Animal Health Update - August 2024

Animal Health Update - August 2024

A global look at what is driving animal health, sustainability, and more.

As we head into the second half of 2024, we approach a number of significant global events that will grapple with the future of the planet and humanity. This includes the UN’s Summit of the Future on the sidelines of the General Assembly, where a High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance will also take place on September 26.

Meanwhile, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will host its inaugural Global Conference on Animal Health Innovation, Reference Centres and Vaccines from September 23 to 25 to highlight the animal health sector’s key role in tackling global issues.?

A common thread across all of these events is the principle of One Health. As I outlined in my recent LinkedIn?article, the inescapable overlaps between human, animal and environmental health should underpin all public health policies to deliver good health for all.

Latest news

A selection of notable articles from the past few weeks?

Veterinarians Care for More Than Pets

DVM 360

  • Summary:?John de Jong, D.V.M, President of the World Veterinary Association, discusses how veterinary professionals protect humans and the environment as well as pets.
  • Why it matters:?Veterinarians as essential health workers should be appreciated and supported to ensure they can provide the full range of benefits to society through their work.
  • Dig Deeper:?Read about the?Global State of Pet Care?in a recent report.

How One Health Can Help Ease Climate-Driven Health Crises

World Economic Forum

  • Summary:?The World Economic Forum shares why a comprehensive One Health approach is essential for addressing interconnected health crises amplified by climate change.
  • Why it matters:?A One Health approach can balance and optimise the health of people, animals and ecology, protecting them from the effects of climate change while recognising their interdependence.

A Prosperous and Competitive Europe Fueled By Better Animal Health

The Parliament Magazine

  • Summary:?Roxane Feller, Secretary General of AnimalhealthEurope argues why Europe’s leaders must take a firm stand to make animal health a top priority for the continent.
  • Why it matters: The animal health sector plays a central role in providing solutions to address current challenges such as emerging infectious diseases, climate change, antibiotic resistance, and an increasing population requiring an increased supply of food.
  • Dig Deeper:?Read this?recent op-ed?by three European Parliament Members on why European agricultural policy needs more “boots on the ground” for better policymaking.?

Insights and Research

Notable research on animal health, sustainability and more

"Zoonotic and emerging diseases pose a significant threat to both human and animal health."

In a recently published paper, scientists share insights on the development of locally-relevant One Health strategies against zoonoses. The key findings included:

  • The most influential zoonotic sources are human, cattle, chicken, and some meat products.
  • Analysis of the three One Health pillars representing human, animal, and environment confirmed the increased probability of zoonotic spillover at human-cattle and human-food interfaces.

Dig deeper:?Read the full paper, "A One Health Framework for Exploring Zoonotic Interactions Demonstrated Through a Case Study"

From the Archives

Resources from leaders in animal health and sustainability

Animal Health and Sustainability: A Global Data Analysis This report analysed the relationship between animal health and the three pillars of sustainability: environmental, economic and social. Key findings included:

  • Livestock disease losses cause $358.4 billion in lost production per year.
  • A fall in livestock disease of 10 percentage points is associated with an 800 million tonne decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
  • Every percentage point reduction in global beef cattle losses due to disease could provide enough additional production to meet the consumption needs of 317 million people.

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Something to share

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Source:?How Better Animal Health Supports Sustainable Food Systems

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