Announcement: Nutrient Assessment Reduction Plans (NARPs) for 30 Municipal Facilities
Mila Kellen Marshall P.hD
Ecologist with a focus on the intersection between the environment and the economy.
We are pleased to announce that the Illinois EPA has published 30 Nutrient Assessment Reduction Plans (NARPs) related to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Facilities have submitted plans due to their discharge to receiving water bodies that have been assessed to be impaired or at risk of eutrophication by the Illinois EPA. Eutrophication is the process that occurs when a body of water receives excess nutrients which in turn can create unhealthy conditions impairing the water for humans and aquatic life.
The purpose of the NARP is to identify phosphorus input reductions and other measures that can be implemented by these major wastewater facilities. A phosphorus-related impairment means that a downstream waterbody is listed as impaired due to elevated phosphorus levels causing low dissolved oxygen and offensive conditions. The public is encouraged to review respective plans within their watersheds of interest. Sierra Club IL Chapter Clean Water Team has been following the NARP process and will be submitting responses to IEPA and creating opportunities for stakeholder engagement to help improve water quality in our state and protect our precious aquatic resources. If you are interested and would like to be invited or involved in NARP feedback and review please contact Mila Marshall at [email protected].
Documents can be viewed at the following link: