Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
Study the appearance of the angel in Judges 13. Note that the angel returns to Heaven through worship which apparently opens the way through the "Satanic atmosphere" around us to permit angels to operate on our behalf. Review the story of Daniel and note that the hindrance by the prince of Persia (a Satanic power) was broken by prayer and fasting.
Think about a battle you are facing and then ask God to send His "ministering spirits" to work in that situation.
Read Psalms 78:36,40 and Ecclesiastes 5:6. Israel had a special angel caring for them until they provoked him in the wilderness. If God sends an angel to your aid and you provoke him by sin and unbelief, he may depart from you. It is well to take heed to the warning in Exodus 23:20-22. You may also entertain an angel and not be aware of it...See Hebrews 13:2.