Angels can always find us even we are lost

Angels can always find us even we are lost

Angels are a part of God's creation, and like mankind, were created perfect. But sometime before the creation of man by God, Lucifer, (meaning ‘Son of the Dawn’ or ‘Morningstar’ per most translations) considered by most Bible scholars to be the most powerful, beautiful, and wisest of all the angels of God, rebelled against God. He grew prideful of his magnificent splendor, strength, beauty, and wisdom that God had graciously lavished on Him, and wanted to take the place of God Himself! He became Satan when sin had taken hold of him.

There are many historical documents that tell about Angels intervening in the lives of people. What agenda they have is where the intervention becomes personal. It might be wise to note that often the initial outcome may be something not easy to achieve. For the doubters I only have this to change your mind, my personal experience. During many years of seeking God's will and learning the gifts I was fortunate to have experienced angelic interaction. Everything from actual visual sightings to feeling hands touching me with nothing you could see in the room. I have also seen things flying around the room such as a guitar, pots and pans.

It may be of interest to you that I am an Indian and the most intriguing interesting things to me is when I began to experience the 'Spirit Walk'. I was helped to travel a different path. Twenty some years ago, I was approached by an angel who spoke to me through another person. When he explained that he was that woman’s guardian, I asked if he meant what is referred to as a guardian angel. He told me that guardians and angels are two different roles that a spirit can take in the spirit world.

A younger angel will transfer to the angel realm for a period of time to be a messenger — they carry messages from one spirit to another and to humans who have the ability to receive them. Archangels are those who have chosen to remain in that realm permanently to train and provide guidance to the others. The idea of a spirit “earning their angel wings” through the conduct of their human lifetime does not fit with reality. The spirits of most mortals will already have been angels.

Every human is assigned a guardian angel, a role that requires more experience and judgment than the role of messenger and is filled by spirits who have completed at least half of their physical lifetimes. A guardian knows more about specific events that are destined to happen than one’s spirit does, and they will alert a person to opportunities to fulfill them. They are not always present, but are alerted by a person’s strong emotions, both positive and negative ones.

In Hinduism, guardian angels help people achieve closer union with everyone and everything in the universe. Hindus believe in a different concept of guardian angels than that found in other major religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Hindus sometimes worship guardian angels. While many world religions direct worship toward one main creator—God—and say that angels are God's servants who also worship God and shouldn't be worshiped by humans, Hinduism allows worship of many different types of gods, including those that act like guardian angels.

Hinduism’s divine beings or angels are spiritual in nature, yet often appear to people in material form looking like human beings. In art, Hindu divine beings are usually depicted as especially handsome or beautiful people. Devas and the Atman concept. The Hindu guardian angel is more like a type of god that combines two different spiritual forces: the devas and the atman. Devas are deities who help guard people, pray for people, and promote the spiritual growth of people and other living beings like animals and plants.

Devas give the living things they watch over spiritual energy, which inspires and motivates the person, animal or plant being cared for to better understand the universe and become one with it. Devas literally mean "shining ones," and they are thought to inhabit the higher astral plane.?The atman is a divine spark inside each person that acts as a higher self to direct people toward higher levels of consciousness. The atman, which represents the part of each person that lives forever despite changing through different reincarnations (like a soul in other religions), urges people to move toward enlightenment and understand the universe and becoming one with it in unity.

Hindus usually meditate when communicating with guardian angels called 'Yaksh & Gandharvas ', reflecting on their thoughts and sending them out into the universe rather than saying verbal prayers. Although, they do sometimes pray verbally to angelic beings. Hindu believers also emphasize making sacrifices to major gods in order to obtain blessings from guardian angels. The Bhagavad Gita, Hinduism's main sacred text, refers to angelic beings as demigods or minor gods. "By this sacrifice unto the Supreme Lord the demigods are propitiated; the demigods being propitiated will mutually propitiate you and you will obtain supreme blessings.”— Bhagavad Gita 3:11 Jay Shri Krishna

Tim Wascomb

Balance Getting Fit

3 年

if we believe that the bible is Gods holy word, then we must believe in it entirely as a hole not just parts. Yahweh God gave guide lines to be followed in the book of Exodus in chapter 20 called the Ten commandment align yourself with them and Colossians 2:16 and following explains freedom from human rules, straight from Gods word the Bible, angels are everywhere good and bad ones that is why we as humans can never win the battle along because it is spiritual warfare and we are flesh and blood calling on Gods help is what wins the battle as we know how to fight and he uses his angels to assisting his cause, even though the battle has already been won through the cross and Jesus Resurrection from the dead

Preeti Sharma

Academy for Career Excellence

3 年

Especially when we are lost sirji



