Andrew Argue, CPA
Taxes are your #1 expense. What can you do, Instead? We're Hiring!
For those people out there that are high performers…
That want to go out there and crush it…
That want to do multiple million in sales a year…
Once you get a little bit of success and once you get to a certain level of success, sometimes it can go to your head and you could think…
Oh my gosh, I'm so good.
Can you believe it? How young am I to have done these things?
You don't push quite as hard, you don't go quite as fucking animalistic as you may have in the past.
It's good to be in a room where you don't feel comfortable.
I always try to compare myself not to the average person, not to the everyday individual, but I try to compare myself to my potential.
What am I capable of over the course of my life.
I always tell people...
You’ve got to get animalistic.
You’ve got to get insane.
You've got to go nuts and you've got to do that.
You can't take a shower without thinking about it.
You can't eat food without thinking about it.
You cannot do anything without thinking about it.
Thinking about it, thinking about it, thinking about it.
Thinking about just keeping it in your mind over and over, that's more important than whatever you do.
You have to get into it and you have to get addicted.
Think about your life like this.
If you had to go nuts…
Completely nuts for three months…
Just for three months to quit your job…
Work for yourself, work from home, whatever it is that you want to do…
You can have the rest of your life doing that for yourself, but you only had to give up three months and three months where you couldn't do anything else, right?
You couldn't go out with friends, you couldn't go to the movies, you couldn't go out to dinner…
You literally just sit in and do this thing that you want to do and that's it.
You don't think about anything else, only three months, 90 days. I mean, what is 90 days in the broader spectrum of your life?
So screw it, just do it.
Then you start to build your whole freaking life around that goal.
Every decision that you make is oriented towards that goal of who you will be and you just push for it.
If you're thinking about working with somebody, or going to a conference, or quitting your job, just fucking do it.
Just do it. Literally, you have so much more to lose.
If I think about every year that I went to college, every year that I took a traditional job and didn't work for an amazing company or it didn't work for myself, I lost at least a million dollars at least every year.
That's like a decade.
You don't have to take the traditional path.
You don't have to wait.
You could do it right freaking now, right now if you want to do it.
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