Angular: Getting Started Guide

Angular: Getting Started Guide

How to start? That was the first question I asked myself when I went through a Junior Frontend Developer selection process to work with this framework.

Until that day I had never studied anything Angular, since after learning the basic fundamentals of web development (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) I had been focusing my studies on React, just like many people do as it is the most popular technology at the moment.

I believe that many beginners or even more experienced devs who are going to migrate to Angular will go through a similar thing, so that's why I decided to write this article and share my experience in searching for this answer.

I didn't have much time, so I couldn't take the risk and use the classic "trial and error" as a method, I needed to focus on what was most fundamental to start working professionally with this technology, so I thought, the best way for me to arrive at this answer is: Talking to experienced professionals who already work with Angular.

Basically what I'm going to do here is a compilation of what they recommended I study, selecting the topics that were most mentioned.

The topics that appeared most were:

?? TypeScript

??Fundamental division of an Angular project:




?? Structure of a Component

????Selector (ts)

????Template (html)

????Style (css)

?? Communication between parent and child components:

????? @input

????? @output

?? Most used features in Angular:


????? Decorators

????? Directives

?? Routing: how to create and access routes

?? Consume APIs: HTTP protocol requests: HttpClient

?? Reactive Forms

?? NgRx (state control)

?? RxJs (rendering control)

????? Reactive Programming

????? Observables

????? Lazy loading

??Life Cycle



???? (…)

?? Data flow (data binding)

????? property binding

????? interpolation

????? event binding

????? two-way data binding.

Note: I didn't want to detail each one of them, otherwise this would turn into a bible haha and that's not the intention, but just to give a basic guideline to follow for those who are lost.

?? Some paths you can follow to learn these topics:

?? Official tutorial on the Angular page

?? New Angular Home Page (v17)

?? Youtube channels:

Angular Oficial channel

AngularAir -


Simon Grimm - Google Expert Angular:?

Brandon Roberts - Google Expert Angular?

Tech Talks With Santosh - Google Expert Angular

Monsterlessons Academy - Google Expert Angular?

Decoded Frontend - Google Expert Angular?

? Interview Questions to Study:

?? About Angular Latest Versions:

Angular Toward Its Renaissance

Angular v17 release event:


Angular 17 - Angular Renaissance new doc announcement:

Secrets, Surprises, and a Successful Angular 17:

What’s new in Angular 17?


Note: This article was originally written in Portuguese ( and I later made this updated version in English to be able to reach more people.

I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who responded to me and thus contributed to my development.?

The best way to give back that I found was to pass on what you taught me, which motivated me to write this article.

Loiane Groner ?| Phelipe Matos | Guilherme Siquinelli | Thiago da Silva Adriano | Andrew Rosario | Anelise Estevam | Marcos Correa | Michel Campos | Igor Debastiani | Renato Pereira | Gilmar Alves Filho | Douglas Onofre | Nayanne Batista | Luiz Henrique | Alessandro Ferreira Ant?nio | Caroline Suzuki | Aldo Bernardes Maciel | Karine Riquena Limp | Júlio Cézar Mendon?a | Fábio Miranda | Michelli Brito | Tulio Gomes Caixeta Antunes | Caio Rolla | William Mendes | Wellington Felipe | Michael Oliveira de Deus | Mayara Cardoso | Wesley Magalhaes | Matheus Battisti | Razer ANR Monta?o | Alexandra Soares | Dener S?o Pedro Troquatte | Paolo Almeida | Guilherme Braga | Keidson Robson | Brener Alvas | Waldir Feitoza


#Angular #WebDevelopment #SoftwareDevelopment #JavaScript #Frameworks #SEO #Frontend #DigitalMarketing #TechTrends #SearchEngineOptimization #CodingLife #UIUX #OpenSource #WebOptimization #Code #AngularJS #AngularFramework #WebPerformance #ProgrammingLanguages #UserExperience #WebDevTools #OnlineMarketing #WebDesign #WebAppDevelopment #FullStack #SEOExpert #DeveloperTools #CodingSkills #Angular17 #JavaScriptFrameworks #AngularCommunity #WebTech #DeveloperTools #FrontendDevelopment #DigitalStrategy #SEOConsulting #SoftwareEngineering #react #reactjs #vuejs #nextjs #Google #frontend #frontenddeveloper #frontenddevelopment #js #ts #javascript #typescript


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