Angela Guy - The Stepping Stones Of Spiritual Maturity
Angela Guy lives in northeast Ohio with her husband and four children. Raised in the church, but going her own way over the years, she has struggled much of her life with feeling seen and accepted. She loves sharing with others how God has provided her with purpose and has healed the deep hurts. Join the Tell Your Story team as we learn about Angela and her story.
Prepare to be challenged because Angela asks the hard questions. Her direct approach cuts a path just wide enough to guide the reader to a place of understanding, with the intent to induce reflection and soul-searching depth. A self-proclaimed introvert, she masterfully bares her life to the reader for the sole purpose of facilitating growth, revealing a servant’s heart. A must read for those seeking maturity in their walk with God.
─ Jan Blasio,
What is your name and where are you from?
My name is Angela Guy and I am from New Franklin Ohio
What do you do for a living?
I am a Director of Project Accounting
What are your hobbies and interests?
I love Hiking, bowling, volleyball, studying God's word, book making, and board games.
What are two special or unique things about you that are probably not known by your co-workers and acquaintances?
I held the school record in track for the 4x800 relay in my high school. I grew up in a family with 4 children, My husband grew up in a family of 4 children, and we have 4 children in our family.
Are there causes or issues that you truly care about?
Unity and collaboration in the workplace. Providing hope to the hopeless. Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What is your story as a person?
I moved a great deal as a child and did not make friends easily so I have spent much of my life feeling invisible. I stood out in academics and in running, so I devoted myself to being the best that bordered on the pursuit of perfection. God blessed me with a loving husband and four beautiful children. Striving to be a superstar mother and a superstar boss and employee left me depleted and continually strained. God brought the failure of those circumstances into my life to teach me that abundance comes in the form of letting go and serving Him through loving well.
What is the main story you want to share with the world through your book?
I would like to share hope for the hopeless and encourage believers to spread the good news to a hurting world. We serve a God who not only rescues, but he restores and transforms. God intends so much more for the life of his children than what we settle for. We don't need to strive for value or promote our worth or pursue what fades and gets defiled. In God's kingdom, there is authentic, intimate community and relationship with the creator of the universe. He bestows us with unlimited grace and amazing blessing and it is a treasure to share with the world. Jesus is enough!
If you had an opportunity to share just ONE message with the WHOLE WORLD, what would it be?
The creator of the world longs to know us, to guide us, to communicate with us, and to fill us, but instead of submitting to his love, we not only seek, but fight to keep empty lives that constantly need to be filled with something.
What does family mean to you? Tell us about your family.
I am married with four children, two boys and two girls. We try to spend good, quality time together and focus on family as a priority in our lives. Family is our legacy and our heritage and help define who you are. I hope to leave my children a legacy and heritage of good character and integrity.
Angela Guy is the author of The Stepping Stones Of Spiritual Maturity, Available on Amazon and Kharis Website.
Tell us about your book
The Stepping Stones of Spiritual Maturity explores our transformation when we bring our true selves before our Creator and the freedom resulting from choosing God’s way. Interwoven with her own transformation story, author Angela Guy looks at how the Sermon on the Mount relates to and deepens the Beatitudes by describing them both as a cross-shaped path toward God’s heart, and stepping stones to cross before we can continue along the path. Guy also explores the difference between who we are, compared to a righteous God in whom we learn to abide, and shows how our identity and worth are found in Jesus alone.
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