Animal Of Soul
Kishman Sharif
Corporate Communications | Content Strategist & Copywriter | PR & Media Relations- Indigo Textile | CSR & Digital marketing | Hustling in media industry | Social Activist | Blogger on social media.
Today I have a topic that may give you some weird perspective on life. You may experience it from time to time but never get into the depths.
So, we classified living beings into two orders: animals and social animals. Animals are also born with brains, but they don’t need a lifelong struggle to get enough qualifications to survive. As human beings, we are capable of creating decisions with our spirit. If a dog is born, it already knows how to jump, bark, and be acquainted. They don’t say such things as I’m not graduated yet! I can’t Jump. Or I cannot hunt because I just had my board exams. Well, humans have souls to understand sentiments. We need to learn to grow wiser; that’s why I introduce ourselves as animals of the soul.
The soul needs to be fed by energy that we perceive in our surroundings. There are two types of energies we possess: negative and positive. Negative energy always drains us, and positive energy brings Spark. People with bad experiences drift bad energy. However, we are always villains in someone else's story; I was toxic to some while I was a blessing to others. Some I healed, others I hurt. I’m willing to admit that I wasn’t always right. The truth?is, people aren’t perfect, and we often disguise ourselves in various ways. Some people may appear serene but carry miseries within, while others bear burdens silently, maybe due to the?judgmental nature of folks that all pile up to devise frustration. Ultimately, we get emotionally drained, but the?good part about that is that we only see the light when it’s dark to adapt in such a manner. Humans are the most intellectual, so the?big question is, whom should we rely upon? We have a poker face. Being part of society means navigating through layers of complexity. The people we know may not be what they seem, as they speak and pretend in layers. These layers can be harmful because even if we spend a lifetime trying to understand others, we only perceive what they want us to see. Psychologists spend years studying true human nature, yet individuals are capable of changing themselves to fit a desired mold. Our brains have been trained in this manner among all kinds.
There is a saying that "Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change." —Bob Kerrey.
Allah has created humans for humans sake to understand the pain of our kind; hence, prophets are also humans. Allah could send angels to guide us too! Although the chosen one is of the same kind, they can preach to us to spread love amid People, those who are devoted to Allah, are more attached to mankind, and?that’s our top?priority to do not only this when we find someone having tawwakal, which led to A-ir al-mustaqm (Arabic: ?????? ????????), but also how we know that person is A-ir al-mustaqm (Arabic: ?????? ?????????) by some minor gestures of Tawwakal being kind with everyone. He will prefer the rights of humans first (Haqooq ul Ibad).
Here, we are also seeking knowledge and understanding, eagerly following the footsteps of a mentor bestowed upon us by Allah. However, our egos often distract us, causing us to categorize people based on their appearance, size, religion, caste, or socioeconomic status. What if we viewed people on the same page? Perhaps a regular driver could teach us about the most delicate matters of life, surpassing the wisdom of someone we have known for a lifetime. Maybe a stranger could offer a perspective that brings hope in dark times, instantly forming a deep connection. We are far from perfect, but the love we possess is real, and the bonds we share are unbreakable, without any formal commitment. We share emotional vibes that transcend societal barriers. These emotions bring attachments, and when strings are attached to people, we become puppets of that person. Our emotions vary according to their treatment, so emotions can be destructive if we solely rely on them, leading us down dead-end or parallel paths. The struggle between emotions and the mind often intrudes upon decision-making, creating dilemmas. Therefore, as animals of the soul, we need to nourish our souls in a balanced manner to grow influentially and gain enlightenment about various aspects of life. We?need a person with Tawakkal to hold on to until we get our perspective on life.