Annual declaration on compliance for 2022

Annual declaration on compliance for 2022

RTOs must complete the compulsory compliance report before 31st March

The declaration on compliance introduced with the Standards for RTOs 2015 (Clause 8.40), is a systematic knocking at the CEO’s door asking for questions about the effectiveness of the RTOs compliance management.

One of the most important roles of RTO’s compliance officer is to protect the company. There may be no better opportunity to do that than when the CEO and other RTO managers are their captive audience for the annual discussion about RTO’s compliance performance.

The phrase “effective compliance and self-assurance program” is widely used within RTOs. Determining whether your program is effective, however, requires more than a superficial understanding of the Standards for RTOs. It requires a specialised knowledge of the principles that apply to your core business (training and assessment), the compliance risks for your RTO, and knowing which controls you should have in place to manage them.

Conducting periodic self-assessment is your first step. A compliance self-assessment is for mature programs with RTO leaders who are willing to take a critical look at what’s working and what needs improvement.

It is critical that compliance professionals and CEOs understand the ways that government representatives seek information, and what are the key areas of concern for ASQA to manage RTO’s compliance risks.

Self-assessment requirements to respond to the annual declaration on compliance.

Regardless of your RTO’s size and complexity, it’s best to organise it around the elements of an effective compliance program. Have you received a report about the implementation and effectiveness of your:

  • Risk assessment (compliance risk)
  • Policies and procedures
  • Training and assessment strategies and practices
  • Internal training and communication (inductions of trainers and other staff members)
  • Confidential reporting (internal audits, validations)
  • Third party management
  • Commitment by senior and middle management
  • Resources (training and assessment)
  • Continuous improvement
  • Investigation of misconduct
  • Analysis and remediation of any underlying non-compliances

Insources Group organised a suit of training and certification programs designed to support RTOs and provide solutions to the above issues.

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