Anniversary Special Edition pt. 3 - Brazil do Donas Cafe
As we continue our series of Anniversary edition coffees, we've paid more and more attention to where these special coffees originate from. Sometimes, the question isn't "where does it come from" or "why it came to be." Soemtimes, as in this case, the question is "who." Specifically, who is responsible for bringing this coffee to market and what is their story?
Our third coffee in our Anniversary edition series is the Brazil Donas do Cafe. The name says it all - "Donas do Cafe" translates directly to "Women of Coffee." An SMC Specialty Coffee program promoting female leadership within the Brazilian coffee industry, this initiative also aims to educate members by catalyzing the process of professional growth while disseminating knowledge about the specialty coffee market.
Women's role in the coffee farming industry has grown exponentially and the demand for coffee produced by them has increased at the same rate. The Donas do Cafe project - developed in 2020 - illustrates this in no small part. As the project and its eponymous brand continue to grow, the determined women of the Brazil specialty coffee industry can look forward to a rich and vibrant future.
This Donas do Cafe lot combines coffees produced by two women-owned farms - Fazenda Canto Galo run by Andreia Oliveira and Fazenda Vale Do Cerrado run by Idivane Araujo.
General Information / Coffee Specifications
Farm: Fazenda Canta Galo/ Fazenda Vale do Cerrado?
Region: South of Minas
Varietal: Bourbon, Catuai, Catimor
Altitude: 1000 - 1200 MASL
Process: Pulped Natural
Roast: Medium, recommended for Espresso