The Annual Employee Survey: Why They Fail and How to Fix Them

The Annual Employee Survey: Why They Fail and How to Fix Them

Over my career, I’ve participated in or administered dozens of employee surveys. And I can honestly say, I can count on one hand the number of times they have actually been really helpful.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with the idea of asking people for their opinions and formulating action plans based on the results. It makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, like so many other initiatives that start out as simple common sense, we tend to overcomplicate surveys to the point where the basic intent is completely overshadowed. As a result, the exercise often ends up doing more harm than good.

Considering that for most people reading this article, simply not having an annual survey isn’t an option, I intend to focus my observations and suggestions on what we get wrong about employee surveys and what we can do to get the most out of them.

Let's take a devil's advocate approach and look at this topic through the lens of the employee who doesn't see value in participating in the process, or one who has no faith that the survey results will produce any meaningful results. Why is it that they feel that way? Let’s imagine what might be going through their minds:

“So, you’re just interested in my opinion once a year?!” — The survey ought to be an organic part of a series of formal and informal methods for soliciting feedback and acting on it. If you’re not actively demonstrating your interest in feedback regularly and consistently, the survey comes across as a box you’re trying to check and it will not produce any real benefit. Suggestion: Ask for people's opinions on an ongoing basis and demonstrate genuine interest in addressing their concerns all year long.

“I’ve told you the same things for the past few years and you’ve done nothing with it. Why should I bother anymore?!” — For better or worse, people have an immense capacity to accept things they feel are not going to change. They do it in their lives all the time. They just want the courtesy of an honest answer relative to the issues that will be addressed and the ones they will just have to live with. Suggestion: When sharing survey results and action plans, be honest about which issues have been identified as lower priority and when they will be revisited.

“So, you want me to participate and give good scores so you don't look bad. Is that right?!” — Every organization encourages employees to participate in surveys in some form of fashion. Some do it the right way and some…don’t. I’m talking about the ones who go overboard and essentially coerce compliance. They make it abundantly clear that people’s low participation rates will reflect poorly on their bosses. They might also "teach to the test" and, in a roundabout way, suggest that certain questions are best answered in certain ways. These and other tactics don’t work because people are smart enough to know when their leaders care more about getting good scores than receiving honest feedback. Suggestion: Encourage genuine participation by making it clear that you’re interested in honest feedback so that necessary improvements can be made.

“Didn't we just do one of these? It’s time to do the survey again?!” — Employees often feel like this when we aren’t swift in our rollout. It takes us so long to prepare everyone, and conduct the survey, and send a few reminders, and get the results, and distribute them to top leadership and have them cascade to middle leaders, and analyze them, and share the results, and do action planning, and so on. By the time we start acting on what we heard in the last survey, it’s time to do another one! This is somewhat of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. Suggestion: Be quick and efficient. Treat the survey as just one of the many ways you receive feedback and not the end-all-be-all feedback event of the year.

“Can we focus on the feedback instead of who got the highest score or the lowest score?!” — Einstein supposedly once said, "Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted!" Unfortunately, our obsession with attaching a number to everything we do, which stems from a valid concern about quantitative results, may cause us to count and compare the scores instead of what the scores are supposed to represent. We must be very careful to avoid falling into the trap described by Goodhart’s Law: “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” Suggestion: Once the results are in, focus on the substance of the feedback rather than discussing or publicizing the scores.

“Can we address the elephant in the room?!” — If the follow-up from the survey is limited to just the formal process but the informal conversations are missing, people will most likely feel as if you aren’t interested in addressing their concerns. Don't get me wrong; the formal process of acknowledging the message of the feedback is very important. However, the response to close the gap must not be limited only to the systems and processes that are already in place. Instead, actions must be taken immediately, even in the absence of a formal system or process, to address people’s concerns. If people say on the survey they don't feel their manager cares about them, the answer is not just a focus group and further probes into why they feel that way; it is to have their manager demonstrate genuine care in ways meaningful to them. Suggestion: Genuinely and authentically act on addressing the feedback you hear and take spontaneous and personal action to meet the unmet need.

In closing, I want to be clear that I’m not against doing surveys. I am against doing them simply to check a box. By the same token, I’m not against having a ping-pong table—or other recreational amenities—for people to use, as long as it’s not construed as a satisfactory substitute for addressing the causes of their dissatisfaction. If you care about people and demonstrate it on a regular basis, people will appreciate the gesture of making a ping-pong table available and they will happily participate in the annual survey and give honest answers. But if you don't demonstrate your genuine care, they will see right through the attempts to make it look like you do, and you’ll most likely end up worse than you started off.

So, for those of you with the authority to make this decision, my final suggestion is this: Either do the annual survey right or don't do it at all!

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Further Reading

If you’d like to learn more about topics covered in this week’s newsletter article, check out the related resources I’ve included below.

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Clients and audience members at my talks frequently tell me:

  • "I felt like you were talking specifically to me!"
  • "Your perspective is so real and practical!"
  • "Are you sure you don't work at my company? Because you were talking about exactly what we’re dealing with!"

I love hearing this feedback because my intent is always to make a real difference in your team's mindset and behaviors, which ultimately shape the culture, results, and fulfillment in your workplace.

The top problems we solve for clients with our coaching, speaking, and consulting services are:

  1. People working in silos and lack of collaboration toward a shared vision.
  2. Functional experts in leadership roles who aren’t equipped with the right skills and mindset to lead effectively
  3. People in the middle or frontlines of an organization failing to take initiative and be accountable.

If you’re experiencing any of these issues—or other challenges you would like to get some expert guidance on—get in touch with me and let me know your situation. I’ll get back to you very shortly with my thoughts on what you can do to start making progress.

Alternatively, click here to schedule a free discovery call to discuss your situation in more detail and to explore if and how The Ghannad Group can partner with you to transform your culture and results. During our conversation, I’ll share practical ideas and insights relative to your situation and we can jointly determine whether we can support you going forward.

If you found something of value in this edition of the newsletter, I'd love to discuss it with you in the comments below.?And if you'd like to share that value with others, I encourage you to do just that by clicking the Share button below as well!

Bruno Jakic

Inqqa AI connects the dots in employee surveys & market research

6 个月

Analyzing the results of employee surveys often reveals valuable insights if done correctly. What's been your experience with extracting meaningful feedback from open-ended questions in these surveys?

Sergio D'Amico, CSSBB

I talk about continuous improvement and organizational excellence to help small business owners create a workplace culture of profitability and growth.

6 个月

Hello Amir Ghannad. This is a great article and you hit the nail on the problem. Surveys are unfortunately popular because they are efficient. Their lack of effectiveness is the problem. Besides all the facts you clearly explained in your article, another problem is not knowing in which frame of mind the employees are when filling surveys. Results can vary and be exaggerated if the employee is having an unusually good or bad day. So surveys should be used as one of many methods for communication and feedback, not as the main one.


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