At Anglicare WA we believe that everyone has the right to a safe, affordable home.

At Anglicare WA we believe that everyone has the right to a safe, affordable home.

We have been delivering services to people experiencing homelessness for more than three decades. 2 in every 5 people experiencing homelessness are young people.

The problem is, unfortunately, getting worse.

There simply aren’t any affordable options for young people to call home. Even rooms in share houses are out of reach for most.

We currently support as many as 250 children and young people at any one time through a continuum of homelessness services, providing accommodation to more than half of those young people each night.

Recent WA Government announcements on cost-of-living relief such as electricity credits sound positive, but if you don’t have a home to use electricity it’s no help at all.

The numbers of people sleeping rough is increasing, and more people are sleeping on a friend’s couch, in garages, or in their cars. The second highest reason for calls to our Emergency Relief line after food vouchers is for assistance with paying car registrations, as people who are sleeping in their car must have it registered. Families included.

We hear many stories of young people sleeping rough in university buildings while they try to complete their studies.

We estimate that almost 10,000 Western Australians are without a safe place to sleep in tonight, with 2,500 sleeping rough.

We have shared the story of Sam* previously, who was sleeping in the library of her university. Anglicare WA support workers were able to find her safe, transitional accommodation, and advocate on her behalf with her tutors so she could remain enrolled and complete her studies.

Help us provide a safe place to sleep tonight, along with the wrap around support that will change someone’s life. Please, donate today.

PS: A small tax-deductible donation of $25 can help us provide assistance and support which be pivotal in the life of a young person like Sam.*

(*Sam’s story is real however her name and the details have been changed to protect her privacy.)


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