The Angel Place Project - Christmas 2024
Is it only at Christmas time that we remember the less fortunate than ourselves? A favourite Christmas film, for many " A Christmas Carol " comes to mind, remembering Ebenezer Scrooge's words in response to his conversation with the fundraising gentlemen about the less fortunate, who were reluctant to enter the workhouses.
“If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”
We all have our stories, that have shaped our lives, in one way or another, for whatever reason, good or bad.
All year round, Help is needed, but particularly in the colder months, when support to deliver urgent items really makes the difference for survival.
Please take time to read this short article about The Angel Place Project - fundraising for COMMUNITY HEART (LONDON)
With higher numbers of homeless people and struggling families, food banks are extremely busy due to local food banks being closed down.
Warm clothing is essential, such as hats, scarves, socks, blankets.
I would truly like to thank BTC Activewear, in particular, David Brown for their help, which enabled us to forward on items for this project as cheaply as we could.