Announcing the SCRAPE Performance Evaluation Question Tool

Announcing the SCRAPE Performance Evaluation Question Tool

The USAID Learning Lab team is excited to announce that the SCRAPE Performance Evaluation Question Tool is now available on Learning Lab in the Evaluation Toolkit. SCRAPE stands for six key criteria that evaluation questions should meet: Specific, Clear, Realistic, Answerable, Pertinent, and Evaluative. Created by USAID’s Office of Learning, Evaluation, and Research in the Bureau for Planning, Learning, and Resource Management, this two-page resource is designed to help staff identify and correct common issues with evaluation questions. Discover do’s and don’ts for each criteria, as well as examples of how to apply them. Let this tool help you SCRAPE your data together! ?

Looking for more? Explore the full Evaluation Toolkit to better understand internal USAID evaluation requirements, processes, and practices and to discover USAID guidance, tools, and templates for initiating, planning, managing, and learning from evaluations.

Learn More.

What We're Excited About This Month!

  1. Research Translation Toolkit. By Research Technical Assistance Center and USAID Research Division. Research translation transforms scientific research findings into a more accessible format for practitioners or other audiences. This toolkit provides users with exercises, fillable forms, and templates to generate and use research findings. The toolkit includes three sections– communication products, stakeholder analysis, and a research-to-action plan–with links to examples and key resources. Learn More.
  2. The Rapid Feedback Approach: A Toolkit on How to Generate and Use Evidence to Learn and Adapt During the Program Cycle. By the Rapid Feedback MERL Consortium (Results for Development, Mathematica, Abt Global, Pulte Institute for Global Development). This toolkit introduces rapid feedback methodologies throughout the Program Cycle and promotes rigorous, empowering, and flexible learning during the early stages of activity implementation. It demonstrates how the Rapid Feedback approach aligns with the Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Framework. Explore the toolkit to see how Rapid Feedback can improve approaches to programming, localization, and learning questions. Learn More.
  3. Technical Note: Mixed-Methods Evaluations. By USAID Bureau for Planning, Learning, and Resource Management. This resource provides guidance on using mixed-methods for evaluations. A mixed-method evaluation systematically integrates two or more evaluation methods, usually drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data. Learn more about conducting mixed-method evaluations and what to consider when managing them.?Learn More.

Share Your Perspective on Upcoming Themes!

  • November: Around the World with CLA. Join us as we celebrate the winners and finalists from the past 10 years of the CLA Case Competition. Join us in your reflections on learning from CLA and discover which regions winning cases from the last decade represent.?
  • December: Looking Back at 2024. Learning Lab will look back at the content our community found most interesting throughout 2024. Join us by sharing your own Learning Lab contributions from this year and reflecting on resources or learning that helped you along the way!

Send us your thoughts by tagging us on LinkedIn or submit a blog, resource, or event to Learning Lab!

In Case You Missed It!

  • Discover this Qualitative Design Toolkit, as well as a training course on Designing Qualitative Research for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), developed by USAID’s Implementer-Led Design, Evidence, Analysis and Learning Activity.?
  • Use this toolkit, from USAID Momentum, to improve how you document adaptive learning and quality improvement activities.?
  • This resource, by Devtech Systems and USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG), discusses lessons in DRG Integration and Locally Led Development.?
  • Another resource from Devtech Systems and USAID/DRG provides guidance for DRG stakeholders in applying the Capacity Building 9 indicator to measure the impact of their local capacity strengthening programming.
  • Read this resource, from USAID’s Local Faith and Transformative Partnerships Hub, on partnering locally in non-permissive environments.?
  • Read this report from the National Savings Group Conference, hosted by CARE Nigeria and the Savings Group Implementers Platform. The report includes read-outs on private-sector engagement, developing relationships and networks, lessons learned, and more.?
  • Read this blog, from Tara Davis with CARE, on the use of an impact evaluation to help benchmark the impact per dollar of its programming to the impact per dollar of unconditional cash transfers. The evaluation revealed that CARE’s approach generated $9 in women’s income and savings for every $1 invested.

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