able to help as they would want? if someone had warned her stop 10 seconds what would have happened? maybe she just found out her kid was shot?

such is how the golden rule works, and the class of ethics, physics, astrology, empathy/psychology etc based on it. together IS better and the ONLY way.


ditto, it possibly can't get any more imbalanced. Most the bottom are in irrecoverable debt...and yet having it all, the 1%ers who own most the world, want another whole one for themselves. Clearly also failing a basic reality check.

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nobody at the right has anything without the left...for long. They only have what they have from that body they've devoured. They are supposed to be a symbiotic system, as peers in reciprocal altruism not reciprocal predator/prey..cannibalism and suicide on top


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we have everything our parents and grandparents never had, food, water, shelter information education entertainment. In a single word we can order almost anything on a device that fits into our pocket and delivered in same day.

The entire world of information is accessible in seconds, the body of human knowledge is online ..any song, any question, answered in seconds.

But we still live empty, unhappy lives, and have already destroyed any possible continuation of that path from simply not paying attention to our place in the heavens or ecosystem

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Enough is enough. It's ruining the game for everyone, and all life.

Since having everything people chose less than nothing and will not change from here. They will have to learn via the opposite...having nothing.

the answer is clear from a spiritual perspective:

???*anything* between man and god, will perish in the coming trials and tribulations

Thus the tribulations and calamities are a purifying fire for a world so far distance from reality, sanity and love that they have already signed their death warrant ..willingly

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But instead of a slow bullet in the absolute worst way many billions will sadly have a taste of why world war and nuclear at that is a horror beyond imaginations, and calamities that haven't been scene in human history.

tech/science/society was meant to pull man out of the dark ages, instead they have created a darkness that is beyond any ever created and will be a tomb few will live or have evidence to remember. Atlantis 2.0 Titanic 2.0 Heisenberg 2.0

so many warnings.

so little time.

so sad.


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From a spiritual perspective, assuming we've had at least 15K years across multiple lifetimes and multiple societies, as spiritual entities having a material experience, we had only one primary goal here. To learn love, truth, together IS better.

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So recognizing that, and accepting that ...I believe the Annunaki/Illuminati are finally taking off the costumes and the constraints on our growth. Ready or not it's time.

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but also no longer buffering the consequences from here out as they have

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Some of us have started to take action on correcting the imbalance and injustices. Just too little too late IMHO:, in December the “storm” of a long overdo head to head of #TeamLight (trump and white hat) and #TeamDark (deep state cabal) happened in the US,

But this divisions and materialism (profits over people) is a global deeply entrenched problem. As difficult to solve as drug addicts, when there are more zombies than humans deciding what's for dinner.

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That real/fake, good/evil, selfish/altruistic conflict is now starting to scale out to the global level, which the middle class managers/minions all want thinking it will save them...when they are actually fighting themselves.

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Instead it wipe most of them out like matter/anti-matter as they see the other as the problem/solution, winner takes all (vs working together, why is this so hard?)

  • ???Communists vs Capitalists
  • ???Militant Materialists against each other (Islamic vs Jewish/Christian, Atheist/Nihilists techies)

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Conflict is never pretty, but free will being what it is, people have chosen this by their GOoD given free will rights. Souls are indestructible, eternal...gotta learn somehow.

whatever becomes of those who survive be it decent beneath the earth, survive on top, or those who rise to the stars and moons above it (and meet other cosmic brothers and sisters far worse and far better than us)

will be of their “all grown up now” species adult hood, presented to the spiritual/astral/celestial families...and their related bread and circuses...scaled WAY up.

But just like Earth had it's time, so too is the Universe bounded and conflicted and this is closer to a video game/theater, than the 'reality' we take as real that's not what it seems

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Eventually we will do everything we came for in the universe,


seek within towards ascension

Realize like Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz, had what we were looking for with us the entire time, if we only knew:

???the only key to heaven is BEing love/truth/light you want to see and receive in the world: super simple
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that love, it's a pale comparison to the love and that exists beyond this place truly "there's no place like hOMe"

Whether or not we have true white/black brothers to follow

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All paths of love/light/truth aimed at the greater GOoD (Hopi call Tawa, notice resemblance to the kachina before, and features of Illuminati black | white)

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lead back to our true hOMe

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See you there (when you remember you're already there ;)


NOTE: this tacks on from my first major article when I stilled believed in the Annuaki as ONLY petty evil alien overlords NOTE2: notice the similarity to the flower of life in the above shot, to the cross&sword used in Christian | Satanic belief systems/practices, lamb and wolf/dragon in symbols Thus the visible evidence how opposite thing can seem from the opposite side of the bridge/mirror, as guided by time and the holy/whole making spirit that like the wind and water, guide us through our sailing the seas of life but are unseen directly by eye, only by interacting with sails and creaing ripples and waves can we see their intent.

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Gianluigi Cuccureddu

Senior Marketing Professional Specialized in Ecommerce & Data-Driven Decision Making

7 年

Love it .. thanks for writing up


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