Announcement on Release of Beta Mnemonic Gateways
Hitoshi Kokumai
Advocate of Identity Assurance by Citizens' Volition and Memory. Founder and Chief Architect at Mnemonic Identity Solutions Limited
As you may have heard from us, we were planning the release of? Beta Mnemonic Gateways, which we now have formally released (*1).? We would like you to try and experience? it yourself.
?We were also talking much about a crowdfunding. With the Beta release, we have fixed the timeline and venue of the crowdfunding (*2) - during January 2024 at Crowdcube (*3).? We expect that it will help secure the budget for accelerating the completion of the commercial version of Mnemonic Gateways leak-proof password manager.?
*1 The Beta Mnemonic Gateways (v0.2.5.7) can be downloaded along with the user manual and tutorial videos at
?We suggest you to follow this order - From User Manual and Video Tutorials to Mnemonic Gateways App to Web Extension Companion.
?Remark: When downloading them, you are viewed as having agreed to not attempt? reverse engineering without out consent.
?At the core of Mnemonic Gateways is our ‘Image-to-Code Converter’ which is outlined in this 9-page slide -
??Should you like to take this opportunity to go through the project of Mnemonic Gateways as a whole, please visit “Mnemonic Gateways as Leading Digital Identity App” (updated 16Nov2023)
*2? We offer 100 preferred shares with no voting right and a bonus of two licenses of Business version of Mnemonic Gateways (to be price at £50 or so on the market) for each £100 investment (unit) to individual investors.
?Remark: We refrain from offering the shares with voting right at the crowdfunding because we wish to be on a safer side with respect to the possibility of criminals and adversaries having undue influences with voting rights in this start-up with a small number of common shares.
?#3 Here is the URL of Crowdcube -
?Remark: Should we have a fatal problem with Crowdcube, we will let you know without delay, hopefully with the alternative venue. We would appreciate it if you leave your name and URL in the comment box at the end of this article so that we will be able to keep you updated without delay.
Well, if you find the features of Mnemonic Gateways to be commercially promising as well as personally useful, please consider committing to investing on one unit or more prior to the start of the crowdfunding.? There is no limit to the number of units that you can commit to invest on.
?If you further commit to investing on 10 units or more and if you so like, you would see your name included in the honourable support group annnounced at the launch of the crowdfunding. We expect such a support group to help give a boost to the momentum of the crowdfunding at its early stage.
?Well, may we suggest you to consider two subjects separately? - (A) Mnemonic Gateways as an identity security solution and (B) Mnemonic Gateways as an issue of investment.
?Even if you conclude that you are not interested to invest £100 for 100 Preferred shares with no voting rights and a bonus of 2 licenses of Business version of Mnemonic Gateways which are to be priced around £50 each, we would appreciate it very much if you could try and experience the Beta Mnemonic Gateways and give us the feedback.? It would be a big help and support to us.
??On the other hand, concluding on (B) without your own assessment of (A), especially on tens of units or more, might be a bit like a gamble rather than an investment.? We recommend you to evaluate the Beta Mnemonic Gateways yourself before judging on (B)
?You could start with£100 for investment.? We would appreciate it if could give your positive thoughts to our proposal and request.
?Kindest regards,
Hitoshi Kokumai
Managing Director, Mnemonic Identity Solutions Limited
Company number: 12788178
Registered office address: Twitchen Odiham Road, Riseley, Reading, England,
General View of Identity Assurance
Here is one of our recent posts on the positioning of identity assurance - “Value of Identity Assurance - Trivial or Significant?”? (21Sep2023)
Technolog and People
Mnemonic Identity Solutions Limited, UK, itself has no sales as yet, but Mmnemonic Security, Inc. Japan, from which MIS/UK acquired all the intellectual properties for all over the world (except Japan). has a record of some US$1 million sales. out of which US$40,000 is the sales to Japanese Army made since 2013. The business between the Japanese army and MS/JP is still expanding, with fresh orders coming in.
Besides the above, we would like to emphasise that all the sales were made by Managing Director of Mnemonic Identity Solutions Limited as Pesident of Mnemonic Security, Inc. The past sales proved both the viability of our technology and the sales capability of our people
Long-term Growth of Corporate Vallue
Teamed up with Quantum Resistant Cryptography (QRC), supplier of the most advanced quantum resistant cryptography, we are now in a very uniquely strong position to provide identity/cryptography-integrated solutions.
More at "Join Our Endeavour" (12Dec2023)
#identity #authentication #password #cybersecurity #cryptography #biometrics #AI #government #defense #democracy #privacy #ethics #infrastructure
Senior Field Engineer for The Computer Dudes' Inc. We serve 6 Southern States and the World.
1 年We already use this method and have for a couple of decades. It is very effective and we hope you keep spreading it to your clients and friends. More advanced forms of Memory Based Mnemonics create our most secure secrets or the keys to them. Keep up the good work! Regards Todd W. Byars Computer Dudes Tallahassee Florida