Announcement: Newsletter discontinued (I will share why)
Stephanie Cristal D.
Risk Management, Done Right — From Excessive Paperwork and Slow Decisions to Insights That Power Your Strategic Edge
First of all, my deepest appreciation to each of the Subscribers of this candid Hangry Wife's Stories newsletter on LinkedIn, and thanks to everyone who reached out separately to exchange thoughts and share feedback these past months around the stories I have shared.
When I made the decision to publish my articles via the LinkedIn Newsletter platform, I was hoping to get at least 10 Subscribers on this new platform. It's been humbling to reach the number of Subscribers I have today to share stories about things I care about. I hope some of these stories have blessed and encouraged you in some way.
Now, about the decision to discontinue this monthly newsletter, I will keep writing, just not on the LinkedIn Newsletter platform specifically.
I have listed at the bottom of this article the links to where you can continue to read my articles based on your interested topics. You can scroll straight down if you would like to skip the story behind newsletter discontinuation.
The Story behind newsletter discontinuation
If you have read any of The Hangry Wife's Stories newsletter episodes from the beginning to the end, you would have realised that there were always more than 10 articles in every episode.
I shared in the introduction story of the first episode that I designed this newsletter like a magazine covering different areas of life and topics. Unfortunately as of this writing, there has not been a way to hyperlink to specific parts within the newsletter article like a bookmark link, so it will take about half an hour to digest the entire episode from top to bottom, and it can be hard to pick up from where you left off if you stopped somewhere during your previous reading.
This is the feedback that I have received the most since publishing the first episode of this newsletter in March 2023. To some of the readers, after reading the first or second episodes, they started to figure out which section of the 'magazine' they were most interested in reading. Every time they received a new episode, they wished there was a convenient way to reach that specific section of interest with one click from the table of content, rather than scrolling all the way down to find it.
I have been contemplating discontinuing this newsletter for the last two months, but nothing strong really nudged me until the evening of 25 July 2023.
A horribly hopeless night for me
The 25th of the month was my target day to publish new episodes of The Hangry Wife's Stories newsletter. On 25 July 2023, after having our dinner, I was proofreading the July episode for a final time before I could click on the Next > Publish buttons.
Everything seemed good, so I satisfyingly clicked to add the final image to the newsletter - the Table of Contents at the opening of each episode. I had no idea what was about to happen next.
While the image of the Table of Contents was loading, I thought it was a good idea to save time waiting and proceed to add the horizontal line that usually came after the Table of Content image and before the first magazine section.
I don't remember noticing that my mouse had slipped (to select everything that came after the Table of Contents image - it couldn't be because it's a super long article to be able to Select All with a slip), but the next moment, I saw the image uploading icon stopped turning for a split second, and then the image appeared clearly (upload was done) but there were strange greyed-out tiny message buttons above and below the image, and a horizontal line.
The appearance of the green-coloured Saved text on the top editing menu replacing the grey-coloured Saving... text suddenly made me nervous.
I scrolled down on my mouse and the screen did not scroll. I double-confirmed that nothing was left after the horizontal line - all 15 articles, were gone.
I quickly pressed Ctrl+Z on the keypad but nothing came back. I tried again, and nothing changed on the screen. I started trying to reach out to LinkedIn support to see if I could retrieve my last full-episode draft from their log, but somehow nothing ever happened when I clicked the "Create a support ticket" button.
After many attempts trying to find and locate cached history via any way I could think of and search about it, I had to face the fact that I had lost the articles. It was one of the most horribly hopeless nights I had been through in my life. I was so down staring at my laptop screen that my husband came to sit beside me for a very long time, looking at me the whole time. We were like frozen two persons. Finally, he asked carefully, "Can I give you a hug?"
I took a very long shower that night. From feeling deeply devastated, I eventually calmed down. I told myself, "It's okay, I can write again, it's like writing another 10 articles from the pieces of stories that I had left in my memory. I can do that."
But this time, I also made up my mind, that looking at this incident from the brightest side, perhaps it's the right time to focus on writing on my own websites.
So for those of you who would still like to follow my articles on certain topics, I cordially welcome you to sign up on the respective websites below so that you stay notified when a new article on your interested topic is published and we can continue to exchange thoughts.
On self love:
On marriage:
On facial skincare:
On risk management:
On career development:
On faith:
On specials: