Anger: Navigating Its Benefits and Drawbacks
We offer assessments and training in vital emotional intelligence competencies.
Any human being that has their boundaries attacked and/or their needs trampled will be angry. Unexpressed anger does not go away. It only builds into eventual out-of-control RAGE. Every family that does not express anger becomes afraid of it. Children learn this, plus they have to deal with mounting unexpressed anger. They grow up and meet other adults with similar childhood experiences.
This will result in both of them tiptoeing around the "elephant in the room,” called anger. They can become employees or leaders who are passive-aggressive or aggressive with themselves or others in their work environment or at home.?
And like most, they all agree that “anger”?is the problem.? It is the danger. But in reality, the “non-expression” of anger is the problem, not the anger itself.
Unexpressed anger causes numbness, anxiety, overreaction, health problems, heart attacks, violence, disconnection, and eventually disease.
Outdated beliefs about anger and stopping it will prevent a healing relationship to healthy expression of all emotions. Connection to anger provides a strong boundary, a protected self, and confidence. Eventually, it will result in a relaxed body and create self-esteem.
Take ownership of your feelings. Don't spray it; say it clearly. Use "I" statements to express your perspective. Avoid blaming others or resorting to name-calling.
Consider examining your beliefs around anger, its origin, and placement. It will be worth your time. The rewards are many.
If you wish to explore more about emotional intelligence or your soul path, visit for additional resources and information. Stay inspired, courageous, and committed to making a positive difference!