Announcing the Winners of the 41st Annual National Magazine Awards

Announcing the Winners of the 41st Annual National Magazine Awards

JUNE 1, 2018

On June 1st, the National Media Awards Foundation (NMAF) proudly presented the winners of the 41st annual National Magazine Awards. The gala was hosted by award-winning reporter Noémi Mercier, and held at the Arcadian Court in Toronto. 

“Tonight, the Canadian magazine community congregated in Toronto to celebrate the best in our industry. Special guests joined our writers, editors, designers, publishers, and visual artists to celebrate excellence in magazine journalism. On behalf of the National Media Awards Foundation, and those working in this great and vibrant industry, I congratulate the winners and nominees of this year’s National Magazine Awards.” – Nino Di Cara, President of the NMAF


The prestigious Best New Magazine Writer award was presented to Jessica Rose, for her piece “Lost and Found” published in Toronto LifeThis award recognizes an emerging author whose early work in magazines shows the highest degree of craft and promise.

The National Magazine Awards jury said of the story:

“With the suspense and pacing of a great mystery, Rose unwinds her own search for family and belonging with an outstanding, unputdownable rookie effort.”

Honourable mentions went to Julian Brave NoiseCat (Canadian Geographic), Justin Dallaire (United Church Observer), Christopher Elliott (Outpost Magazine) and Hadiya Roderique (The Walrus).


The Site Magazine—a literary, architecture, and urbanism journal—captured the coveted Magazine Grand Prix award. This award honours the magazine that delivers the best consistency, packaging, and reader experience; that demonstrates overall excellence in bringing teams together to create a spectacular product; is aspirational and inspiring, helping to take magazine media to the next level. The National Magazine Awards jury said of the magazine:

“The Site Magazine impresses readers with the consistency of its content and design. Though highly specialized, this audacious magazine captures the essence of contemporary publishing through a conceptual approach that illuminates our time in an intelligent, deep and original way. The result is a great reader experience on every page, one that is truly deserving of the Magazine Grand Prix.”

The Site Magazine was also the winner of the Best Magazine: Art & Literary award, and the Silver winner in the Best Editorial Package category, for its whole-issue package titled “Future Legacies.”

The winners for the six GRAND PRIX: BEST MAGAZINE categories are: L’actualité for Best Magazine: General Interest; Ricardo for Best Magazine: Lifestyle; Best Health for Best Magazine: Service; FASHION Magazine for Best Magazine: Fashion & Beauty; The Site Magazine for Best Magazine: Art & Literary; and Hayo for Best Magazine: Special Interest.

Five magazines won a National Magazine Award for the first time: Hayo, Inuit Art Quarterly, L’inconvénient, Registered Nurse Journal and The Site Magazine.

New to this year’s program was the Edtor Grand Prix award, which was presented to Lianne George, editor of Chatelaine magazine. The award honours an individual who is making an outstanding impact on a magazine as an editor. Receiving Honourable Mention were Charles Grandmont (L’actualité) and Nicolas Langelier (Nouveau Projet).

The 2018 Foundation Award for Outstanding Achievement was presented to Joyce Byrne,publisher of Avenue Calgary. Described as a “champion of magazines,” Joyce has an all-in approach to her work that makes her stand out.

“Joyce doesn’t look for easy,” notes Penny Caldwell, former editor and publisher of  Cottage Life. “Since bursting onto the magazine publishing scene, she has consistently reached beyond her own sphere to help others.”

Read more about Joyce’s dedication to the magazine industry at

Magazines that took home one Gold medal include: Best Health, Chatelaine, Eighteen BridgesELQ/Exile Magazine, Hayo, Literary Review of Canada, New Trail, Prefix Photo, Registered Nurse Journal, Ricardo, Swerve, and The Kit Compact.

Air Canada enRoute, Alberta Views Magazine, Avenue Edmonton, Azure, ELLE Canada, Flare, Hakai Magazine, Inuit Art Quarterly, Québec Science, Prairie Fire, The Malahat Review, URBANIA, and Vancouver Magazine all received one Silver medal. 


The magazine L’actualité won three Gold and four Silver medals. Reporter and columnist Noémi Mercier captured Gold for her column “Des gars, des filles.” In the Service Journalism category, L’actualité swept both awards, with journalist Yanick Villedieu taking Gold for “La guerre au sucre” and Mathilde Roy Silver for “Quand Facebook remplit les biberons.” Data journalist Na?l Shiab also captured Silver in Investigative Reporting for his story “Marchandises militaires : la grande hypocrisie canadienne,” as did Marc-André Sabourin in the Feature Writing category for “L’école à la cha?ne. The magazine art director, Amélie Chamberland, also won silver for Art Direction of a Single Magazine Article for the piece “Changer le monde.” Finally, the publication was named Best General Interest Magazine.

Lifestyle magazine D?nette, published by editor and art director Hélène Mallette and publisher and photographer Mathieu Lachapelle, took home three Gold Medals in the categories of Best Editorial Package (the “Salé” issue), Lifestyle Photography (“Les ?les Féréo : à la frontière du monde et des saveurs”) and Art Direction Grand Prix (the “Pigment” issue).

Toronto Life took home three medals, two golds and one silver. The coveted Best New Magazine Writer title went to emerging writer – and the magazine’s former art director – Jessica Rose, who impressed the judges with her piece “Lost and Found.” As well, writer Raizel Robin won a Gold medal for his investigation into the Toronto South Detention Centre (“The 1-Billion Hellhole”). Finally, Toronto Life captured its third award of the night thanks to Malcolm Johnston’s profile of the Blue Jays’ star third-baseman, titled “Josh Donaldson’s Road to Glory.”

The Walrus won two Gold medals in the visual categories of Illustration and Portrait Photography. Visual artist Lauren Tamaki captured Gold for her piece “Get the Scissors,” as did photographer Sara Hylton in Portrait Photography thanks to her “Portraits of Resilience.”

Maclean’s magazine won two National Magazine Awards, both Gold. Writer Jason Markusoff took home the award for Feature Writing (“The New Underground Railroad”), and Nancy Macdonald for Short Feature Writing (“Waiting for Death in Thunder Bay”).

The Canadian Geographic team also took home two Gold Medals. Wade Davis, Nick Walkerand Chris Brackley won in the category of One-of-a-Kind Storytelling for their “Indigenous languages of Canada Poster Map,” and writer Charles Wilkins in the writing category of Long-Form Feature Writing for his story “Trash Nation.”

FASHION Magazine’s work was recognized twice, as the publication captured a Gold and a Silver Medal. The magazine was named Best Fashion & Beauty Magazine in addition to winning Silver for Cover Grand Prix for “40 Years of Style.”

The French-language literary publication L’inconvénient captured two awards after receiving its first-ever nominations at the National Magazine Awards. Poet Rosalie Lessardwon the Gold Medal in Poetry for her piece “Base-de-roc,” the first time in the history of the National Magazine Awards that a French-language poem has captured the Gold Medal. Meanwhile photographer David Himbert won Silver in Photojournalism and Photo Essay for his Cuban story “Les Cubains et l’après-Fidel.”


In the 18 creator-focused categories, the Gold and Silver medalists are:

Long-Form Feature Writing

Gold: Charles Wilkins, “Trash Nation,” Canadian Geographic

Silver: J.B. MacKinnon, “Death of a Modern Wolf,” Hakai Magazine

Feature Writing

Gold: Jason Markusoff, “The new underground railroad,” Maclean’s

Silver: Marc-André Sabourin, “L’école à la cha?ne,” L’actualité

Best Short Feature

Gold: Nancy Macdonald, “Waiting for Death in Thunder Bay,” Maclean’s

Silver: Christopher Frey, “Osaka To ‘Em,” Air Canada enRoute


Gold: Noémi Mercier, “Des gars, des filles,” L’actualité

Silver: Anne Thériault, “Anne Thériault, Flare


Gold: Stephen Marche, “Northern Shadows,” Literary Review of Canada

Silver: Clem Martini, “When Things Fall Apart,” Alberta Views Magazine

Investigative Reporting

Gold: Raizel Robin, “The $1-Billion Hellhole,” Toronto Life

Silver: Na?l Shiab, “Marchandises militaires: la grande hypocrisie Canadienne,” L’actualité


Gold : Diana Svennes-Smith, “Stranger In Me,” Exile/ELQ Magazine

Silver: Jason Jobin, “Before He Left,” The Malahat Review

Personal Journalism

Gold: Omar Mouallem, “Homeland for the Holidays,” Eighteen Bridges

Silver: Guillaume Roy, “à vous glacer le sang,” Québec Science


Gold: Rosalie Lessard, “Base-de-roc,” L’inconvénient

Silver: Sarah Klassen, “Beauty; Sermon series in a Mennonite Church,” Prairie Fire

Professional Article

Gold: Daniel Punch, “Living Me,” Registered Nurse Journal

Silver: Linda Besner, “The Glass Tower,” Azure


Gold: Danielle Groen, “Courage, My Love,” The Kit Compact

Silver: Malcolm Johnston, “Josh Donaldson’s Road to Glory,” Toronto Life

Service Journalism

Gold: Yanick Villedieu, “La guerre au sucre,” L’actualité

Silver: Mathilde Roy, “Quand Facebook remplit les biberons,” L’actualité

Best New Magazine Writer

Gold: Jessica Rose, “Lost and Found,” Toronto Life


Gold: Lauren Tamaki, “Get the Scissors,” The Walrus

Silver: Robert Carter, “Family History,” Avenue Edmonton

Lifestyle Photography

Gold: Mathieu Lachapelle, “Les ?les Féroé : à la frontière du monde et des saveurs,” D?nette Magazine

Silver: D. Picard, “Easy Riders,” ELLE Canada

Portraits Photography

Gold: Sara Hylton, “Portraits of Resilience,” The Walrus

Silver: Carlo Ricci, “Towing the Line,” Vancouver Magazine

Photojournalism and Photo Essay

Gold: George Webber, “Uprooted,” Swerve

Silver: David Himbert, “Les Cubains et l’après-Fidel,” L’inconvénient

One of a Kind Storytelling

Gold: Wade Davis, Nick Walker, Chris Brackley, “Indigenous Languages of Canada Poster Map,” Canadian Geographic

Silver: Inuit Art Quarterly staff and contributors, “30 Artists to Know,” Inuit Art Quarterly


The gold winners for the editorial awards, presented to the staff of the magazine, are:

Cover Grand Prix

Gold: Marcey Andrews, Lisa Cook, Daniella Zalcman, “Truth First,” New Trail

Silver: Brittany Eccles, Noreen Flanagan, Owen Bruce, Benjamin Shine, Anna Katsanis, Lucas Wilson, Linda Gradin, Rieko Okusa, Alexandria Rudolph, Amber Witcomb, “40 Years of Style,” FASHION Magazine

Best Editorial Package

Gold: Hélène Mallette, “Salé,” D?nette Magazine

Silver: Miriam Ho, Ruth Jones, Aisling O’Carroll, Carey van der Zalm, Michael Taylor, Nicole Bruun-Meyer, “Volume 37: Future Legacies,” The Site Magazine

Art Direction Grand Prix

Gold: Hélène Mallette, “Pigment,” D?nette Magazine

Silver: Nicolas Boissy, “Spécial nos parents,” URBANIA

Art Direction for a Single Article

Gold: Underline Studio, “Documenta Doubled,” Prefix Photo

Silver: Amélie Chamberland, “Changer le monde,” L’actualité

Editor Grand Prix

Lianne George, Chatelaine

For a complete list of winners in all categories, visit


The NMAF gratefully acknowledges the support of the Government of Canada, the Ontario Arts Council and the Ontario Media Development Corporation. The Foundation thanks its generous sponsors, CDS Global and the Reader’s Digest Foundation, as well as its partners CisionGoetz StorytellingImpresa CommunicationsMagazines CanadaRedPoint Media and Marketing SolutionsRolland PaperSoliscoThe Arcadian CourtToronto LifeVery Good Studios, and the Feathertale Review.

The NMAF gratefully acknowledges all its suppliers and its contributors who donated gifts in kind to support the awards program. We thank them for their generosity, interest and expertise.


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