Angry Client or Mama Bear ?
John Black ?? ??????
Logistics Solutions Provider ? ?? #Expedited #Truckload #Flatbed #Opendeck #Conestoga #Greenlogistics #HWC #Freshproduce #Freshlogisitcs #FreightManagement #Sustainability #LTL #Aerospace #Altadena ??323-893-3610?
An Angry Client is easy. A Bear, isnt'
Often an "Angry" client has to due with many things...
Not Being Heard; False Expectations; No Communication; Getting The Run Around and many many more. How you ease the Upset of a Client is to "Listen to Understand. Be with their Upset. Its Not Easy - But any Storm, will pass. Avoid dodging their upset. The Client needs to manage Their Expectations and The Expectations of their own client or end users. Magically - Once "They" feel Heard, the Upset and Anger weakens and a calm comes over them.
This aint Magic, just Human Behavior....
What I've learned dealing with Upset clients to name a few..
"Disney, Paramount Pictures, Samsung and other"...
Never, Never, Ever take your clients choice away..
Never, Never, Ever keep "The Truth from client...
Use some discretion when wielding "The Truth"
Understand, your client may not like what you tell them..
But your client will appreciate and respect you for telling them.
Why? Because - Now they can manage their expectations and the expectations of their own clients. Now they feel in partnership with you. And Now you can Be a Star, focusing on the Solutions and continue to Add-Value till the completion of delivery, etc.
You'll be okay - Just avoid dodging or resisting a client's upset or Anger. Remember, There's Just Something Missing in the Expectation of their Shipping Experience.
Always Listen to Understand Empathically.
Be Great, you can do it - We all can.
Be Great, you can do it - We all can.