Nearshore Cyber
Helping US and Mexican companies find cybersecurity solutions close to home.
...for the week of Monday, July 15, 2024
The Nearshore Cyber Discord is no more. We reached 1,200 members and found it was becoming too difficult to manage. Go to our new community page on Circle at instead
No more Zoom for events! All events are being moved to Circle Video Rooms.
Backdoors & Breaches will be on Tuesday the 18th (tomorrow) at 8 pm Eastern. Go to to register and RSVP.
Thursday, July 18 at 8 pm Eastern CISSP Study Group: Subdomain 5.2 in which we'll start talking about IAM
Friday, July 19 at 10 am Oaxaca/Denver time, LinkedIn Profile Critique and Cyber Job Market AMA (Ask Me Anything)
Friday is BSides Mexico City. If you plan to go, let the community know on Circle so folks can meet in person.
The first of four weeks of our LinkedIn Power Tools course for cyber professionals is in flight. The next course will begin on Monday, August 5. Tickets will go on sale next weekend if not sooner. The price for 30 days of coaching, lessons, and community support will be just $149 USD.
For a video version of this newsletter: