Angry Dave
J Mann Associates -HR Experts
To make every business a great place to work.
My brilliant husband Dave is one of the most laidback and relaxed people I’ve ever met – his calm, reassuring presence is a tonic in a hectic world.
But the other day, I saw something pretty rare:
Angry Dave.
The target of his ire?? The local car leasing company, who’ve been calling him – pretty much incessantly – to ask him whether he wants a new car.
He doesn’t.
We’ve still got 12 months left to run on the current agreement, and although I know it makes sense to get in earlier these days, a year in advance seems a bit much, especially as we’re not after anything fancy.
Yet they still keep calling, day after day, clearly making zero notes to ensure that their internal records state, “Mr Mann does NOT want a car at the moment”.
But what really takes the biscuit?
They don’t even seem to know that the car currently sitting on our drive was leased from THEM.
They’ve shown no acknowledgement that we’re already a customer of theirs, such is their insatiable desire for sales.
From a business perspective, there’s plenty to take away:
Fail to do all of the above, and you might encounter an Angry Dave…
Jacqui Mann, Managing Director |