Annual PAIG Japan Convention 2025: A Resounding Success

Annual PAIG Japan Convention 2025: A Resounding Success

The Annual PAIG Japan Convention 2025, held on November 7th, 2024, brought together key stakeholders to align the future direction of PAIG Japan.

The convention was graced by the distinguished presence of Mr. Rainer Schroll, Executive Board Member of Porsche Holding Salzburg. Mr. Schroll’s participation underscored the importance of the event and the strategic direction PAIG Japan is taking.

One of the major announcements was the forthcoming merger of Audi Japan Sales and Volkswagen Japan Sales, which aims to streamline operations and enhance the overall efficiency of the organization.

The convention also featured on setting the priorities and the initiatives for 2025, including enhancing the digital presence, improving customer engagement, and driving performance culture.

Diversity was a significant theme throughout the convention, where we had the opportunity to welcome Ms. Yumiko Tajima from ChangeWAVE Group,Inc as a guest speaker, who emphasized the importance of respecting differences and promoting a culture of inclusion.

Lastly, the convention reinforced the importance of collective efforts and synergy. The message was clear: by working together and leveraging each other's strengths, PAIG Japan can achieve its goals and drive success.

Overall, the Annual PAIG Japan Convention 2025 was a pivotal event that set the stage for the future growth and success of PAIG Japan.

Rainer Schroll Ivaylo Pulev Laurent Scaltritti #PAIG Japan


