Announcing UK Public Clojure Training
Come and spend a day with JUXT on one of our public one-day training courses. We house relaxed training sessions at our development centre in Milton Keynes, just 30 mins away from London.
The next training dates are the 27th and 28th of March.
Visit our training page for booking and more details.
Training Course: Day Zero
Have you ever fancied dipping your toes into the Clojure waters and exploring functional programming? If so, then this is the course for you. We’ll start from the very beginning, and will help you choose and set-up the Clojure development environment that suits you before gently strolling up the Clojure foothills together.
This is a one day course, designed for developers who have little or no exposure to Clojure or functional programming. It starts from the very beginning explaining the fundamentals of Clojure, helping developers to build up a basic proficiency in the language via the use of mentoring and immersive exercises.
As a programming language, Clojure is a compact language which is easy to learn. We’ll create a simple project and teach you all the basics: data, functions, sequences, namespaces and the bits of the JVM you need to know.
- Development environment setup
- The REPL
- Data
- Forms and functions
- Sequences
- Bringing it all together: functional programming
- Working with the JDK
Next Day 0 Training Date: 27th March 2017, book on our training page.
Training Course: Full Stack
This one day course is ideal for Clojure programmers tasked with building secure websites and REST APIs. The course is full of hands-on exercises building services to power a front to back web application using a stack comprising of JUXT’s bidi, yada and aero libraries, ClojureScript, Reagent, HTTP SSE, Swagger, Datomic and more.
- Development environment setup
- Build a simple web API using yada
- Bi-direction HTTP routing using Bidi
- Integrate Swagger
- Configuration using Aero
- ClojureScript setup overview (using Leiningen)
- Jump into Reagent
- Client to server communication using ClojureScript REST API calls
- Push events from server using HTTP Server Sent Events
- Datomic Integration and queries
This course assumes a degree of familiarity with Clojure.
Next Full Stack Training Date: 28th March 2017, book on our training page.