Annular Eclipse on Summer Solstice and World Yoga Day 21st June 2020
Debasish Addy
Founder Addy Digital Analytics Private Limited, Career Coach, Hiring Specialist, Team Builder, Value Engineering
This year, the longest summer day in the Northern Hemisphere coincides with a Annular Eclipse. Today the north pole is tilted maximum towards the sun and it is the longest day in terms of daylight in the northern hemisphere. This day is celebrated in most of the norther temperate countries as a day to enjoy nature and sunshine in its full glory. For the tropical countries, it is supposed to be a really hot day. The onset of monsoon by this time, ensures most of the Indian subcontinent is shielded from the Sun's rays by some cloud cover. In the southern hemisphere, however the day is the shortest day of the year as well as peak winter.
From 2015, 21st June is celebrated as "World Yoga Day". In Sanskrit, the word Yoga means "Union" or to unite. In the context of human body it means to unite the mind with the body or to bring harmony between ones mind and body.
This year the coinciding of all these events on a single day must signify some thing. The years seems to be undoubtedly the worst year of this century so far. Pandemic, Riots, Armed ggressions, Natural Disasters anything that has heppended this year has been categorised as something not seen in the previous 100 years.
Its a perfect time to hope for a change from this day. Let this day bring peace, harmony, rationality and overall Good Luck to humanity. For once, lets beleive that this Event is a sign from a Higher Sphere of Influence to let us change our behavior. Lets be content with whatever Earth has provided us, be kind and considerate to our neighbours, not make things more difficult and complicated than what they already are and take care of ourselves. Happy World Yoga Day.