Grab Your's Now!
At the urging of many fans and supporters I’ve put together a collection of my regular blog posts from my website https://www.tomufert.com and weekly radio introductions on The Lean Freak Show https://leanfreakshow.com.Though they cover a vast variety of topics, they are generally political in scope because increasingly my experience as an insightful political operative has been sought out to try and sort through the vast and at times overwhelming developments on the domestic and international political scenes. I encourage readers to peruse these items with the understanding that some of them were written to focus public attention for the 2014 midterm American elections. However, though those elections have come and gone, the subjects I addressed still have potent relevance.
Throughout my writings and radio discussions the base intent of my assertions should be abundantly clear—GET INFORMED GET INVOLVED (?#?GIGI?)! In today’s world average citizens risk cataclysmic peril by their ignorance and apathy about political events. That is no exaggeration or even a paranoid exclamation of prophetic doom—it’s a reality. Failure to recognize that your everyday lives are undeniably affected by the seemingly distant developments in Washington, D.C. or some country on the other side of the globe is foolhardy and na?ve. Politics Affects You! Since the world is inextricably connected today unlike any other time in human history by rapid transport, economic and financial interdependency as well as global 24 hour news cycle communications turning a blind eye to political events or political leaders boarders on self-destructive denial and stupidity.
Societal trends that immerse us in bloated consumerism and unenlightened prejudices towards our fellow man fuel the self-fulfilling fears of Armageddon.
Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.
Edmund Burke
Famous writer, playwright and co-founder of the acclaimed London School of Economics George Bernard Shaw once wrote “If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.” America and indeed I think humanity stands at one of the most consequential crossroads in history. With the unbreakable linkages nations and cultures around the world have due to technology, even the tiniest sparks threaten to ignite a global brushfire that cannot be easily contained or ignored. The risks of pandemics from viral contagions like Ebola, potential cyber collapse of communications/financial markets/infrastructures initiated by maladjusted miscreants and the growing threat of terrorists determined to wreak havoc with a single detonation of a biological, chemical or nuclear weapon of mass destruction average citizens cannot afford to be oblivious. Continued silence and ambivalence from people of good will ensures the jettison of mankind back to the Stone Age.
Since our modern civilization is structured in an accepted hierarchy where a handful of human beings strive to govern and maintain world order, it behooves every citizen of the world to have a voice in which those leaders should be. As inhabitants on this tiny dust speck in the universe not one of us can afford to be uninvolved spectators. In the democracies of the western world it is not only our duty but our moral imperative to actively participate in the electoral process for the sake of self-preservation and the benefit of all mankind. With this singular precept in mind every opportunity at the ballot box becomes as an indispensable act of civic responsibility.
Choosing the most honest, dedicated and service minded individual for public office is as vitally important as deciding the best food to feed your family, the safest car to transport your children in or the most financially beneficial job to seek for your successful pursuit of happiness. Voters MUST think along this line of pragmatic reasoning when deciding which candidate to vote for. In the end, your elected representatives have control over those very same quality of life issues that determine the success or failure of how you live. They make and enforce the laws that govern every aspect of your life. Therefore, failure to act or cast a uniformed vote is nothing less than deliberately committing suicide.