Angular JS
Lucky Sinha
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In current time Angular JS is the technology which is used in website development also as well as in Mobile App also
So here is little introduction about this technology. Hope you will find it useful.
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. It can be added to an HTML page with a <script> tag.
AngularJS extends HTML attributes with Directives, and binds data to HTML with Expressions.
AngularJS starts automatically when the web page has loaded.
AngularJS expressions are written inside double braces: {{ expression }}.
AngularJS modules define AngularJS applications.
AngularJS controllers control AngularJS applications.
AngularJS expressions can be written inside double braces: {{ expression }}.
AngularJS expressions can also be written inside a directive: ng-bind="expression".
AngularJS expressions are much like JavaScript expressions: They can contain literals, operators, and variables.
You can write expressions wherever you like, AngularJS will simply resolve the expression and return the result.
Example: Let AngularJS change the value of CSS properties.
AngularJS is the frontend part of the MEAN stack, consisting of MongoDB database, Express.js web application server framework, Angular.js itself, and Node.js server runtime environment.
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7 年Angular 4 :)