Angels Are On Assignment
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
Angels Are On Assignment
?A Call To Awaken And Partner With The Angelic Realm Around Us. – A Word By Ella Onakoya
God is releasing angelic reinforcements on the earth to break through demonic barriers hindering us so we can be ushered into His purpose for our lives.
In the bible, there were many amazing stories of supernatural intervention in the lives of individuals and nations as angels brought revelations from Heaven, helped to win battles, brought deliverance and helped to bring atmospheres for healings to take place. Today these angelic beings are very much active in our midst.
I sense strongly in my Spirit the Lord’s desire to awaken us to the powerful angelic realm we are surrounded with. Partnering with the angelic realm helps us to enter into the divine inheritance the Lord has for us. After all Hebrews 1:14 says Angels are ministering Spirits sent to serve those who are to be heirs of salvations. Hebrews 12:22 shares about how heaven is filled with these myriad of angelic beings. There is a clarion call from heaven for us to abide in this heavenly realm. As we become aware of the angelic realm and learn how to pray and release their activities in our daily lives, the miraculous realm that was experienced by the saints of old becomes our realities too.
I believe the Lord would have me share on specific assignments and functions of the angelic beings that are being released on the earth today and how we can partner with them to see them succeed in what heaven is releasing them to do in our lives and communities.
1. Angels that brings atmospheres of breakthrough for healing
In John 5:4, an angel stirred the pool of Bethesda at certain times. Whoever got into the pool first would receive their healing. These were angelic beings released in Israel at that time to help many receive their healing. I believe these angels are present today when we pray for the sick to be healed.
Here is a powerful testimony on how the presence of angelic beings created an atmosphere of breakthrough to bring much needed healing. Two years ago while I was visiting in Norway to speak at a conference, I heard a report of a man who was extremely sick in hospital with a damaged kidney. His condition worsened and he became totally deaf. He had high blood pressure which doctors feared could give him a heart attack and he was bleeding internally under his skin. I visited him in hospital to pray for him. As I was about to start praying for him, I heard the lord told me not to pray yet but worship Him with the song hallelujah. As I worshiped,his body jerked and he cried out that he could hear the voices of many angels..Although he was still deaf, he could hear them through the machine attached to his ears to help him hear. I believe angels live in an atmosphere of light, love and joy in heaven. The worship in the hospital created an atmosphere of joy which released angelic presence in the room as they came to break through demonic resistance in the room so the man could receive his healing.
Filled with faith, I commanded both ears to open and be healed, for his blood pressure to become normal and for his body to be healed. Before I left the hospital, he reported that the hearing in one of his ears had been restored. I told him to keep confessing by faith his total healing. A day later, his wife reported that her husband had called her to testify about the voices of angels he heard in that hospital visit and how his hearing was 80% restored and his blood pressure had become normal.By the second day the wife reported both ears hundred percent healed. Within a few days he was discharged from hospital and sent home! What seemed to be a valley of the shadow of death in that hospital had become a place of breakthrough because of the angelic assignment that were sent in! Worship was the key to partnering with heaven for the angels to be released.
2. Angels of Harvest
”Are not all angels ministering Spirit sent to serve those who are to obtain salvation” Hebrews 1:14
I have had dreams where mighty angelic beings were present in places and meetings where a huge number of souls are about to be harvested into the kingdom. These angelic beings are not only present in evangelistic crusades and meetings but are present wherever the unsaved are.The Lord is stirring up harvesters of souls throughout the four corners of the earth to bring in Souls as we preach the gospel in love and power. We partner with these angels connected to the Harvest whenever we obey the Lord to preach the gospel. As the Lord sharpens our discernment, we will sense activities especially around people or places that are ripe for harvest.
One of the most heartrending but joyful testimony of when I sensed angels of harvests at work was several years ago when I was on the way to have my hair done in London. I became hungry and walked into a restaurant to eat. I did not hear a voice to go in but later on realized I was nudged to enter that restaurant. I believe an angel of Harvest was present with me that day. Suddenly I felt a sense of urgency as I looked at one of the waitresses in the restaurant. I felt I needed to share the gospel with her and asked her politely if I could have a moment to talk with her seeing as she was busy.She obliged and sat with me. I shared the gospel with her and asked her if anyone else had ever shared the gospel with her. She said several had but she had done nothing about it. I told her I felt she could not afford to put her decision forward much longer and asked her if she would like to receive the lord as her savior. She said yes and in prayer received Jesus as her lord and savior.
A few months later, I visited the same restaurant and asked after her. To my shock, I was told she was no longer there as she had recently died through a sudden sickness. Though I knew she was with God as she had responded to the call for salvation, I was saddened at her death but remembered how I entered that restaurant and was specifically led to speak with her. I believe angelic activities were very active around the lady as they must surely have known that her time was near and gave me that timely nudge to enter into that restaurant so I could share the gospel with her. Her salvation was of prime importance to God and so are many others salvation!
3. Warrior angels
The lord shared key revelations with me about key functions within this angelic ranking that are sent to war on our behalf:
Sentinels: As I waited on the Lord with a group in 2014 at a prayer meeting I hosted in my home, I heard the Lord say He was releasing sentinel angels into the UK to guard against ISIS attacks. I did not know what the word Sentinel meant and asked my group what the word meant. They told me it is was someone who watches and guards. Immediately I led the group to release prophetic decrees activating and releasing these angels into all the cities in the UK. We partnered with that word to pray it through and till date I still pray with that specific word as I am aware of the need to stay watchful in the times we live in. From that date every terrorist plot in the UK had been discovered. Many have commended the intelligence activities in the UK on how they have been effective against terrorism but although I agree that the UK has wonderful intelligence agents, I believe we need to thank the Lord even more for sending these angels to guard our cities. According to Psalm 127:1, unless the lord watches over the city, in vain do the watchmen watch. I believe we can take this word and pray through a release of guardian warrior angels to watch over our cities and nations.
Angels who encamp around believers to bring protection.
”The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them” Psalm 34:7
One example where these angels were actively present was In 2 Kings: 6 15-17 when the Lord opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant to see an army of angelic hosts who surrounded them to protect them from an invading army. Whether we see them or not, they are very much present with us but the Lord can choose to open our eyes to see these angelic beings to stir up our faith in Him.
Once, I was on a ministry trip in France when I suddenly faced an intense spiritual battle in an area of ministry. As a lay in bed that night, the lord open my eyes to see huge flashing swords in my room that cut through the air continuously.The Lord told me those were my warrior angels. My heart became completely filled with peace and I slept without any worry. These warrior angels are not only with us daily to protect us but would accompany those who are on dangerous mission trips. All we need to do to activate these angels in our lives is to ask God to release them on our behalf.
Warrior angels defeat demonic resistance hindering answers to prayers.
In Daniel 10: 12-13, the angel that brought the revelation to Daniel explained to him that from the first moment he prayed, he was heard but a principality tried to withstand him as he was sent to bring revelation from God in answer to his prayers. Michael the chief warrior angel was able to defeat this principality so the angel could bring the revelation to Daniel .
Have you ever been in prayer and felt resistance?. The truth is most certainly that heaven heard you the first time you prayed but a demonic entity was trying to hinder the manifestation of the answer to your prayer. I shared this truth with a lady (an asylum seeker) I was mentoring in London who had been praying to have the right to stay in the UK . She was then led to fast and pray to break through demonic resistance to her prayers. I believe her fasting empowered the angels to be released on her behalf. Relatively soon after she prayed and fasted, she received the answer from the UK authorities to stay in the UK! Adding fasting to our prayers is certainly one of the ways we can partner with Heaven to release the angelic beings to release breakthroughs to us.
4. Angels who appear in human form.
Although angels are Spirit beings, they can appear in human form in visitations on the earth to fulfill heaven’s purpose. In fact, Hebrews 13:2 warns us not to forbear in entertaining strangers as in so doing some have entertained angels. Several years ago I had a situation where I was unjustly treated with eviction from a flat I lived at in London though I had done no wrong and paid my rent promptly. I then sought legal advice from a law office.The law office assured me the landlord would be acting illegally to evict me in that manner but that I needed to pay them a fee so they could act on my behalf. I had no budget to pay them so the law office said they could not represent me. The threats of eviction became worse and I decided to start looking for a new place to live. Shortly after, the representative for the landlord called me sounding agitated and fearful. He told me he had just been visited by two men who scolded him for treating me in a harsh and illegal fashion. I called the law office I visited to thank them for sending representatives from their office to speak on my behalf to the landlord’s representative.They checked their records and told me they did not send anyone from their office to represent me as I had not paid them. They told me to thank my guardian angels! How amazing that there is a court in heaven where the righteous judge can rule in fairness on our behalf. I believe these were angels that came in what seemed like human form to legislate on my behalf.
Friends, don’t be weary…Angelic reinforcements are being released on the earth today. God is releasing a timely intervention to help you enter your destiny. We are living in exciting times where these angelic intervention are being sent to bring sudden breakthroughs on the earth.
Ella Onakoya
Harvest of the Nations