Angel Walk....
Have you ever done an Angel Walk? Get a balanced number group of people, can be as few as 10 or as many as 20+! People split up into two groups, forming a line and facing each other. One by one, a person will walk down the middle and each person in the line will whisper something personal and affirming to that person - be an 'angel' whispering in their ear. When that person gets to the last person, he/she will join the line and a new person will walk the same line, and so on until everyone has had angel-whispers. Sooooooooooo sweet and it will fill everyone's heart. Some people will laugh, others will cry, but all will feel their own variation of Joy!
It's the little things that we do (or don't do) every day that makes a big difference in the end! Do your part to make someone else feel good and smile!