AngularJS Vs Vue.JS Which Framework to Choose in 2022

Sometimes for a new project, we choose a development framework on a random basis relied on the needs of the project, developer's choice and available expertise required to complete the project.

But, the main concept of choosing a framework for an enterprise will depend on the development requirements and suitability of the framework to match the needs. People think that it is easy to decide to settle down on a framework and make a well-established web presence.

However, there are many things we should consider to choose a framework for the development based on its performance, speed, reliability, speed, maturity, stability, learning curve, community support and efficiency of delivering the results.

Keep this context in mind while choosing a web framework. Selecting a framework is a science as it needs expertise and related experience to understand the project needs and a suitable web and software development environment for it.

Our focus in this writing will be on AngularJS and Vue.JS. Both of these platforms have different features and functional abilities. And these features make developers and businesses in a dilemma while making the selection. However, we have tried our best to make you comfortable while making a selection between AngularJS and Vue.JS.

Statistics of frameworks - Popularity always matters

Let's see Google Trends for AngularJS and VueJs. This is going to be an amazing fight between both of these technologies. Both of these are the best in their segment and performing powers.

According to w3techs, Angular is utilized by 0.4% of all the websites, i.e. a JS library market share of 0.5%.

Other statistics show the development languages utilized by software programmers across the globe as of 2019, by deployment type. Based on the reports, 69% of developers utilized JS (JavaScript) and 5% decided to go with the language.

The JS is only the platform running on the path, because there are lots of siblings are in the race, which is offering more powerful options for web development. Vue.Js, Node.Js, React and Angular are some of the widely used front end development frameworks. All these frameworks are utilizing JavaScript as the core and base of developing for developing attractive and more capable applications.

Why JS frameworks?

There are many reasons behind the fame of JS. There are lots of libraries available in JavaScript that make a system very easier for the development.

The latest JS capabilities vested in the top 3 frameworks are React.Js, Angular.Js and Vue.Js. But the lock horn in this writing is between Angular.Js and Vue.Js. And we assure you that after reading the whole blog you will become capable to decide the best as per your requirements.

Take a scenario, in a case if you need to decide between chocolate, ice cream, toffee or chocolate biscuit, what will you choose as it is really a tough decision. If you like chocolate most then without any doubt it will be your first choice and rest will be your second options based on your mood the priority you give to them.

Well, it is also true that not any item decreases the value of the other item. It is just your taste or requirement. In the same manner, we the choice of a framework depends on your need and project requirements. Either AngularJs or VueJs you can choose as per your choice.

So, where to go?

Don't worry we are going to show a clear picture of everything regarding these frameworks.

We can't say which one is the best front-end framework. It will be only your decision and your developer's choice. Also it will depend on the type of application you need for your business. We have listed some of the important aspects that should be considered before selecting a front-end framework.

There are mainly 6 points or elements should be considered while moving with a front-end JS framework is as follows:


·??????Learning Curve

·??????Library/Framework Size



·??????Community Support

Now, start the journey of AngularJs and VueJs to know their basics, features, advantages and comparison between them.

Angular Framework

In simple words, it is an open-source JS-based framework that helps in developing robust and highly scalable web applications. A decade ago Google launched a front-end development environment that is known as Angular.Js.

As a Google product, it is highly popular among businesses for developing front-end applications. If we talk about its usage then understand it in this way, most of the big names in Fortune 500 Organizations such as Whatsapp, Forbes and others use this framework in order to develop their web applications.

Since its origin in order to keep it the best match of today's business needs Google had released its new version named as Angular2 in 2016.

There are many features vested in Angularjs development which are responsible for making it the first choice of developers. It is a high-end and complete framework with an encompassing solution instead of just like an array of libraries.

It helps developers in focusing their task much faster as it offers libraries and other solutions to help them in the development. This is one of the reasons make this framework in the top front-end frameworks in 2020 having impressive UI for the users.

It is developed on TypeScript which allows accessing all the advantages it offers such as class syntax, await/async, arrow functions etc. The inclusion of various Object-Oriented Programming makes the migration easier from any OOP-based languages like Java and C++.

When it is ideal to choose Angular.js?

·??????To develop feature-rich and large-scale web applications.

·??????Coding in TypeScript.

·??????To develop a web app based on OOP.

·??????To create hybrid, web or native applications for long-term use.

·??????To build real-time applications such as message apps, chat apps etc.

·??????Use it when you are searching for a scalable and reliable front-end framework.

The latest and updated version of Angular is Angular 8 which allows developers to have a big amount of features to include in their web development project.

What is inside Angular.Js?

The framework utilizes real DOM. It is not easy to manage as if you are not able to control the flow, you will slip into a deep well of coding while finding the issues or errors. It is risky to find out lots of bugs as well as time-consuming.

But the ream DOM inside Angular affects its performance and functional power to develop dynamic software applications. All these things result in slow execution of this JS framework.

Advantages of Angular.JS:

·??????Broad community support as it is the oldest available framework for the app development.

·??????Component-based structure, so all the components allow reuse.

·??????Easy development in Angular.

·??????There are lots of built-in functionalities and libraries.

·??????Due to OOP it always needs good programmers having good programming knowledge.

·??????It has the capability to disperse a single block into multiple blogs.

Features of AngularJS

This framework is packed with many big features for effective front-end development and helps developers to keep working on improvements and growing. There is a huge list of features of AngularJS. Let's check some of them here:

??High Modularity

It proceeds with the footprints of the MVC framework. Additionally, it includes many components for diverse functions. Developers are allowed to install every single module whenever required. In this manner, it removes the requirement to install the basic modules.

??Single Page App Development

There are lots of SPA features supported by AngularJS. All the features make easier to develop and manage online forms.

It also ensures providing effective results. With AngularJS developers can take more control in managing and maintaining validation abilities while developing single-page app development. In this manner, the entire procedure becomes easier to fulfil the requirements of the project.


With the expert developers, it is easy to create apps using Angular framework. The main reason behind this is that the framework splits the whole app into diverse components. After that developers can easily work and manage all these split components separately.

Additionally, it has separate files for the distinctive sections of development namely main logic and design. Also, with the Compartmentalization of work in separate components makes the whole web application development and deployment processes easy.

??Massive Community Support

We know that Angular is the oldest framework developed by the web giant Google, so it offers enormous community support to the developers and also improving the framework itself. The developers available in the community support are experienced and capable to provide the best solutions for front end development.

The community also calls IT companies and organize conferences, webinars across the globe in order to provide information on new changes and advancements in the industry.

??Supports MVC Architecture

It is one of the best features of Angularjs helps in developing web applications. With the inclusion of MVC architecture, it becomes very comfortable to develop web apps which results in saving of time and efforts of the developers. With this framework, it is also possible to synchronize data automatically and in an efficient manner with less efforts.

??Dependency Injection

When it comes to Angular then it is not only to components or elements. Dependency Injection is one of the important features related to this that makes it separate from other frameworks.

This tends to configurable dependencies. It can be termed as there will be no need for the developers in the presence of dependent apps or components to manually develop related dependent objects as the injector of the framework will develop and inject them in the code of the app.

??Dual Data Binding

It is also a noticeable feature of Angularjs. It tends that any change in the web application will clearly impact the UI directly and the same will be done with backend. Dual data binding is easy with this framework as it developers can do it just with few code lines.


It is also a feature-rich framework used for developing user interfaces or UIs. As an independent tool to creating UIs, it doesn't need any additional extension.

Evan You created this framework and released in Feb 2014. It might be possible that not lost of companies are using this framework but it doesn't affect its popularity among the developers.

A lot of inclusive features of Vue always attract developers to use it for web development. It is easy to learn and integrate. Developers can use it for both complete single-page apps and represented components.

Logical structure and component file layout are also included in this framework. Vuejs development for web apps doesn't ask for any extra libraries and deals with 2-way reactive data-binding.

When it is ideal to choose Vue.js?

·??????Supported by the community.

·??????To build lightweight and small apps.

·??????Highly flexible.

·??????High performance and quick apps development.

·??????Use it if you need to enter early in the market.

·??????Easy migration from the existing framework however with limited resources.

Vue.Js allows easy integration with distinctive libraries. It also has some good browser devtools extensions. These extensions help developers to check out the present condition of all the components and do the required changes.

Vue.Js is really small as compared with other frameworks. This results in high-speed performance and decreases the deployment time. It contains documentation, in this manner; it saves the time of developers in learning this front-end framework.

For using Vue.Js developers can start their journey with the basics of HTML and JS because this framework implements HTML-based template designs.

Advantages of Vue.JS:

·??????All-inclusive documentation.

·??????It offers faster performance because of the small size.

·??????An easy learning curve.

·??????Integration of other programming languages is easier.

·??????It is the lightest framework.

·??????Simple to work with Vue.Js.

Features of Vue’s?


Computed Properties


This is termed as one of the best features of Vue.Js. It assists to know the changes made to the UI and do the required calculations and upgrades. No additional coding is required to do all such things.


??Easy Learning Curve


While learning or working Vue it is not required to learn other language or framework except for JS, unlike other frameworks like React and Angular.


??Data Binding


It helps to change the style, assign classes, assign or manipulate the values to HTML attributes along with binding directive known as v-bind accessible with Vue.Js.




Vue.js provides HTML-based templates. It compiles and binds the templates into Virtual DOM Render functions. A web developer can easily make use of this function and can replace the templates using this render function if required.


??Vue.js Library


React.Js and Angular.Js are indeed more suitable for developing large scale web applications but some of the things make Vue is a better choice from both of these frameworks. Like Redux in React have some disadvantages if used for the long term.




Let’s check out Angularjs vs Vuejs comparison







Deployment Speed

Challenging deployment as it handles everything from project development to code optimization

Pre-coding structure allows quick deployment than other frameworks. It is ideal for start-ups.


Coding in TypeScript

When you require both HTML, Typescript and JavaScript

Framework Size

Largest size in 500KB

Lightest at 80KB(Bundle size).

Community Support

A wide community of supporters as well as professional developers

Open-source project supported and sponsored via crowd-sourcing


A fully structure-based framework

Use it if you need separation of components


Migration is not easy with Angular.js because of major updates every six months.

As 90% of the APIs remain the same so developers just need to utilize a migration helper tool to do the required changes.

Job market

The number of jobs are same in both Angular.js and React.js

There is a slight difference in the job market of Vue

Learning Curve

A deep learning curve

A small learning curve. Developers just need basic programming knowledge

Best Suitable For

Feature-rich and large-size applications

Suitable for single-page and lightweight web application development


Real DOM (Document Object Model)/ MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture

Its model base is Virtual DOM and offers MVVM architecture


Ideal for developing web apps, native and hybrid apps.

Ideal for started supporting native apps and advanced SPA

Angular.js vs Vue.Js - Who wins the race?

There is no debate on the importance and selection between Angular.Js and Vue.Js. Every framework has its own pros and cons.

Angular can be your choice as a complete package and in terms of contributors. But its learning curve is deep and developers might take time to find out and resolve the errors. So, it can be an ideal choice for the companies having a big team of developers using TypeScript.?

Angular's main drawback is its size, startup time, and memory allocation capacity compared to VueJS.

While Vue is the newest in the market and not has backing of big companies. But it works well than React and Angular in some manners. Some of the big names like Baidu and Alibaba are using Vue as their primary UI framework. Vue can be your ideal choice if you like flexibility and simplicity.

You can choose any framework based on your project requirements. Do your research before working on any framework.


Stats References:,js-vuejs


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