Dr. Coach Kay
Michigan Legislation made provisions to end cruelty against animals. I support your discussion and also do not support your discussion on using criminality to punish those cruelties against animals. Cruelty against animals is a learned behavior. I find that the world pushes the agenda of punishment and capital punishment as the first stop to criminality. It is evident many of these cases can be resolved by changing the values in the culture, pressure on the legislation to build access to education, training, and prevention methodologies. The biggest factor about criminality is that punishment is used as the first respondent to all conflict and conflict management. In fact, this is a lifestyle issue. People are killing animals based on cultural values. It is a learned behavior, business capitalism, and the social issues on the responsibility to value life and animals are classified as less in value. I believe that punishment should not be used as the first respondent to conflict, conduct, and/or as a preventive measure as the criminal system has proven the need for an upgrade. The criminality laws around animal cruelty are not well established. Most laws are created for conduct after the fact, never before the fact. This is too late, and punishment is not effective or efficient. Therefore, it is better addressed for preventive measures as to strategics on animal welfare, ownership responsibilities, and the education system, leadership training, and coaching, mentoring to the behavior, conduct, and conflict that societies often blame on criminality and not the root of the matter of lack of social responsibility for environmental justice, and restorative justice in regards repairing damaged communities, and individuals who have low performance and poor quality productivity to access healthy lifestyle choices. This would eliminate animal cruelty. The need for policies of punishment would become a secondary reinforcement from the first action plan of incentive reinforcement to prevent such conflict through the decision-making on an individual level and on a group level. I believe Maslow speaks about the needs assessments and motivation assessment in all areas of lifestyle choices. This response of mine may be a little far fetch from the popular thought on animal cruelty. I support protecting animals, and decreasing cruelties, as well as human cruelties. Violence is a learned behavior, and a societal socialization and social normalcy conduct that is normalized. Then, punishment becomes an ineffective and inefficient system to resolve conflict as a preventive process or practice.
"The Michigan Legislature has designed three primary provisions related to cruelty to animals: intentional infliction of pain and suffering, duty to provide care, and anti-animal fighting. The intentional infliction of pain and suffering provision carries the most severe penalties for animal cruelty and a violation is automatically a felony. A violation of the duty to provide care provision is initially a misdemeanor, which becomes a felony for a second or subsequent violation." (Animal Law, 2020).
"Thieves can often escape legal punishment due to a lack of law enforcement in the country," (Daily Mail, 2020).
Retrieved from, (2020). Animal Law.
Retrieved from, (2020). Daily Mail.