Announcing "ecomère"
Storm Greeter has been the name of Ovante's corrosion mitigating coating since before our company was named. There's a story behind the name that has to do with Hurricane Katrina, among other things, but as we have grown in T&D and are expanding into oil & gas and consumer goods, the true nature of Storm Greeter is getting lost. Allow us to introduce "ecomère".
ecomère is a blend of the words "ecology" and mother, or "mère". One of our mentors, Dr. Mehrooz Zamanzadeh (Dr. Zee), is fond of saying "Mother nature takes what man creates and tries to return it to it's natural state." Where most coatings take beatings and abuse from the environment, the coating we now call ecomère absorbs and deflects. ecomère's formulation contains no phthalates. Ovante's ecomère coating has the strength to protect the electric utilities' infrastructure while doing no harm to the environment.
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