Angel Bra -- Great Support and Comfort -- And Wireless!
Angel Bra -- Great Support and Comfort -- And Wireless!
Did you know that 85% of Most Women are Wearing the Wrong Size Bra?
Check Out The Angel Bra -- Great Support and Comfort -- And Wireless!
The Angel Bra is made of a sturdy lace and PowerNet material that provides excellent benefits to firm, equalize, and reshape the bust. All of this is done without under wire, boning or foam padding.
The Angel Bra is designed an Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr Leonel Kelly, and not a clothes designer. This bra is used by the female astronauts of the NASA Space program because of its special features and design.
Order yours today @
Check out our Online Catalog @ pg 28
This bra helps eliminate fragmentation of the bust due to improperly fitting bras with under wire. The inner cotton suspension band and the support straps are designed for maintaining the perfect lift every woman desires. Comes in over 250 sizes.
Cups: A to KK and special sizes by special request
AVAILABLE COLORS: Black, Beige and White
For more info please feel free to Message Me or
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#WeightLossCafe4Ever #ArdyssAngelBra #IAmArdyss #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth