Angular Features and Benefits
Angular is one of the most popular modern day web frameworks available today. Because of the sheer support of Google and ideas from a wide community forum, the framework is always kept up to date. Angular has the following key features that makes it one of the powerful frameworks in the market.
You can learn one way to build applications with Angular and reuse your code and abilities to build apps for any deployment target - for web, mobile web, native mobile and native desktop.
Progressive web apps
It uses modern web platform capabilities to deliver an app-like experience. It gives high performance, offline, and zero-step installation. So, working with Angular is pretty much easy.
You can build native mobile apps with strategies using Ionic Framework, Cordova, or NativeScript.
You can create desktop-installed apps across Mac, Windows, and Linux using the same Angular methods and accessing the native OS API's.
Angular gives you an advantage of having control over scalability. You can achieve the maximum speed possible on the Web Platform and take it further, using Web Workers and server-side rendering. You can fulfill large data requirements by building your data models on libraries like RxJS, Immutable.js or any other push-model.
Code generation
Angular turns the templates code in such a way that it is highly optimized for JavaScript virtual machines, this gives you the benefits of hand-written code with the productivity of a framework.
You can use any technology with Angular for serving the application like node.js, .NET, PHP and other servers for instant rendering in just HTML and CSS. Angular is also a good choice for sites that optimize for SEO.
Code splitting
Angular apps load quickly with the new Component Router, which delivers automatic code-splitting, so users only load code required to render the view they request.
With Angular you can use a wide array of existing components.The simple and declarative templates lets you build your features quickly.This provides you with lot more flexibility to design and reduces your time and efforts to make the code work.
You can define the component and template as per your feature to quickly create UI views with simple and powerful template syntax.
Angular CLI
Command line tools: You can easily and quickly start building components.You can add components, test them, and then, instantly deploy them using Angular CLI.
You get immediate Angular-specific help and feedback with nearly every IDE and editor. Intelligent code completion, instant errors, and other feedback comes with the popular editors and IDEs like Microsoft’s VS Code.
Angular delivers the productive and scalable infrastructure application support by providing with the prototype, testing and global deployment.
Testing becomes lot more easier with Karma and Protractor.With Karma for unit tests, you can identify your mistake on the fly and Protractor makes your scenario tests run faster and in a stable manner.
You can create high-performance, complex choreographies and animation timelines with very little code through Angular's intuitive API.
You can create accessible applications with ARIA-enabled components, developer guides, and built-in a11y test infrastructure.
Angular is indeed a very powerful framework. The features makes it an awesome tool for developers to create amazing applications!
Share your experiences and learning while working with Angular in the comments below.