Animal Health News-September

Animal Health News-September

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?? Huvepharma is sponsoring this commencing week an international seminar in Panama City to look at today's challenges for optimal nutrition and health in high performing animals. Various guest speakers from research institutions and universities across the world will be joining the event, to share the latest scientific insights into topics such as nutrient digestibility, gut health, disease management, precision nutrition, and the use of feed additives to improve performance. (Company LinkedIn, Sept. 8th).

?? Biogénesis Bagó Launched the "BIOchip" for dogs and cats: The company has incorporated a microchip for companion animals. It aims to streamline the tracking of their medical history and promote disease prevention. This microchip, utilizing Datamars technology, enables rigorous monitoring of the health of companion animals. The BIOchip is a passive computerized circuit that possesses an unalterable, unique, and lifelong identification code. It is made of biocompatible material and can be quickly applied subcutaneously, allowing for the verification of health certificates, certifying the animal for international travel, aiding in the recovery of lost or stolen animals, and confirming a person's legitimate ownership of the animal. Thus, it promotes responsible pet ownership through an innovative technological system. (, Aug.).

?? Porcimune PRRS MLV, la nueva herramienta definitiva de Lapisa para el control del PRRS. Uno de los principales desafíos en la producción porcícola, es el síndrome reproductivo y respiratorio porcino (PRRS), ya que puede causar graves pérdidas productivas y financieras para la granja; es por este motivo que en Lapisa desarrollaron una herramienta para combatirlo: la vacuna Porcimune? PRRS MLV. El director de Marketing y Nuevos Negocios del laboratorio, Alí González Ventura, explicó que el Programa Integral de Complejo Respiratorio y Reproductivo Porcino de Lapisa está constituido por 4 bloques fundamentales que incluyen un amplio portafolio de soluciones de biológicos y antibióticos, un equipo técnico con amplia trayectoria en Latinoamérica, los reconocidos servicios que ofrece su Laboratorio de Diagnostico y la nueva herramienta, la vacuna Porcimune? PRRS MLV. (, Aug.).

?? Zoetis?announced the opening of a 78,000 sq. ft. building in North Carolina dedicated to diagnostics and biodevices research and development. The expanded site will serve as the hub for Zoetis’ engineering and diagnostics work including device reliability testing.?(Businesswire).

?? Elanco US Launches Varenzin?-CA1 (molidustat oral suspension) – the First-of-its-Kind Oral Treatment for Anemia in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease. They announced that the first shipments of Varenzin?-CA1 (molidustat oral suspension), conditionally approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the first and only treatment to control non-regenerative anemia in cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD), are shipping to veterinary clinics around the country. Anemia from CKD can dramatically affect a cat’s existence, making them lethargic, reducing their appetite, and even leading to a rapid heart rate and difficulty breathing in severe cases. According to the FDA, CKD-related anemia is a complication that often contributes to death or euthanasia of affected cats due to poor quality of life. (Elanco Site, Sept. 7Th.).

?? Elanco Saúde Animal (Brazil): Product Launch During Expointer: Throughout the Gaúcha exposition, the company will once again showcase activities at Casa Elanco, such as lectures and training sessions. In this edition of Expointer, the company is introducing the product EZATECT, the first and only triple-formula solution exclusive to the company, capable of simultaneously combating and controlling tick, screwworm, and worm infestations in beef cattle. With this new product, the result of in-house research focused on the specific needs of the Brazilian market, the company is entering the market for high-concentration endectocides for cattle farming. In other words, these are solutions recommended for the treatment of both internal (endo) and external (ecto) parasites simultaneously. (, Aug).

?? The Hill’s Global Symposium 2023, Hill’s Pet's annual event dedicated to Veterinary Medicine, will feature veterinary oncology in small animals as its main theme. During the event, professors and experts in oncology, internal medicine, and nutrition will discuss the latest updates and developments in the clinical care of cancer patients. The Symposium will be a hybrid event and is free of charge. It will take place in Portugal and will be broadcast online for Brazil and other countries on September 25th and 26th. Veterinary oncology in small animals has gained significant importance in recent years. Advances in veterinary medicine have increased the life expectancy and quality of life for dogs and cats, but this also means there is a higher chance of cancer diagnosis in patients. It is estimated that approximately 4.2 million dogs are diagnosed with cancer annually in the United States. (, Sep. 6th).

?? Virbac?France had their sales seminar. with the launch of our new Kidney & Joint solution. This new solution completes our Veterinary HPM range, which is dedicated to the specific nutritional needs of aging felines. It offers a complete line of dry and wet food, specifically formulated to support kidney and joint function.

?? Norbrook Laboratories Ltd. announces CEO succession: Having delivered a clear strategic plan and multi-year capital investment programme to position the company strongly for the future, Norbrook announces a CEO succession plan. Liam Nagle, Chairman & CEO, with the Board, decided to consider CEO succession planning to support the company as it moves to the next phase. The CEO appointment was the conclusion of an extensive global search process concluding to appoint Andrea Lucci, formerly Senior Vice President and Corporate Office, EMEA in IDEXX, as CEO, who will take over from Liam later this year. Liam will continue his role as Chairman of the Board. (Company site, Sept 5th).

?? The Government of Mexico has issued a call for the 2023 National Animal Health Award. Institutions have until September 6th to nominate candidates, and the award ceremony will take place in Mexico City on October 9th, 2023, at the facilities of Senasica. This award recognizes veterinarians who have excelled in their efforts to prevent, control, and eradicate diseases and pests affecting animals in Mexico. Both public and private institutions, as well as educational entities and professional associations related to the livestock sector, may nominate candidates who meet the requirements and whose merits can be verified. (, Sept 7th).

?? The pet market in Brazil has seen an impressive leap in the global ranking of the sector. Just two years ago, it held the 7th position in terms of revenue, but it has now risen to the third position, trailing only behind the United States and China. These figures are part of an analysis conducted by the World Bank and Euromonitor, which takes into account the estimated performance of the segment in the last 12 months up to June 2023. With revenue close to US$ 17 billion (approximately R$ 81 billion), Brazil holds a 4.9% share of the global market. This result represents a 35% growth compared to the previous record of R$ 60 billion recorded last year. Since 2021, Brazil has surpassed the three most abundant markets in Europe - Germany, the United Kingdom, and France - as well as Japan. The United States maintains its sectoral dominance, with a turnover of over US$ 149 billion and a 44% market share. China, the second-largest market, accounts for 8.7% of the total and achieved sales of US$ 29.6 billion.?(, Sept. 1rst).

?? CDV Argentina: CDV, a veterinary laboratory, is making significant progress in its plan to register products in 50 countries. With the launch of its foot-and-mouth disease vaccine and the construction of its new facility underway, CDV is charting a path for international expansion. Having already established itself as one of the key players in the Argentine market for vaccines, reagents, and diagnostic services for cattle, CDV is now moving forward with an ambitious plan to have registrations available in 50 countries worldwide by the end of 2024, including its foot-and-mouth disease vaccine. (, Sept.).

?? Nexus Animal Health, The consultancy firm, entirely focused on Animal Health in Latin America, will participate in the official launch of the Alo Pet Veterinary telemedicine platform at the headquarters of the University ORT in Uruguay next Wednesday. Nexus Animal Health is a strategic partner of Alo Pet, sponsored by the Department of Technology of the aforementioned university. (Linkedin, Sept.).

?? TARGAN?Inc. and?Wayne-Sanderson Farms?announced a multi-year agreement for the integration of TARGAN artificial intelligence (AI) poultry systems in various Wayne-Sanderson Farms’ broiler hatcheries across the United States.?(Feedstuffs?-?subscription).

?? Veterquimica started an alliance with Ourofino, the leading Brazilian company in animal health: With this agreement, the company will enter the Chilean market, alongside Veterquimica as its official distributor. The alliance will strengthen the dairy and livestock sector in Chile. Veterquimica, a veterinary pharmaceutical laboratory with a history of over 50 years in creating solutions for animal health, nutrition, and biosecurity, has announced a new strategic alliance with the renowned Brazilian company Ourofino. The purpose of this alliance is to boost the performance and efficiency of the dairy and livestock industries in Chile. Through this collaboration, Ourofino will enter the Chilean market for the first time, seeking to develop new markets in Latin America. Meanwhile, Veterquimica will take on the role of the official distributor of Ourofino's products in Chile. The agreement includes the distribution of Ourofino's "Reproductive Line," which is expected to arrive in the country during the last quarter of the current year. (, Sept. 4th).

?? Merck Animal Health?announced a voluntary recall of three batches of Banamine/Banamine-S (flunixin meglumine injection) 50 mg/mL in the US due to the presence of particulate matter observed during routine quality testing and reviews.?(Pharmabiz).

?? MSD Animal Health donates five million rabies vaccines worldwide: Rabies is one of the deadliest global diseases, affecting both humans and dogs. In Spain, over 300 vulnerable families have been able to protect their pets from this disease. This initiative is aimed at achieving the goal of eradicating rabies by the year 2030. To that end, they have joined forces with organizations such as Mission Rabies and Rabies Free Africa, collaborating closely with the iO Foundation and Global Vets Aid NGO to raise awareness about the importance of prevention through their Afya Serengeti project. (, Sept. 9th).

?? Fabiano Hideto Ikejiri is the General Manager of MSD Animal Health. Fabiano joined MSD Animal Health in July 2020 and, over the past three years, he has led the Latin America Strategy and Operations organization, where he, along with his team and local markets, developed the five-year Strategic Plan for Latin America and Team Work Modes. Fabiano also led the conceptualization of the Bravecto Growth Acceleration Plan, the Vallee Geographic Expansion Program, local R&D initiatives, and many other capability-building initiatives. Fabiano holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Funda??o Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and postgraduate degrees in Business Economics and Statistics from FGV and the University of Sao Paulo, respectively. (, Sep 5th).

?? Zoetis US: celebrated expanded operations in Durham, North Carolina with a new building dedicated specifically to diagnostics and biodevices research and development. The new space will serve as a hub for science and engineering work with a whopping 23K square feet of total lab space. (Company Linkedin, Sept. 1rst).

?? Apiam Animal Health Limited: FY23 results released. Key takeaways: Dairy & mixed animals (pets & equine) continue to deliver resilient revenue growth. ?Cost saving programs executed in H2 with restructuring & redundancy program to generate $2.6M p.a savings from FY24. ?Further upside from increased management focus on several clinics to lift performance and extract further cost savings in line with Group targets. Integration of existing acquisitions & margin expansion key focus for FY24 with phasing of future acquisitions to account for free cash flows, debt levels and quick synergy potential. (Linkedin, Sept. 1rst).

?? Expo Inter: It took place in Esteio (PARQUE ESTADUAL DE EXPOSI??ES ASSIS BRASIL, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). This event hosted the largest veterinary industry fair in Brazil, with a record number of participants. (Expointer site, Sep.).

?? Boehringer Ingelheim, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the UK Government Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, and GALVmed announce the creation of a new partnership to work on solutions to combat African animal trypanosomiasis (AAT), a disease of vertebrate animals affecting cattle, water buffalo, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, dogs, and other species.?(company press release).

?? Ceva?Sante Animale?received FDA approval for Firodyl (generic firocoxib) chewable tablets for use in dogs.?(FDA).

?? CEVA Salud Animal Vectra 3D is the number 1 antiparasitic pipette on the market. With an average market share of 29% during the months of May, June, and July, this pipette's protection convinces veterinarians and pet owners thanks to its qualities and effectiveness. This antiparasitic provides high protection for four weeks against a wide range of parasites, including mosquitoes, sandflies, fleas, ticks, and stable flies," as highlighted by Ceva. Furthermore, thanks to its insect growth regulator (IGR), it eliminates flea eggs and larvae for two months, protecting the home from this unwanted parasite. Another notable feature of the product is its high water resistance, allowing dogs to get wet weekly while maintaining its effectiveness throughout the month. (, Sept. 5th).

?? Fatro Ibérica: Prednisolona Fatro is now available in a new flavored tablet format. Prednisolona Fatro comes in two presentations, 5 mg and 20 mg, both with easily divisible tablets. Additionally, Fatro reminds everyone interested in learning more about the uses of prednisolone that they can sign up for the upcoming series of webinars in which Carlos Vich (DVM) and Ignasi Rodríguez (DVM, PhD.) will address its applications in Dermatology and Oncology, respectively. (, Sep.5).

?? Vetoquinol Mejora sus beneficios y supera los 30 millones en la primera mitad de 2023: La empresa ha reportado ganancias netas de 32 millones de euros durante los primeros seis meses del a?o, lo que representa un aumento del 50,6% en comparación con el mismo período del a?o anterior. Durante la primera mitad del a?o, Vetoquinol registró ventas por valor de 256 millones de euros, lo que supone una disminución del -5,4% en términos informados y del -4,6% a tipos de cambio constantes. Explican que esto se debe al efecto de un exceso de existencias registrado en el primer trimestre de 2023, que ascendió a unos 10 millones de euros, destinado a garantizar la continuidad del servicio durante la implementación de un nuevo sistema de planificación de recursos empresariales (ERP). Se?alan que este efecto se ha suavizado por completo a finales de junio de 2023. Las ventas de productos para animales de compa?ía, que totalizaron 181 millones de euros, se mantuvieron estables en términos comparativos (-0,4%) y representaron el 70,7% de las ventas totales del laboratorio. Por otro lado, las ventas de productos para animales de granja alcanzaron los 75 millones de euros, lo que supone una disminución del 13,3%. ?(, Sep. 8th).

BERNARDO OTERO Animal Health Business Leader


Emilio Pi?eiro

Especialista en Compliance | Proyectos Consultoría | Formador y Conferenciante | Divulgador, LION +20K Conexiones Linkedin | Catalizador de la Transformación Organizacional y el Desarrollo del Liderazgo

1 年

Thanks for sharing. Te mando un cordial saludo BERNARDO OTERO






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