This past Monday, I went in for my annual physical. My Healthcare Provider (HCP) asked me quite a few questions based on what was on the computer screen. Based on my answers, more questions were asked. This is the second annual physical where I am asked if I have any health problems to discuss, but there is no examination of my body. My heart and lungs are 'listened to' through my clothes. There a visual examination of my feet{I am a type II diabetic}but nothing is done to confirm that I have no nerve damage from my diabetes.
I am saying all of this because the days of actually taking off your clothes and putting on a gown are gone! Those days are gone because of the number of patients providers have to see in a given day and the amount of information that must be entered into an automated medical information system (medication orders, progress notes, consults, etc. etc) I am not complaining, mind you, I am just stating the reality of the effects/outcomes as medicine becomes more connected to the electronic environment. One clinician on this media stated that he has to work many long hours just to keep up with everything that must be entered into various portions of the electronic health record.
Lastly, let me say to the young, upcoming HCPs: A patient visit is much more personal when you look the patient in the eyes when speaking to them or asking questions about their health. he patient will feel that you are 'connecting' with them and that the computer is secondary to the encounter. Enough said, thanks for listening.
Thanks Chris