Android minecraft compass drawing App Example

Android minecraft compass drawing App Example

The compass is?, a tool that indicates directions such as North, South and East.?They are also called the cardinal directions.

It’s actually a?magnetic?metal piece that will point towards Earth’s magnetic north?compass.?Pocket compasses are the most common.?The compass looks like a small watch, and when it is held in the hand, it will show you which direction to go north.

Earth is a huge?magnet?with two centres of power, the North Pole and South Pole.?As the core of our planet spins, it creates a?field.?It is this magnetic field that makes up the north and southern poles, and compasses can work.

The needle of a compass, which is usually made of iron, is magnetised and placed on a pin or pivot. It’s then suspended in liquid, most commonly mineral oil or white spirits, so that it can turn freely.?When held flat in the hand, the compass needle detects the magnetic field on Earth. It then faces Magnetic North.?The device allows the user to determine all other directions.

How is a compass useful?

Maps?could be made with the help of the compass.?The compass even helped to establish that the Earth was a globe, and not flat.

Android Make App compass drawing Example


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