All-hands meeting: annual review 2022 & outlook 2023
Impact Week
Non-profit program, unites people from various countries & organizations, promoting Innovation through Design Thinking.
Dear Impact Week Community,
the end of the year is approaching soon.
Impact Week has proven in 2022 it can deliver post-Covid with sensational Impact Weeks in India, Kenya, Ghana, and - with Mozambique, Paraguay and the Philippines - even three new countries on our global list.
We would like to invite you to our All-Hands-Call on Saturday, 17th of December for a pre-Christmas meeting between 2 pm and 5 pm Central European Time.
Grab your favorite tea, coffee, or Christmas punch and join us for a virtual meeting.
During the All-Hands Call, we would like to share…
We hope to see as many of you as possible.
Your Impact Week Team
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 6967 0041
Passcode: 454593
Impact Week Kenya