Announcing the Ready or Not Book Launch Team

Announcing the Ready or Not Book Launch Team

Friends, it’s finally time. It’s time to flip the script on how to live your twenties, and Jess and I are so excited! We are thrilled with this book. We poured ourselves into writing it. Years of research, countless cups of coffee, and a multitude of conversations with fellow twentysomethings brought us to this point . . . and we’re pleased as punch with the result. Ready or Not: Leaning into Life in our Twenties is truly a labor of love.

Here’s why:

FirstReady or Not is not a prescription or formula for your twenties, but a process of living faithfully in the dimensions that make a good life. It’s free of the pressure and anxiety that comes with figuring life out, providing you just enough direction and guidance to live in your twenties with hope, purpose, and meaning.

It’s packed full of wisdom from twentysomethings just like you who have struggled exploring the big questions in life: Who am I? Why am I here? What am I called to do?

Second, we love this book because it will equip you to discover your identity, your purpose, and your direction in life. It’s interactive, accessible, and thoughtful. And we can’t wait to get it in your hands.

When you’ve finished reading it, we hope you’ll think, “This book gave me hope, purpose, and meaning HERE and NOW.” We hope you’ll feel fully present AND fully prepared. We hope you’ll actively participate in your twenties with confidence. We hope you’ll have the eyes to see the needs around you, and identify your unique responsibility to love your neighborhood. And ultimately, we hope your twenties will be marked by freedom, not fear.

This is why we wrote the book. This is the conversation we want to have with you.

Ready or Not launches April 3, and we are looking for some friends to help us get the word out. Please consider applying to be a part of the Ready or Not Book Launch Team.

Who can apply for the Launch Team? (ask yourself these questions):

  • Are you excited to read Ready or Not?
  • Are you fairly active on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest?)
  • Do you have a profile with Goodreads? If not, would you be willing to start one?
  • Do you have an active blog or another place of influence where you can share your voice?

If you’ve answered YES to some (most? all?) of these, you just might be the person we’re looking for.

Launch Team Benefits (What you get from us):

  • A free, early-release edition of Ready or Not before the masses can get their hands on it.
  • Access to our private Facebook group with videos, chats, memes, photos, and quotes to share with your circle of influence on social media
  • Access to some of our bonus content that isn’t in the book.
  • One or two other surprises (stay tuned).
  • Our undying gratitude and appreciation. Seriously.

Launch Team Requirements (What we need from you):

  • Read the book. [Pretty please?]
  • A book review on Goodreads.
  • A book review on Amazon.
  • A book review on your blog.
  • Share photos and memes on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest).
  • Share your genius ideas for other ways we can share Ready or Not with an even larger audience.

If you’ve made it this far, and want to be part of the conversation on living the good life in your twenties, please apply here.

We’d love to have you on our team. We need your voice.

[But hurry. Applications close Friday February 9.]

Ready or Not, here we go,




