Angel Luis Vazquez honors Miami Lakes
11-17-2020 Regular Council Meeting starts at around 6:40 PM
@ 47:20 Miguel Martinez… Two items, personal / Blasting Advisory Board Participated in Thanksgiving meal distribution through Steps in the right direction, distributed over 2,000 meals, now he is insulted. Has been in the front of Blasting, involved for over 10 years, invited to participate in Town committee, one of four who traveled to Tallahassee, current Chair of the committee and today a line is to be drawn, should not have been entertained and asks NOT to approve such a measure
@ 50:00 on the dial, Alejandro Sanchez… 14C, took an oath to protect The Constitution of these United States, trophy represents what he did, Major Charles James has another, Councilman Fernandez, you never swing at the first pitch, you are trying to hit a homer on your first swing. Miguel Martinez, the intelligence he shares, the volunteers sacrifice for this Town, to say they have to live in Miami Lakes, we are not 41 years old as an incorporated Town, it is not a good way to start your fist day attacking volunteers, Gary Cardenas, Angel Luis Vazquez, they volunteer because they want to help, they are doing the right thing, al raves we get migraines. Please withdraw this item from the Agenda it is not the right thing to do!
@ 59:00 Angel Luis Vazquez, congratulates newly appointed Council / committee members, Chair of Veterans Committee, commends Major / officers for the work done, traffic control, parade delayed a week, however, Major was ready without skipping a beat. Special thanks to all parade participants, own logistical band aids, all affected by the changes, adaptability does not go unnoticed, vehicles looked outstanding! Clarisell de Cardenas / volunteers… monumental challenge due to COVID 19 but we did not waver, parade was a beautiful success. Gary De Cardenas, Grand Marshall… seamlessly carried out recognition of a Veteran through his widow, thanks the committee, Alejandro Sanchez, Fred Senra, long time resident, vehicles donated for Council, dedication / tenacity is an example as to how to lead… thank you and have a good evening.
@ 01:10:14 Rosario Navarro via Zoom, unmute mike… heard / back and forth about committee not allowing non-residents as volunteers. Is it real or is not real? Charo… are you going to disallow people who do not live in the Town not to be in certain committees? Mayor Cid says: Rosario, we are on public comments… Rosario Navarro says: you know Pedro, financially helps the committee a lot, works very hard for the city, this is a volunteer and he too, will be affected, we will lose him and his contribution
@ 01:13:10 Claudia Luces congratulates candidates / council members that won the election.?An event in this building, rather disturbing to me. Freedom of Speech is guaranteed by the Constitution. Today, we heard four individuals take the oath to The Constitution of these United States, primarily to the 1st Amendment: Freedom of Speech. When we heard that a committee member, let the cat out of the bag: Angel Luis Vazquez, a?to Most people in this office take oaths to defend that document and our rights, something who actually serves and defends our rights, was called into this building and was told by the Mayor he needed to refrain from criticizing… read this on Social Media… I find this is true, disturbing, I don’t care what position you hold, you do not relinquish your right to speak, the Mayor has NO right to limit the rights, granted to us by the supreme law of the land, no one has the right to violate our rights… Calling a Veteran into a meeting, upsetting, to know to criticize the Mayor the person has to call him… defends 1st Amendment Rights of any citizen of these United States, ability to criticize anyone as we see fit, silencing an individual is not the way to go about this
@ 01:17:16 Larry Borman… Jacaranda Lane… 1972 resident, love Mayor Manny… welcomes new councilman, but is in opposition of the Agenda item presented by Tony Fernandez. Member of Veterans, Gary de Cardenas does not reside in Miami Lakes but works every day to protect our children, what a guy! Commander… involved in all Veterans items, an ex banker, educated and dedicated to Miami Lakes. To go ahead and enact this is a discredit to Veterans, hopes it is reconsidered and at the very least, grand father our people in… Thanks for the opportunity
@ 01:20:06 Written public comments received: Hope Reynolds, Bonnie Cintron, 2nd Bonnie Cintron on safe routes to schools and Mirtha Mendez, 14C Town Committees, those are the written public comments for the record
01:21:28 Town of Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid takes a moment of personal privilege, asks the Town Manager to put clarity on this issue…
01:22:00 on the dial Town Manager Ed Pidermann clarifies the content of the meeting, the same story told in private, the Mayor received a phone call alleging election fraud was going on, Mayor Cid advised the content of the call… tried to call the gentleman back, called the Major, it would be best to clear the topic.
Asked Rosa to call Mr. Vazquez to see if he was willing to come in, asked the Major to be there as law enforcement branch of the Town, Angel Vazquez said he was joking when he called Mayor Cid, at the end of the meeting everyone was very satisfied with the meeting, all agreed to move forward, work together, hand shakes, meeting lasted 15 minutes, that was the extent of the meeting, I would not involve myself in private matters such as Facebook postings comments… the meeting concluded with handshakes…
Hope Reynolds 11-17-2020 PUBLIC COMMENT, 11-17-2020 Regular Council Meeting
Town Committees are not political extensions, these are volunteer residents who dedicate time and effort to make ours a wonderful Town where to reside.
Town Committee participation does not remove citizen’s rights, in fact these are enhanced as they are protected by the Constitution of these United States, Florida Constitution, Miami Dade County and Town of Miami Lakes Charters.
Therefore, an Agenda item that appears to be retaliatory against a Veteran, Chair of s committee because of comments in defense of the right to recognize a fellow committee member ought to be removed from the Agenda…
Legislate differently, legislate to demonstrate adherence to The Constitution by:
Town of Miami Lakes is committed to protect the governed…
Hope Reynolds
Bonnie Cintron: Public Comment Town Council Meeting\
Dear Town Council Members and Mr. Pidermann,?
I admit that I have not followed very closely the ongoings of the town since we have been restricted to virtual meetings. As I have often commented, I do not find them to be something in which I care to participate. However, there are times when certain issues capture my attention and I like to exercise my right to comment.
As I understand it, there is a proposal being made to restrict the participation of non-residents in our town so that they perhaps not be allowed to serve on our committees. These are people who have volunteered their help and as far as I know have not been paid for their services with any town funds. If they have volunteered their time and effort to help this community, I do not understand why we would not welcome their service. (?)?It should be noted that if I remember correctly, we even had a town manager (Mr. Rey) who was paid a nice salary from our budget, but he was not a resident of Miami Lakes.
I am looking forward to when we start convening in person again and maybe then I will be able to follow the proceedings a bit more diligently. As of now, I rely on others who participate in the virtual meetings to tell me what transpires. I hope you will consider allowing non-residents to serve on committees in this town as long as they choose to do so and are not paid out of our town's budget.
Sincerely,?Esther Bonnie Cintron
Mirtha Mendez: My public comments for today's Council meeting.
Dear Mayor and Councilmembers:
"Members of committees provide the Town and Council with valuable input, and in many cases bring their personal and professional expertise to opine on town events, policies and procedures" from Council member Fernandez memo.?Even though these VOLUNTEERS give their time and expertise with no remuneration involved, Councilman Fernandez is proposing eliminating their ability to hold office nor vote in committees if they are not Town residents.
When the Committees were created, throughout the years, one of the requirements was "No non-residents allowed".?It was noticed that some committees were not meeting quorum because of lack of resident participation, some committees had no expertise on hand to delve on issues coming before them, some committees languished into non-existence from non-involvement.?The time came when a prior Council concluded that inviting non-residents to serve in the committees was a wise and prudent decision.?The addition to the committee's criteria to state "(d) Be a non-resident who has a particular interest in a Committee and brings a specific talent and/or expertise to the Committee's intent as set forth in the resolution creating the Committee" was necessary to correct a wrong and widen the scope of the committees.
The Councilman also alleges that "making recommendations that influence expenditure of town fund generated by tax revenue should be limited to those that are directly impacted as part of our tax base".?What the Councilman forgets is that all monetary decisions of the Town are in the hands of the COUNCIL and NOT Committee members.?If any misappropriation is occurring it is not because of the committees; a closer look in-house would be required.
It is very hard to understand how somebody who has been involved with committees for as long as this Council member never mentioned his concern that non-residents were sticking their hands in the cookie jar.
I hope the Council member reconsiders his position and withdraws his proposal.
Sincerely, Mirtha Mendez,
01:21:28 Town of Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid takes a moment of personal privilege, asks the Town Manager to put clarity on this issue…
01:22:00 on the dial Town Manager Ed Pidermann clarifies the content of the meeting, the same story told in private, the Mayor received a phone call alleging election fraud was going on, Mayor Cid advised the content of the call… tried to call the gentleman back, called the Major, it would be best to clear the topic. Asked Rosa to call Mr. Vazquez to see if he was willing to come in, asked the Major to be there as law enforcement branch of the Town, Angel Vazquez said he was joking when he called Mayor Cid, at the end of the meeting everyone was very satisfied with the meeting, all agreed to move forward, work together, hand shakes, meeting lasted 15 minutes, that was the extent of the meeting, I would not involve myself in private matters such as Facebook postings comments… the meeting concluded with handshakes…
11-17-2020 A message to Town of Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid:
From: Angel Luis Vazquez
Date: November 18, 2020 at 9:41:05 PM EST
Subject: 11-17-2020 Town Council agenda;?
Discussions on our November 4 meeting
Good Evening All:
The reason for drafting this email is to elaborate on the mischaracterization made at the Town Council meeting dated November 17, 2020 At that Town Council Meeting, there was a point of privilege that was called by the Town Mayor giving deference to the Town Manager, Ed Pidermann, to discuss the "gossip" in regards to our meeting on November 4, 2020.?
I would like to point out some discrepancies between what truly happened and what was stated by the Town Manager.?
It is alleged that the Town Mayor called the Town Manager Ed Pidermann regarding an allegation of "Election/Voter" Fraud. It was alleged that the Town Major, Javier Ruiz, was allegedly called and I was asked to go to the Town Manager office to discuss this for the first time. This is incorrect.?
I had already been called by the Town Major by phone previous to our meeting to discuss the matter by phone. It was my understanding that everything had been addressed and we had already cleared all discrepancies.?
Additionally, at no point did the Town Manager or his assistant tell me that our discussion was regarding the “election / voter" fraud discussion I had already had with the Town Major or for that matter what the meeting was about.?Rosa, his assistant, simply stated that the?Town Manager wanted to discuss town issues to which my understanding was regarding the Veterans Day Parade and the weather forecast for the weekend of November 8, 2020.?
At no point was I told that law enforcement or the Town Mayor would be at the meeting. It is clear that at that moment I felt intimidated by the presence of the Town Major and Town Mayor being at the meeting. The Town Manager stated that my call was in jest during the Town Council meeting but this statement mischaracterizes the bottom line. I never mentioned "Election/Voter" Fraud at any point during any discussion. At some point during his statements on the dais about the November 4, 2020 meeting, the Town Manager stated that we discussed "several different things" after the discussion on the “Election/Voter” Fraud. Those “several different things” include:?
3.?????Statements made by himself stating that I was disappointed with the way the Mayor was running the town during the election as the Mayor had heard through another resident. Clearly, I told him that I had said that I was disappointed in his duties as Town Mayor.
The meeting absolutely involved comments made by myself on Town Social media. Additionally, the “several different things” that Town Manager gives deference and passes over are the key issues to which I draw issue with.?
These “several different things” were a request to suppress my First Amendment Freedom of Speech by the Town Mayor. Not only was I intimidated by the presence of all these individuals at this meeting, but the meeting was escalated by the Town Mayor in which he became hostile discussing my characterization as mentioned in the numbered paragraphs above.?
At end, the meeting concluded with why I find myself drafting this today.?
As I told you that day, any correspondence done to you and your office will be done by email in order to prevent mischaracterizations as such made on the dais and the Town Manager. I demand that we don’t glance over “several different things” and that we characterize events correctly.
Angel Luis Vazquez
Town of Miami Lakes, Veterans Committee Chair
A message from Town of Miami Lakes Resident - Our Oracle…
Mirtha Mendez
Toe the Lines
Dear Townspeople:
We created Town Committees to benefit the community.?However, we were not specific enough to tell the committee members what was expected.?To make sure everyone understands, the following will apply from now on:?
To make sure this doesn’t happen ever again, I have to remove the thorn on my side.?I'll have my lap dog, newly-elected Councilman, who hasn’t been sworn in yet, add a New Business Item in the next Agenda to forbid any non-resident Committee member to vote in any Committee.?Toe the line.
I am using this surrogate because I don’t want my fingerprints on this item, and the 8,000+ people I convinced to vote for him are too dense to know the difference.
To the gullible residents who believe everything I say, eat at my restaurant.
Sincerely, Your Mayor.
Star Rodriguez Get 'em, Mirtha.
Mirtha Mendez It's a lonely job.
Louise Brown This is not good.
Miguel Martinez is an invaluable member of the Blasting Committee and a non-resident. Because of people like him, the requirement of residency was waived. His knowledge on blasting is immense. He would be affected by this New Business Item.
Mirtha Mendez Thank YOU for your support and encouragement. As I always say, we're all in this together.
I think there are some in Elderly Affairs. Are there any in Youth Activities that attend local schools but are not residents. This is very troublesome.
Mirtha Mendez this indeed is very troublesome and discouraging to anyone who may want to volunteer. This new business item is retribution and childish that will affect many volunteers. Sad to see that many were correct in saying the newly elected council member is a puppet of the mayor.
Hilda Mayda Hassan Count on me Mirtha
Mirtha Mendez I always knew you'd be there. Thank you.
Jorge Llerena What a petty bs thing to want to enact.
Idel Llavore And who says we are not in a hiding communist??
First, let's have a bit of fun... just when I thought I was out... Mirtha Mendez pulls me back in:
I need you. We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Mirtha Mendez WE ARE WITH YOU 100% as always!
From: Angel Luis Vazquez
Date: November 5, 2020 at 6:50:46 PM EST
Joseph Sosa <[email protected]>
11-04-2020’s Meeting in the office of Miami Lakes Town Manager at Town Hall
Good evening to all?
Per our meeting yesterday, Wednesday, 11-04-2020 at Miami Lakes Town Hall in the office of the Town Manager, where the following individuals were present Mayor Manny Cid, Town Manager Ed Pidermann, assistant to the mayor Joseph Sosa and Police Major Javier Ruiz, I am drafting this email to memorialize everything that transpired.
I was called to this meeting by Manager Pidermann, to discuss a phone call that I made to Mayor Manny Cid on the evening of November 3rd. The first point of contention was that I allegedly called to discuss election fraud with Mayor Manny Cid. This was completely incorrect. I never mentioned voter or election fraud. The point of the phone call was to simply ask about the results of the election and whether Mayor Manny Cid had any information on why the results were not reflected on the web site. Unfortunately, the phone call dropped, and we were unable to entertain any more discussions after that.
The second point of discussion was involving something called trolling. I was unclear as to what that term meant until yesterday, but I appreciate all of you bringing me up to speed on what trolling means. It was alleged that I was "trolling" the mayor during the state of the town address. This is also incorrect. I was simply voicing my opinion with regards to how I feel about the mayor's performance in his capacity as Mayor of the Town of Miami Lakes. If I am not mistaken, it is my first amendment "freedom of speech" right to voice my opinion. It was brought to my attention during our meeting that I was bashing the mayor on social media for calling the town mayor and several council members un-ethical due to their endorsements of certain political candidates over others in the local town elections. The mayor also brought to my attention that my recognition of the work and efforts of our former Veterans Committee chair during the 911 Memorial was surpassing my duties as chair of the Veterans Committee.?
The next point of discussion was involving whether someone was spoofing the mayor's phone. Again, I appreciate all of you bringing me up to speed on what spoofing means. I was simply sharing what a concerned resident brought to my attention while I was out canvasing in Miami Lakes for one of the candidates for the town council race. The resident told me that the mayor had called said resident from the mayor's phone to discussed issues that were very concerning regarding the elections. I simply felt that I had an obligation to bring this up to all of you. This issue is not only of concern to me but it should be a concern to all of us.
The last point of the discussion was regarding comments that I made to a resident on my disagreement with the actions of Mayor Manny Cid in the last few months. I have taken this position for quite some time now. I disagree with some of the actions taken by the mayor and by most of the town Council and I stand by that position. The Town of Miami Lakes and Mayor Manny Cid are very active on social media and afford everyone the opportunity to express their opinions. Therefore, there should not be any problem with me expressing my opinions on social media platforms.
Now that I have had the opportunity to process what transpired yesterday, I must say that I felt and still feel that I was being harassed and intimidated in yesterday's meeting. The fact that I was called into a meeting where I was told that I was meeting with only the town manager and then brought into a room with all of you was an action of intimidation. Furthermore, during our meeting, I was told by Mayor Manny Cid that I could not publicly comment on social media regarding how I feel the town is moving forward in the wrong direction. I was instructed by the mayor that I am an extension of the town's leadership and therefore cannot verbally speak out against any actions taken by the town. I was instructed by the mayor to contact him on his cell phone if I ever had any disagreements with his actions but not to post it on social media. This is completely against what our country stands for. We all have a constitutional right to express ourselves freely.?The fact that you are all government leaders, holds you to a higher standard for scrutinizing your actions. I feel that I am representation of the town when it comes to how I conduct myself with respect to the Veterans Committee but that does not take away my freedom of speech to comment publicly against any action taken by the town and its representatives.
I sincerely hope that we can all move forward after our meeting yesterday.?
I request that any meeting that we conduct in the future is more transparent with regards to the individuals that will be present and the topics to be discussed.
Thank you for your time. Angel Luis Vazquez, Veteran Committee Chair for The Town of Miami Lakes
It's OK for the sitting Councilmembers to openly endorse a candidate but God forbid, the Chair of a Committee wants to honor Mr. Hassan's service in the Committee. I agree with Mr. Angel Luis, a blatant double standard. Let's see where I have seen the new Councilmember: riding with the Mayor in a drive thru the flooded Town, as a welcoming Council person for a new business with a huge pair of scissors. writing new business items to be in the Mayor's good graces. Pandering is really disgusting.
Mirtha Mendez?Let's discuss this in its entirety... You first mention that is is a lonely job, and please forgive me if I am incorrect, but you are correct... all Miami Lakers ought to bind together in defense of the rights of the individual to speak his / her mind... ours is a government of the people, not to be dictated by our employees as we pay for Town Hall and our Municipal government... So, if I understand what you are saying, you have been overseeing all actions of government to ensure the protection of the governed and we should all stand together when a good cause arises... What better gesture to a Veteran like Angel Luis Vazquez, if we were all to write to defend his first amendment rights of freedom of expression?Mirtha Mendez... I had not thought of?Miguel Martinez?but now that you mention him, he would also be affected by this proposed action... Now, let's get legal... we have created a precedent by allowing them on Committees... we have sent?Miguel Martinez?on our behalf to Tallahassee, Angel Luis has been the Grand Marshall at one of our Veterans Parades... would this not open the door to litigation? Harassment, intimidation, and a removal from a committee? What???
What is happening here?
Town of Miami Lakes First Budget Hearing 09-08-2020, video now available
02:44:42 Chair of Veterans Committee has a question as he has had conversations with Town of Miami Lakes Deputy Attorney Lorenzo Cobiella over recognizing the former chair of the Veterans Committee, Nayib Hassan who had to withdraw as Chair for reasons that we all know of, but the Veterans Committee would like to go ahead and have him present during the remembrance on 9/11. I will like to bring him up, Chair Vazquez will talk about him, wanting to do him justice for all the hard work he has put in to bring this 9/11 remembrance together, and bring it to the Town as inaugural. So, I am asking for the other members of the committee, the members would like an explanation ON THE RECORD of why is it that he can’t be present for this event or tribute?
02:45:57:?Mayor Manny Cid says: “Mr. Attorney…
Deputy Attorney Lorenzo Cobiella says “If he decides he wants to be, that’s their will… -his facial expression looks puzzled, showing tentative disapproval…?however you have to be careful [an awful noise comes across preventing clear sounds or hearing what the Attorney says next]
02:46:10 remove any kind of impropriety from this committee… Mr. Collazo for example removed himself, CM Dieguez has also done, if it is the will of the Committee / Council… I can’t give Mr. Hassan any legal advice, with regards to ethics or issues with the elections department, he would have to seek that advice for himself…?
02:47:00 Veterans Affairs Chair, Angel Luis Vazquez says, I just thought it would be right to bring him up as former Chair of the Committee, we do not care to endorse him or promote him, that is not what we are here to do. We want to give him his due respect for diligence and hard work in making this happen. Bringing this to fruition for the Town of Miami Lakes. It’s that simple.?
02:47:31 Town Attorney Raul Gastesi says, If I may Mr. Mayor… we are just leery of using Town resources to endorse candidates. I am sure he made some major strides in this event and it’s commendable. It’s just, there is a point and we want to be very careful with that. I think that was a good explanation…
02:48:00 Chair Angel L. Vazquez: Mr. Gastesi, I completely understand, and I completely agreed with Mr. Lorenzo two weeks ago. But two weeks ago we didn’t have 90% of the Council, including the Mayor, endorsing other candidates, and now?
02:48:24 Mayor Manny Cid… guys… guys… point of order right now. I am going to adjourn this meeting because now we are getting into other stuff… The Attorney has given his opinion, and at this point the meeting is adjourned unless the Council sees otherwise…?
02:48:38 Vice Mayor Nelson Rodriguez says, I just have one comment, there is no problem Mr. Vazquez in honoring Nayib, maybe you can do that after the election, that way there is no impropriety and that way there is no view of supporting one candidate over the other… to the public and he still gets his recognition as the Veterans Committee wants to do it… that way it is a happy medium… to the Veterans Committee and Mr. Nayib Hassan and that way…
02:49:14 Chair Veterans Committee, Mr. Vice Mayor… I completely understand what I am trying to get at is we are not endorsing him, I honestly didn’t care to bring up that he was a candidate, as I first started, I didn’t mention it, what he was running for cause he, that was you guys!
02:49:30 Vice Mayor Rodriguez No… unfortunately it is viewed that way, Angel… through the public and so, the Town Attorney’s opinion is to prevent any further damage, I wouldn’t say damage, but any impropriety accusing the Council or the Town of supporting one candidate over the other so the happy medium is wait until November and honor him in November after the election… that way, everybody is covered and you get the same accomplishment that you are trying to achieve now…
Just a month and a half later…
02:50:12 Chair Angel L. Vazquez… We will do whatever you guys agree on but I will be clear in saying that I think this is a double standard, just not fair and I will leave it at that…
02:50:20 CM Dieguez says, that is highly incorrect… I’ll call you about that later Angel
02:50:28 Chair Angel L. Vazquez says, I don’t know who just talked but…
Councilman Dieguez replies That was Councilman Dieguez…
Chair: Ok…?
02:50:33 Mayor Manny Cid… alright… another healthy discussion… during the Town Council, thank you guys very much… Have a good night and we’ll see you guys on Friday Take Care, this meeting is adjourned…?
* * * * * * * * * * *
I would like to know why the Police Chief had to be at that meeting? Was the Mayor afraid for his life? I have heard this argument before. Ooops, maybe I'll get called into Town Hall also. Did I somehow write a threat?
Mirtha Mendez A council-member has the same right as any other individual town resident to endorse or support whatever candidate they wish. It would be improper for them to use Town communication assets, or a town event as a platform, for recognizing or favoring one candidate over another in the middle of an election, which is what the chair proposed doing. There is a big difference. What you have seen so far, and will continue to see is my hard work and dedication for serving this town. Also, the only ones I pander to are the 8,419 Miami Lakers who chose me to represent them on the council. If you would like to further discuss, this issue or any other, please call me as you already know I am unable to discuss my position on pending or potential town business on social media.
Tony Fernandez Sincerely HOPE, no punt intended, that you will work to serve the 32,000 Miami Lakes residents whether they voted for you or not, whether they agree with you or not... 8,419 Miami Lakers, unless you have access to the names, addresses, phone numbers of JUST those who voted for you... is a rather difficult thing to achieve…
Hey I got invited to meet the Mayor in his office after I criticized him too! Declined the invite!!
This is the language of the new business. *This new business item is being presented in anticipation of the Certification of the Official Results of the November 3rd, 2020 General Election, which is expected to be received on November 13th. In the event that the Certification of Official Results is not received, this item will be pulled.** Members of committees provide the Town and Council with valuable input, and in many cases bring their personal and professional expertise to opine on town events, policies and procedures, they also make requests to the council on the expenditure of committee funds.?
The current criteria for membership in a town committee is as follows.
I believe that those making recommendations that influence expenditure of town funds generated by tax revenue should be limited to those that are directly impacted as part of our tax base. I propose amending the committee rules to allow only residents (a) and those who own a business or property in the town (c) to serve as full voting members of a committee. Members meeting only Criteria (b) or (d) shall be non-voting “Advisory” members of the committee, and may not vote or hold office on any committee.
Miguel Martinez Thank you for posting the item... If these are the rules, why have we incorporated non-residents into committees and once that was done... why change it now, after an election that has left the country divided and hurting? Sounds retaliatory to me... Those that are in committees ought to remain, Grand Fathered by the design of whom-so-ever did the nomination... Rules and Regulations if this is the language, were NOT followed by Staff, Administration and Council... and when we Incorporated, on the issue of the parks 'tax revenue should be limited to those that directly impact as part of our tax base' We are ALL part of Miami Dade County and were told that anyone was able to visit our parks and make use of our facilities as we ALL PAY TAXES THROUGH THE PROPERTY APPRAISER BECAUSE WE ARE Miami Dade residents... we could go on and on... As for Council members having the same right as any other individual, we agree, but... 'the use of the power of the office held and the recognition thereof' is what is at stake here... To stand in line waiting for voters to say, this person has the full support of the Council or the Mayor... is to use Town resources... the photos on certain Facebook pages is to use Town communication assets... to stand with certain individuals during events sends a clear signal of who is 'liked' we could go on.and on…
Esperanza Amelia Rodriguez Diaz by the language, if this is approved, I will be removed as Chair.
Miguel Martinez Not if we can help it, we sincerely hope all Miami Lakes Residents send public comments to Town Hall... we know we shall!
Miguel Martinez, don't want to interfere with Sunshine Laws... but we hope council members DON'T vote for this outrage... it could put the Town of Miami Lakes in yet another legal nightmare... not sure why the first item for a new council member would be to bring what appears to be retaliation... We pray for the ITEM TO BE WITHDRAWN... and or NOT VOTED BY THE MAJORITY... AMEN!
Miguel Martinez Hi Miguel, I’d like to call you to discuss, please PM me your number and preferred time to speak. -Tony
Let me explain, Tony, what this sounds like..."Call me so we can make an arrangement to keep you in the Committee, but we'll have to get rid of Mr. Vazquez" Tread lightly, Tony. Transparency is the best solution; get it out in the open and not behind closed doors.
Tony Fernandez You have been a supporter of me and what I've been doing since the beginning. That's appreciated. What most people don't know is I have been involved one way or another with the blasting issue for over a decade. This Miami Lakes order of business is insulting. Damage is done. The reality is we are all a community, irrelevant to where lines are drawn and this should not be forgotten. The group I had created to defend ALL of US was made up of people from different communities and backgrounds. It afforded us to combine knowledge and become a force to be reckoned with. Although the group has evolved from its inception, our goal has not. We have discovered the science needed to create an equilibrium between OUR communities and greed.
I was asked to be part of the Blasting Advisory Board on multiple occasions. When the time was right, I accepted the appointment and I was elected as the Chair. I bring to the table a combination of knowledge and information that few have or are willing to share. I am not alone in this light, as other committees are enriched by community members willing to make a difference without drawing lines. Yet we are being set aside as collateral damage.?
This is petty.
For the amount of effort and time we have expelled to improve our community at large, can you imagine if we were to decide the same and the community become the collateral damage?
I congratulate you on your win. Welcome to the dais.
Mirtha Mendez For clarification, my item doesnt remove anyone from any committee, it aims to protect our town, by restricting the ability of those that do not live or own a business or property in the town from making decisions that influence the use of our tax dollars. People that reside outside our boundries, but form a part of our greater community can still volunteer and serve in advisory capacities, and I welcome them to do so.
Miguel Martinez The driving force for this item came from several residents that approached me on the campaign trail that are concerned about non-residents making decisions on how to spend their taxpayer dollars, the blasting committee does not recieve any such dollars. With both blasting and transportation, it is important that we always take a regional approach and whenever possible include stakeholders and experts from outside our municipal boundries to strengthen our position and understanding on those issues.
Really...Who, in their right mind, would volunteer his/her time and not have a vote? Who where the several residents who approached you? Would the Mayor be one of those residents? Would you believe me if I said several residents have approached me and said this New Business Item is retaliatory? What tax dollars were spent that was so egregious to said residents? The $4,500 in Veterans committee doesn't seem so bad to me. Is it the $2,500 for the military tribute banners? A bad excuse on top of a bad move!
Tony Fernandez Unfortunately, this sounds like an excuse, with all the things we need to talk about and work on in Miami Lakes 'several residents' approached you on the campaign trail concerned about NON-RESIDENTS making decisions on how to spend tax payer dollars? And, now that your item on the Agenda attacks someone we think the world of in the Blasting committee... it is stated the blasting committee does not receive any such dollars... really, we sent but a few residents on a bus paid by our tax dollars to Tallahassee to REPRESENT Miami Lakes and if not for Miguel Martinez we would NOT know as much intelligence on this subject... We have a precedent that has allowed non-Miami Lakes residents to belong to committees, nominated by Councilmembers, we have paraded a Grand Marshall that does not live in Miami Lakes, we have non-residents in many of the committees... this is a bad move, pettiness shows right through it... we did not vote for you but this is a defining moment to earn the RESPECT of all Miami Lakers by REMOVING the item and REFUSE to thank a Veteran by retaliating against him... YOU HAVE THE POWER TO BE GREATER THAN THIS... May GOD guide you toward the right position, you are now forging your public persona, your profile ought to be filled with the courage to yield to the will of the people…
Thank you for your response. With no intention of debate, your basis is unfortunately incorrect. The BAB was offered a bus trip to Tallahassee to a tune of +/-$4,300 (if i recall correctly) of Town money. Of the 4 people that took the trip (due to the fact there was no sign up sheet until I advised the town of such and one was placed on the Town's website. It was subsequently removed and placed back 2 days before the trip), only 1 Miami Lake resident went. The other 3 were from the surrounding communities and they wanted to help make a difference. NONE were even on the BAB, other than myself. The Town brought in an engineer to present information +/-$2400 in a public forum regarding the blasting. The engineer presented improper information including naming a property that was used to monitor the blasting for the RESPEC report that stated "in no way could feel the energy wave". Whereas I invalidated his comment as the house in question was my own.
Speaking of my own regard, over $90,000 worth of repairs I have spent to repair that particular house in question was of no liability to the Town. However, the Town is benefiting from the sizable investment of time, effort, and expense I have made to correct it.
Although the semantics of your response is eloquent, the language of the proposal specifically states: "Members meeting only Criteria (b) or (d) shall be non-voting “Advisory” members of the committee, and may not vote or hold office on any committee." By definition, as the elected Chair of the Committee, I hold office.
Be advised, ALL committee members are sworn to the Town. It may have been more effective to spend the time to educate those few residents that suggested to you a detriment to the Town and the Community.
Miguel Martinez Thank you for your opinion, I will give it its due weight when presenting the item. I will refrain from further debate as you requested.
?Mr. Fernández, gotta tell you, this item of yours stinks to high heaven, regardless of your actual intentions. The optics of it are horrific - I can’t see how you could make a case in its favor that won’t reflect very poorly on you. Nothing prevents you from pulling this item for future consideration on your part. It behooves you to provide the public with specific incidents when a non-resident(s) has adversely affected your constituency by influencing how our tax dollars are used. I’m sure many of us would be interested to hear about it. In the meantime, unless you are prepared to present us with such evidence, do the right thing and pull the item. Surely you know how hard it is to find volunteering folks willing to gift this town with their time and expertise - your item bluntly ignores that. Come up with a way to encourage and not discourage people to volunteer their time - and respect them enough to afford them a vote. You can turn this into your first opportunity to show responsiveness to your constituency - or not.
Luli N Chris McArthur It would appear that Tony Fernandez has removed himself from this group. He can no longer see the posts.
The transparency is blinding
Miguel Martinez, don't want to interfere with Sunshine Laws... but we hope council members DON'T vote for this outrage... it could put the Town of Miami Lakes in yet another legal nightmare... not sure why the first item for a new council member would be to bring what appears to be retaliation... We pray for the ITEM TO BE WITHDRAWN... and or NOT VOTED BY THE MAJORITY... AMEN!
Miguel Martinez key issue within the text you shared on the item is the following language: *This new business item is being presented in anticipation of the Certification of the Official Results of the November 3rd, 2020 General Election, which is expected to be received on November 13th. In the event that the Certification of Official Results is not received, this item will be pulled.* In other words, this item may not be possible because I sincerely doubt the election results will be determined, thus this council-member is not yet certified... but... there is another item brought forth by Luis Collazo that addresses similar issues. An interesting move to discuss this regardless of election certification…
Esperanza Amelia Rodriguez Diaz yes I filed a committee tule item. My item is trying to address budgeting items which come before the board and at times May not come foreword with supporting documentation, or the documents are presented at the meeting. That gives us little opportunity to review and also limits the public transparency aspect of what is being discussed at the meeting.
Lmao... best post about Miami lakes EVER!
Happy Veteran's Day and thank you for your service.
Mirtha Mendez thank you to you and all the Miami Lakers for standing United with us the volunteers and trying to protect us from what’s going on. Have a great day
Is this a done deal? Or will sending public comments to the council help anything? I don’t like spitting in the wind.
The Councilman proposing this New Business Item is NOT a Councilman YET since the election has not been certified.
Louise Brown Public Comments are the key... and nothing is ever a done deal until the public is heard... while many never hear us... To send public comments if something is upsetting us is a fundamental right of every Miami Laker, we shall be sending ours... we seem to be the only ones most of the time, but if an item goes on the agenda and there is no reaction from the public... its passing will affect our lives and I, for one, like to know I tried…?
Luis Collazo Thank you…
Louise Brown Mirtha Mendez Luis Collazo has a similar item and while he answered that it is all about budgeting, it opens the opportunity TWICE for us to send public comments with regards to the perceived notion that belonging to a committee puts a stop to our Constitutional Right of freedom of speech... In fact... watch Fox News Hannity show of last night, where Florida Senator Marco Rubio during 11-10-2020 Sean Hannity speaks on this subject...
State of Florida -flawlessly- provided election results
@ 00:58 on the dial, people’s confidence on the elections process is paramount
Half this Nation does not have confidence, the system has to be allowed to go forward, both sides should be working towards ensuring adherence to Constitutional law
@ 02:38 Senator Rubio says ‘ The future of the Republican Party will be composed of multi-racial working class Americans. Normal, hard-working, every day citizens; that don’t want to live in communities where there is no police department, or allow people to rampage through streets every time they are upset about something… where kids are afraid they will fail a college course because they disagree with their crazy professor, ******* whether they are NOT allowed to speak on one issue because they may get fired from their job********* or they are going to be called racists because they wear a MAGA hat, or a sticker on their cars.
Should we write to our Senator? Marco Rubio is a personal friend of Mayor Manny Cid and it would be rather interesting today, Veterans Day, if a Veteran writes to our Senator... or many residents do, to inform our Senator of how, under a REPUBLICAN administration.... we try to violate Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech just because we belong to a committee…
How to contact the offices of State of Florida Senator Marco Rubio
Miami Offices: 7400 SW 87th Avenue, Suite #270, Miami, FL 33173
Phone: 305-596-4224 Fax: 305-596-4345
Washington DC Office: 284 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 - Phone: 1-202-224-3041
I will say on multiple occasions that I have voiced my opinion on Social Media on something that the Mayor has said or done that he has responded with contacting him to meet at his office to discuss further. I always decline his invite. Now that I have read this post and Angel's email on what took place I am glad that I declined. I am of the mindset if you have nothing to hide then why not respond openly on a public forum.
Daissys Estrada Bravo!!! We fell for that one a long time ago as M.Cid called us to his office... nothing like what was experienced by a Veteran but he did say we had not seen eye to eye in many instances... I love that expression, it is so strange to me... so I replied... that is interesting because our parents taught us that those that have differing perspectives actually help us grow…
One thing that the Mayor and the council-members have always said that the commitment and dedication of our Town's Volunteers is what makes this Town standout differently than other places. What makes our Town special is not only the residents but the volunteers whether they are residents or not that are willing to take time from their busy lives to dedicate time to the well being of our Town.
So now it seems that a dedicated Volunteer like Angel Luis shared his opinion on something that the Mayor did or said and the Mayor did not like what was said. What a coincidence all of a sudden a soon to be new Council member Tony Fernández that has not been sworn in is including an agenda item to request to make changes that will affect our dedicated volunteers that do not live or work in our Town including Miguel Martinez. However, where our volunteers live or work had never been an issue nor was it ever a concern before as long as they were committed and dedicated and it has been a pleasure having them as if they were residents. Having said that, as we all know it is hard to find dedicated volunteers.
I will say, in my honest opinion this has nothing to do with having the fear of these committee members misspending our tax dollars and I strongly doubt that has been a concern of any resident, especially when residents have had multiple opportunities to bring these concerns up during any Town Council meetings throughout the years. Also if it were a concern with the residents this would have been an agenda item long long before now.?
As Esperanza Amelia Rodriguez Diaz said this seems like retaliation and using Angel as example on what the mayor does not want on social media.?
So they make up some agenda item to have Angel removed or limit his capabilities as Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee.
I strongly hope that our council members come to their senses and realize how this agenda item could affect great dedicated volunteers in the future and VOTE NO BY MAJORITY OR SIMPLY WITHDRAW IT.
Luis Collazo Josh Dieguez Marilyn Olazabal Ruano I hope you can reason with Jeffrey Rodriguez, Carlos O. Alvarez to vote against this ridiculous, outlandish, childish, petty and retaliatory agenda by the Mayor and the newly elected councilman that hasn’t been sworn in yet. I fear that this pathetic agenda item will have lasting effects that will negatively impact Miami Lakes. #growup