Annual Social Media Profile Check
5 Minute Read │ Author: Casey T

Annual Social Media Profile Check

With the ever-changing world of technology and social media, falling behind on your profile is easier than it may seem. Facebook and Instagram are notorious for introducing updates and new features to their interface so frequently that even the most skilled social media expert might miss a few things. We understand that as a business owner, you likely do not have the extra time on your hands to consistently check your profiles. But don’t worry too much, because we’ve made this easy guide for Annual Social Media Profile Checks for business owners like you. We’re here to help you prepare for the new year with some social media confidence!


Facebook introduced their new “Facebook Page Experience” in February of 2021. If you haven’t noticed that your business page has changed, this could be due to the fact that they haven’t rolled this feature out to the entire population yet (or you really haven’t logged into your account in a while). This new experience is different from the classic page, as it updated everything from user access and page management to layout and feeds. If you haven’t noticed these changes, it is essential that you log in, familiarize yourself with the new changes, and make any necessary updates.

Profile Picture & Banner

Your profile picture should be a high-resolution image of your logo. If your logo is intricate and cannot be read at a small size, then modifying your logo to something simple and readable is your next step. Once your profile picture is updated, it’s time to give some thought to your Facebook banner photo. Your banner should showcase your company, community, and brand values, and should also be a readable, high-resolution photo.

Intro & About Section

Also known as “Bio and Details,” this section of your page is critical in helping your raving fans and customers find you. One of the most notable changes from the classic page to the new page experience interface is the Intro section. You can now only use up to 100 characters, so if you (and you likely do) have a bio that exceeded 100 characters, your new intro now cuts off at exactly 100, turning your once amazingly thought-out bio into a nail-biting cliffhanger. Next, you’re going to want to make sure you have all of this information included in your About section:

  • Page Type/Category
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address

  • Website
  • Office Hours
  • Price Range
  • Social Media Links

Now that we have the Facebook page basics covered, you’re all set to breeze through the next couple of platform updates!


Although Instagram introduces updates and features frequently, the Bio section hasn’t had many notable changes in the last couple of years. Assuming that you have (hopefully) logged in over the last year, this section should be easy to complete!

Profile Picture

It’s best if your Instagram profile picture matches your Facebook profile picture as this will make it easier for people to recognize your brand across multiple platforms. Ensure your photo is readable and high-resolution.


Your Bio should be under 150 characters and share what your business is all about. What is your product or service and who does it serve?


Instagram has enabled some creators to add multiple links in their bio, which may eventually be a feature that is rolled out to every profile. But for now, most of the general population gets only 1 link in their bio. A social media best practice is to link your website home page, but this could change depending on what type of content you’re posting. Since linking URLs in Instagram captions is not possible, switching up the link in your bio to correlate with your content is also a great idea! Have a new blog you’re posting about on social? Let your followers know that the current link in your bio leads you to that webpage.


If you don’t have a LinkedIn business page set up, take this blog as your sign to create one! LinkedIn is a great place for your company to build credibility, create a large network, find potential candidates, build brand awareness and so much more. Creating a LinkedIn page is easy, and if you already have one, these are the things you should ensure are updated while we head into 2023.

Profile Picture & Banner

You’ve heard it twice now, but don’t skip out on using a readable, high-resolution photo of your logo. Again, you can use the same profile picture as your Facebook and Instagram accounts, and feel free to use the same banner as the one you use on Facebook. Just ensure it represents your company, brand values and/or community!

Headline & Username

Your username should be the same name as your company name to make it easy to find. Your headline can be 220 characters or less and should be a short description of your company focused on the value your business provides, or your catchy motto/slogan!

About Section

The About Section, previously known as the professional summary, allows you up to 2600 characters. This is your time to dazzle your viewers with an engaging summary of your business! What makes your business the best, and why should your customers buy your products and services? Create a brief history of your company with information on products and services, and include your brand values, what makes you unique, and how you will bring value to your current and future customer’s lives.

After you have a well thought-out about section, it’s time to make sure your company information is entirely filled out with correct information.

You will want to include:

  • Website
  • Phone Number
  • Industry
  • Company Size
  • Headquarters
  • Year Founded
  • Company Specialties

Your social media platforms deserve some love. If you have far too much on your plate to even think about logging in, we completely understand! Your business needs your full attention, which is why ProFusion Web Solutions specializes in social media marketing and management. If you’re interested in building brand awareness, improving your brand, boosting website traffic, and increasing revenue this year, let’s chat! Schedule a call with us today.


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