Android Real device or emulator automation on Mac steps
Gopi Raghavendra
1. Install homebrew (package manager for macOS and is used to install software packages)
Command: /usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL”
2. Install node and npm (Appium dependencies)
Commands to check if node and npm are installed:
node -v
npm -v
Command to install node: brew install node (This will install npm as well)
Command to check node installation path: where node
3. Install Appium server using NPM (Appium CLI)
Command to install Appium: npm install -g Appium
Command to check Appium version: appium -v
Command to check Appium installation path: where appium
3. Install Appium server using Appium Desktop client
Download link:
4. Install JAVA JDK (not the JRE!)
– Command to check if JAVA is already installed: java -version
– JAVA JDK download link:
5. Install Android Studio
– Android Studio download link:
6. Set JAVA_HOME and ANDROID_HOME environment variables
Option1 (zprofile – MacOS Catalina default shell is zsh):
-> Navigate to home directory: cd ~/
-> Open zprofile file: open -e .zprofile
-> Create zprofile file: touch .zprofile
-> Add below entries:
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
export ANDROID_HOME=${HOME}/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=”${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools:${PATH}”
-> source .zprofile
Option2 (zprofile and bashprofile):
-> Navigate to home directory: cd ~/
-> Open bash profile file: open -e .bash_profile
-> Create bash profile: touch .bash_profile
-> Add below entries:
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
export ANDROID_HOME=${HOME}/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=”${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools:${PATH}”
-> Open zprofile file: open -e .zprofile
-> Create zprofile file: touch .zprofile
-> add this line: source .bash_profile
echo $PATH
7. Verify installation using appium-doctor
– Command to install appium-doctor: npm install -g appium-doctor
– Command to get appium-doctor help: appium-doctor –help
– Command to check Android setup: appium-doctor –android
8. Emulator Setup: Create AVD and start it
Open Android Studio
Click Configure option
Click “AVD Manager” option
Click “Create Virtual Device” button
Select the phone model
Download the Image for desired OS version if not already downloaded
Start AVD
9. Emulator Setup: Create driver session with the AVD using Appium Inspector
Download link for dummy app:
Note: If using Appium desktop, might get error with adb tool because Appium Desktop
cannot read ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME path from the zsh/bash profile.
To resolve, set ANDROID_HOME to SDK path and JAVA_HOME to Java home path using “Edit Configurations” option
while launching the Appium Desktop.
10. Real Device Setup: Enable USB debugging on Android mobile
On your phone,
Go to Settings
Click System option
Click “About Phone” option
Click on “Build Number” 7 to 8 times
Go back to Settings
Open Developer Options
Enable “USB Debugging”
11. Real Device Setup: Create driver session using Appium Inspector
Download link for dummy app:
Note: If using Appium desktop, might get an error with ADB tool because Appium Desktop
cannot read the ANDROID_HOME path from the zsh/bash profile.
To resolve, set ANDROID_HOME to SDK path using “Edit Configurations” option
while launching the Appium Desktop.