Announcing LaunchPad
Coaching Actuaries
We help actuaries and aspiring actuaries learn and grow with our proven exam-prep tools.
This week marks a milestone for the Coaching Actuaries team! We’re rolling out LaunchPad, a new resource designed to introduce high school and early college students to the opportunities of actuarial science.
For our team, building LaunchPad has been a 2-year effort and a labor of love. Through LaunchPad, we want to connect with students early in their career explorations and help them discover all that actuarial science has to offer.
“We believe that many young students would love actuarial science. However, this profession is often overlooked despite the high demand for actuaries. That’s why we created LaunchPad, to shine a spotlight on actuarial science and build our community of aspiring actuaries.” – Tong Khon Teh, President of Coaching Actuaries
What is LaunchPad?
LaunchPad features engaging video interviews that answer important questions about actuarial science, including why it's a great career choice and how to become an actuary. We interviewed successful and diverse actuaries to gain their insights, including:
On LaunchPad, these accomplished actuaries share their experiences to help inspire future actuaries.
The website also features short-form articles with additional info, quick-take videos on relevant topics ("Why are soft skills important?"), and links to further resources, including the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Society of Actuaries.
What makes LaunchPad special?
More than just another website, we wanted to create a learning experience that's as compelling as actuarial science. To accomplish this, we created a user interface that keeps people engaged from start to finish.
We also thought it would be important for LaunchPad users to hear directly from experienced actuaries, to go beyond statistics about the profession and hear very human insights from people who have succeeded in this field.
Just like on your favorite social media platform, these videos are snappy and designed to hold your attention.
All in all, LaunchPad shows how fully Coaching Actuaries is invested in growing the actuarial science community, inspiring future actuaries, and ensuring this high-paying, in-demand profession continues to thrive.
“We are excited to roll out LaunchPad and share our passion for actuarial science with the next generation of actuaries. We hope that LaunchPad will inspire young people to discover the benefits and opportunities of becoming an actuary.” - Dave Kester, Founder of Coaching Actuaries
Help us inspire the next generation of actuaries.
Here's how you can be a part of this exciting new resource:
Visit LaunchPad now and please let us know what you think!
Have questions about LaunchPad or want to share your thoughts with us directly? Reach out to [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.